S&L: Episode 28

Secrets & Lies: Episode 28
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler & Na'Vell J. Lee
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy walks into the living room looking over some folders that involves ELQ. She begins to check over things on her list when she’s angered by what she sees. She then gets on the phone to make an important phone call.
Tracy: Yes, I am looking over these ELQ figures and they seem to have dramatically fallen short of what I originally expected. I put a lot of time and effort into this project, and to see these numbers is a disgrace to me and the company!........What do you mean Skye changed the protocols regarding the production for the product? She doesn’t have the authority to make such changes…….Oh, so my father gave her that power? Well, we won’t have to worry about her or him much longer. Now you get off your ass and put my original protocol back into effect. You hear me?
Tracy then hangs up the phone and sighs out of frustration. She begins to talk to herself about everything falling into place when Skye enters the room and questions what she was talking about.
Skye: Exactly what is falling into place Tracy?
Tracy, startled that Skye may have heard enough to figure out what she is up to, hides the ELQ folder behind her back.
At MetroCourt, Luke makes his way over to Carly behind the bar, not looking too pleased to see him.
Carly: Oh, look what the wind blew in.
Luke: Now is that to talk to me, niece of mine?
Carly: When it is you, yes. What you want Uncle Luke?
Luke: Well, I think you may change your tune when I have a proposition to make to you.
Carly: And just what exactly is that?
Luke: I need you to do your old uncle a favor. I need you to loan me Michael’s proxy for some ELQ business.
Carly: Ummm….tell me why I should do that?
Luke: Because we’re family. We’re Spencer’s, and we watch out for each other…..and because I want to put that old buzzard in his place! I'm done with him and his whole family trying to ruin me and my family.
Carly: I’ll tell you what. I’m intrigued, but I still don’t see how this will benefit me or my child. I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. However, I want to know what’s in this for me.
Luke: Let’s just say if things go my way, you’ll have a few favors that you can call in with me. I know that you’ve been working on acquiring a company using an ELQ subsidiary that you just purchased. You do this for me, and I’ll make sure you get what it is you’re after. Now, what do you say, niece of mine?
Carly: (smiles) Don’t screw me over Luke. You’ll regret it. I think we have a deal though.
Luke: Great. Just great. Don't forget Caroline, Thanksgiving Dinner w/ the Q's.
Carly: Oh I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Luke smiles back at Carly, knowing that with her help, ELQ will fall right into his and Tracy's lap.
- Tracy: Skye, listen, it's not what you think it is. I was merely.... (she then notices Edward make his way into the living room, and is able to cover her tracks)...merely trying to get the whole family together for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.
Skye: (sarcastically) Right. Like I am supposed to believe that you are actually looking forward to a pizza Thanksgiving.
Edward: Well, I know Tracy here has her faults...marrying that punk Spencer for example...but for once, I think Tracy is actually looking forward to have some quality time with the family. No pizza this year. We will be having an extravagant feast to celebrate our family.
Tracy: It really is about uniting the families. The Spencers & the Quartermaines….and those associated with us will dine in style.
Skye: Wow. I think I just walked in on the Twilight Zone. If you really think that this wench is looking to share some family love, you really have lost your mind.
- At the docks, Helena is on the phone talking to one of her servants. She tells him that she intends on spending Thanksgiving with Nikolas and her great-grandson no matter what the odds are, and asks his help to make it happen. She then gets off the phone with him, and has a sudden flashback to the night when Sam, Alexis, Jason, Ric, and Lucky, were in the fire. She snaps out of it and proceeds to make her way to her destination.
- The citizens of POrt Charles prepare for Thanksgiving
- Edward is surprised by how many people are going to show up
- Helena is worried when her captive escapes
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