TRACY TAKES OVER ELQ!!! (S&L Episode: 36)

Secrets & Lies: Episode 36
ICU: Tracy, Edward & ELQ Board Meeting
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler & Na’Vell J. Lee
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
GH begins with the members of the board of ELQ chatting with each other. Monica keeps her distance from Alan, Tracy & Luke discuss strategy with one another, Ned tells Skye that unlike the rest of the family, he won’t ostracize her for being with the one she loves. Everyone gets silent when Edward walks into the room.
Edward: Good evening. I called you all here to discuss the news about the state of ELQ. First off, I want to say that our chance to acquire Basic Black which is based out of Salem, fell through due to the incompetence of one, Tracy Quartermaine.
Tracy: So you decided this is the time to discuss this? In front of the board?
Skye: Maybe a little public humiliation will do you some good Tracy.
Tracy: I'll show you some damn public humiliation.
Alan: Stop you two.
Luke: I’m all for two beautiful women fighting in the board room.
Monica: No one asked you what you wanted Luke.
Ned: That’s right. Maybe you should be quiet Luke.
Tracy: Don’t you speak to my husband that way.(turning to Luke) Shut up.
Edward (clearing his throat): As I was saying, the failure to acquire that company has made what I’m about to say a lot easier. As many of you know, I returned this past summer and took control of my company once more. I felt that under the leadership of Tracy, we were going nowhere, so, I did what I thought was right and removed her as the CEO. Now that I’ve been back, I’ve remembered what a stressful and challenging job being the CEO is. At my age, this is something that I should not be doing on a day to day basis.
Just then Carly strolls into the board room.
Carly: Sorry I’m late.
Tracy (whispering to Luke): What is she doing here?
Luke: I don’t know. She told me that we had her votes, but I didn’t know she would show up. That’s why I have her proxies.
Tracy: Well they are useless now since she’s showed up.
Alan: What is she doing here?
Edward: I’ve asked Carly to be here because this is very important business that needs to be tended to. Alan, as much as I may dislike Carly, she holds two votes on this board and it is crucial that she is here. Now…..I have decided that though I’m just as sharp as I was 30 years ago, I can no longer serve the way I want. I have stood aside in the past to allow those in my family to step up and prove themselves. And while some have succeeded, others have disappointed me greatly. After some long, hard debating on the subject, I realize that it is time for the new direction at ELQ. That is why I am stepping down as the CEO.
A loud chorus of “what” is spread throughout the room. All appear to be shocked, even Carly. Through Tracy and Luke don’t act surprised, Alan reacts very differently.
Alan: Father, you can't be serious! ELQ is your life. No one can run it as smoothly as you can.
Edward: Alan, ever since Lila died, I knew this was what I had to do. Besides, if it were up to me, you would be running this company but you chose a different path.
Alan: So it’s already done. No questions about it?
Edward: That is correct. As a matter of fact, this is why I called you here today. To meet who I have selected to lead ELQ after my departure. I expect the board will go along with my decision.
Everyone in the board room looks at one another, wondering just who exactly Edward will name CEO of ELQ.
Edward: I have thought this situation over very carefully and I want the board to respect my decision, and to confirm my selection.
Tracy (to Luke): Now is the time.
Edward: My choice is someone who is headstrong. Someone who I trust will lead this company upward and do me proud. Originally I thought that this position would be held by another, but I’ve changed my mind. It is time that I-
Tracy: It is time that you sit down and let someone else speak.
Alan: Tracy?! Show some respect.
Tracy: Shut up Alan! For too long I’ve been jerked around by your whimsical decisions. First you’re here, then you’re not, then you return, then you leave. NO MORE. I know exactly who you planned on selecting as your successor and I will have nothing of it.
Edward: There is no way you could have known.
Tracy: I’ve known for weeks now that you’ve planned on stepping down and Daddy, I think this is the greatest gift that you could give us. However, the person you had in mind, will surely not be confirmed by the board.
Monica: You don’t know that Tracy. I have no problem confirming Edward’s selection.
Alan: Neither do I.
Tracy: Oh really? You’d really confirm the girlfriend of a mobster? The future wife of a crimeboss? I mean come on, this entire company would go to hell.
Skye: Edward has even selected his replacement yet and you just assume it’s me? I mean I’m flattered if it was true, and I’d do my best. My relationship with Lorenzo is not a factor.
Luke: Actually it is Blaze. We all know that you tend to lose your reasoning when it comes to him.
Skye: Why? Because I chose him over you? This whole supporting thing that you’re doing with Tracy is just you trying to prove that you’re over me.
Tracy: He doesn-
Luke: I can speak for myself. While we did have something special, you couldn’t accept me for who I am. I made a fool of myself chasing you around and begging you to choose me. Well I stopped it. I had someone who loved me for who I am, faults and all, in her own twisted way. Spanky buns here is my choice Skye. What I feel for her, as dysfunctional as it may be, is real. I don’t have to fake anything with her or be someone that I’m not.
Tracy: Exactly. And it is because of Luke that you will never be seated as the CEO.
Edward: QUIET!! You will not disrupt this meeting any longer Tracy! My selection will be named and approved now.
Tracy: No it won’t. Under the by-laws of ELQ, I am officially challenging your selection of Skye as the CEO and putting myself in the contention. And under article U section 135, you cannot do anything else until an up or down vote is taken. I am ordering that my challenge be put on record and I get either a yes or no vote as to whether I will be the new CEO.
Edward: Tracy you don’t understand what-
Alan: No father. Let her do it. Let Tracy be embarrassed by her actions when we vote no.
Ned: Mother you need to respect grandfather’s decision.
Edward; FINE! One by one, we will vote. As chairman of the board, we will take a take vote.
Edward begins calling the names of those on the board and asking for there vote. Voting goes just the way Tracy and Luke expected, but there were some things they didn’t count on. For instance, Monica backs Tracy as the CEO and uses Emily’s proxy as well to give Tracy her vote. Alan sides with Edward’s decision. Carly actually comes through for Luke & Tracy and gives her two votes to Tracy. When all is said and done, Tracy is voted in the new CEO of ELQ! Tracy smiles to everyone as the meeting comes to end. The other members apologize to Edward, but say they were kind of forced to vote her way. Alan tries to get Monica to explain her actions, but she feels she is under no obligation to explain anything to him.
Two hours after the meeting, Tracy walks into Edward’s office gloating. Edward however, is not happy.
Tracy: What’s wrong daddy? I thought you would be proud of me for what I did.
Edward: A part of me is my dear, but another part of me is so disappointed in you. Did it ever occur to you that Skye was not my choice for the CEO?
Tracy: Of course not. Who else would you chose? Me?
Edward: No, I wasn’t going to chose you. I would have thought that you had more respect for your father’s business decisions, but you don’t. I know you’re happy with your coup, but I want you to understand something, maybe deep down in that black place that you call your heart, you’ll feel something.
Tracy: I’m listening.
Edward: Skye was in fact my choice for the CEO.
Tracy: I knew it!
Edward: Originally….
Tracy: What?
Edward: Originally I had chosen Skye, but there is no way that I would have allowed the CEO of ELQ to cavort around with a degenerate mobster. On top of that, Skye wouldn’t have been the best decision because of her lack of experience. The person I intended on selecting was Ned.
Tracy: Ned?
Edward: Yes. I have been too hard on him in the past, but this time, he would have had my complete support as the CEO. So congratulations Tracy. Due to your innate hatred of Skye, you robbed your son of the chance to make not only me, but you proud. So here’s to you Tracy. Madame CEO…here’s to your victory.
Edward then takes the bottle of wine and hands it to Tracy. He looks at her with praise, yet also disappointment. He grabs his coat and exits the office. Tracy then slowly walks behind the desk that now belongs to her and sits down. She stares at the door with a blank expression on her face. No joy, no sadness, but a look of remorse. The camera slowly pulls away from the close up of her face as GH comes to an end.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Ned blasts Tracy for the stunt she pulled
- Nikolas consoles his Alexis after she breaks down
- Lorenzo learns what happened at the meeting from Skye
- Patrick returns to Port Charles with some bad news
- Carly pays Lucky a visit
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