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November 20, 2006



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-Max drags Abby and Chelsea into Chez Rouge but stays mum to everyone about where he brought them from. Caroline is pleased when Cal arrives and she reminds him he is always welcome as he is still considered a Brady, the same way they think of Cassie. She is happy he came. The Horton, Brady & Roberts families sit down and try their best to have a civil Thanksgiving dinner as their MIA loved ones would want that. One by one, each person gives their thanks for the good that has entered their lives, hoping that their other loved ones are safe and sound.

-Will is sitting at the table, being very secretive. He clams up all together when Sami & Lucas start going on about plans for his future, which they hope will include a wife and children.

-Meanwhile, Celeste is still having horrible visions about tragedy in Sydney and in Salem and hopes for the best and that things will somehow turn out good. But, she doesn’t see it that way, as these visions are not subsiding and are only becoming stronger.

-After dinner and while everyone is having dessert, Max pulls Frankie to the outer hallway and tells him all about finding Abby & Chelsea at the Salem Bridge and what activity was going on there. Chelsea hears this conversation, and walks over to Abby, telling her that she is going back to the bridge tonight. Abby is aghast by this, reminding her what was going on there and what could happen if she returned. Chelsea says that she is intent on having a great time and that nothing or no one will stop her. Abby rolls her eyes. After dessert, Frankie & Max look around for both girls, and become terrified when they realize that both girls are gone.

-Back at Eric’s suite, Nicole stands in the hallway, crying her eyes out. She feels the decision has been made. She reaches into her purse and pulls out two items, her handkerchief and her cellphone. She cleans up her face and calls the airport, seeing if her seat is still booked. Then, she calls HighStyle, to inform them of her arrival in Los Angeles early the next morning. They are very pleased because they were about to give her spot to someone else. She thanks them once again for the opportunity to thinks things over and hangs up, saying a defiant good-bye to Eric & Salem...forever.

-Meanwhile, in Eric’s room, Greta has overheard all of this, and tells him that his stupid plan worked. Nicole is leaving and she tells him that what he has done is cruel. Eric holds his head, saying that he is surprised that she feels that way. She says it just proves how selfish he really is. As she is putting her clothes back on, Eric’s vision becomes very blurry and then, suddenly, he cries out in pain. He passes out from it, falling to the floor. Greta is terrified and jumps to the phone, calling 911 and kneeling by Eric, trying to wake him up.

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Sydney, Australia

In Sydney, Jack & Billie are still trapped in a shaft with gas filling in. Billie comes up with a plan. After hearing guards below them, she insists that they both surprise the guards, feeling that they can’t stay in there forever. Jack agrees and, when the see the guards directly beneath them, jump through the bottom of the shaft, landing on both guards. Knocking them out, they grab their weapons and take off down the corridor. After outrunning the gas that was activated, Jack wonders what they do now. Billie tells him to look at the camera above them. He does and, just as Billie pulls her gun and aims, he gives the camera, and Stefano, the finger, as she shoots out the lens with a smile.

In another part of the lower catacombs, Abe is being held by DiMera’s men along with the others, while Alexandra slaps him over and over again. She berates him for taking her son from her, as well as turning her friends against her. He and the others tell her that she did that all by herself. He asks her to stop this madness but she refuses, saying that she has found her home. Abe asks with that bastard father of hers? Abe’s chin stings once again with another slap by Alexandra. She turns while holding her hand and looks at the monitor, knowing her father is watching. She seems conflicted at this moment, because her heart still belongs to this man. She leaves to return to Stefano.

-Abe seems crushed but Hope tells assures he tried and the Lexie they knew may be lost to them. Bo & Victor tell the ladies that they don’t need their interference on this. Hope says yes they do and won’t leave until they agree to let them be apart of this. Maggie agrees. Victor turns to Bo and asks has she always been like this. Bo says yes, ever since they were young. Both Bo & Hope smile, while looking lovingly at each other.

-Kayla turns Steve around and speaks with him, telling him that once they are free, she will do everything she can to give him back his past. Steve tells her how grateful he is, while thinking that the first chance he gets, he’s getting the hell away from her and everyone else. He wants nothing to do with his past because he fears what it may hold and doesn't want to disappoint anyone. Just then, Bo walks up to him and doesn’t have the words to say. He just can’t believe his friend is alive. Steve half smiles, telling him he wishes he could remember him and maybe that will happen somehow at some point.

-Just as Bo embraces Steve, Roman walks up on the group and expresses his shock over seeing Steve alive. Looking at Steve like he’s seen a ghost, he tells him it’s good to see him again. When Steve tells him he doesn’t remember him, Roman tells him that he knows a thing about having no past and tells him not to push it. Steve smiles, glad he has found a man who knows what he’s going through.

-Roman then takes two steps away from him, saying out loud to Stefano that tonight, this all ends, once and for all. Stefano, with a conflicted Lexie at his side, warns them that it will end and end very poorly for all of them. That is when two guards break through the doors, point to the group, and then turn towards the cameras, immediately shooting out the screens on the walls. When they remove their masks, they reveal the faces of Jack & Billie. Everyone is grateful to see them but Roman tells the group that now is not the time for reunions. It’s time to find DiMera and end this whole damn thing so they can get out of here. They all agree and then grow silent, as two men walk towards each other.

Jack: Well.......it is.......agreeable to see you again.

Steve: You’re Star Trek fan, huh?

Jack: Yeah. Don’t you remember?

Steve: (After a brief pause) No, I don’t. I have no memory.

Jack: Well, I guess we can work on that. At your time, and your pace.

Steve: I’d like that.

Jack: (With tears coming down his face) It’s good to see you again, bro.

Steve: Likewise, Jack.

The brothers hug, as the group looks on. Kayla is also crying, happy that these two men have been reunited, and as the screen freeze-frames on both men, the screen slowly fades to black.

Next Time, On An Action-Packed Salem Lives................

Max to Frankie: We need to find them before it's too late.

Abby to Chelsea: This could be dangerous.

Chelsea to Abby: I don't care.

Greta: It's time the truth came out Eric.

Nicole: Goodbye Salem!!

Victor to Stefano: It ends here, Dimera.

Stefano to Victor: Yes...for all of you it does.


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