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November 30, 2006



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-It's a new day in Salem. At University Hospital, Kate and Caroline are drinking some coffee when a doctor calls for their attention. They are then joined by Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Lucas, Frankie, Max, and Cassie. Sami and Austin arrive as well and ask for an update. Caroline says they are about to get one. Kate and Caroline ask if Chelsea and Abby made it true surgery. After many hours in the OR, the doctor says they both made it but are in a coma. Everyone is devestated. Max runs off, clearly upset. Frankie goes after him, followed by Cassie.

-Frankie assures Max that Jennifer is looking over Abby and she will be fine, just like he is sure the Benson's are looking over Chelsea. Max says he hopes that is the case. He already feels like he let both girls down enough, citing how he abadoned Chelsea during her rape ordeal and how he treated Abby. Frankie says everyone makes mistakes and that Max did everything he could to save them at the bridge. Max says it still may not be enough.

Frankie sees the look in his eyes and says he knows that Max will always care about Chelsea but he has a different look in his eyes when talking about Abby. He tells Max to admit he has fallen for Abby. Max denies it, saying they are both close friends. They grew close during the island fiasco and after but that's it. He thinks of her as just as much a friend as Chelsea. Frankie knows there is more to it and tells Max that if Abby does survive, he should act on any feelings he has. Life is too short to hesistate. He leaves as Max contemplates what he said.

Meanwhile, both Max and Frankie are unaware that Cassie overheard their conversation. Cassie is clearly bothered by it and realizes she has grown to really care about Max. She then says it's no longer about helping her grandfather get his revenge. She now wants Max...for herself. As a Dimera, she vows to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

-Nicole is still by Eric's side. Caroline, Sami, and Austin arrive to check in. Nicole says Eric is still asleep. he hears everyone there and wakes up. He is very weak and says that it's not long now. He can tell. Caroline tells him he needs to have hope. They are all praying for a miracle and they do happen. It's nearly that time of year. Sami echoes those sentiments and shoots a look at Nicole to agree, which she does. Eric refuses to believe there is any hope and says he has accepted he is dying and it's time they all did too.

-Greta is at the park when she gets a call from Victor in Sydney. He apologizes for not calling her back the night before but admits alot is going on and it took him awhile to do what he had to. Victor tells her that Dr. Rowen is on his way and will be at University Hospital by afternoon. Greta asks how he could get there so fast. Victor mentions how Dr. Rowen was already on his way to the US and he had his people track him down. That is what took so long for him to call back. Greta is pleased and thanks Victor. Victor says he did it for Caroline and Bo. He owed them. He asks Greta to let him know how it all turns out. She agrees and hangs up. Greta goes to the hospital and waits for Dr. Rowen before telling anyone about him. Thinking about Victor helping her, Greta wonders if she has misjudged her father.

-In Sydney, Victor explains what is going on with Eric to Maggie. Maggie heard Roman telling Bo and the others and admits it's horrible. She is very pleased Victor helped. He said he had to after what has just happened to Bo because of him and how Shawn Sr died because of him. Maggie insists those incidents were not his fault. Victor says they were indirectly and he should be blamed. He tends to always hurt the ones he loves and admits he is like the poison Roman calls him. Maggie denies that is true.

Victor asks Maggie if she is going to listen to Roman's warning and stay away from him. Maggie defiantly says no and that no one tells her what to do. Victor is her friend and has been there for her. Victor appreciates her loyalty but thinks Maggie should hold to the promise she made him and stay out of his business and away from him. He doesn't want her getting hurt. Maggie says she will do her best to stay out of his business but she will never stay away from him. She has grown to care too much and he is important to her. He did so much for her and she wants to return the favor. Victor feels the same. Maggie puts her hand on his and they both smile and thank each other for always being there for one another.

-Caroline, Austin, Sami, and Nicole leave Eric's room as they are told to by a nurse who needs to check him out. They wait outside and are joined by Kate, Lucas, Doug, Julie, Bill, Laura, Cassie, Frankie, and Max. Laura says that the girls are being brought down from OR now but they can't see them yet so they wanted to see what was going on with Eric. Caroline says there is no change and time is running out. Nicole adds that it may already be too late.

Greta then arrives in the waiting area with Dr. Rowen behind her. She tells them all she has news about Eric and that there is hope yet. She explains her research, how she was unable to get Dr. Rowen to come to Salem, and how Victor helped her bring Dr. Rowen to Salem. Greta explains who he is and his expertise in tumors and anerysms. Dr. Rowen goes into Eric's room to learn more about Eric's condition and to examine him. The Brady's are hopeful and excited and thank Greta. They feel bad for blasting her yesterday and they all apologize, even a reluctant Nicole. Greta thanks them for understanding and says they all just need to wait and pray...that this is the miracle they needed.

The screen then fades out on a hopeful Greta and Nicole looking in on Dr. Rowen examining Eric in his room.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Jack (with Billie): We're home!! (looks at his empty house) Where is everyone?

Shane to Abe: It seems Stefano is lying low.

Abe to Shane: Yeah...waiting to strike again.

Laura to Jack: There is something you should know.

Sami: Well, Dr. Rowen, can you save my brother?


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