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Episode 014: THE LIGHT



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The Light: Episode 014

Friday, November 17, 2006
  • The Beacon is secured as everyone reacts to the shooting...Cassie and Josh seem to be fine, but as Reva is standing she sees blood all over her white gown and screams out when she sees...

  • Rick arrives back at the hospital and goes to see Mel. He tells Mel that he needs her to come back to him, now more than ever because he almost done something that would have sent their lives into a downward spiral...Rick begin to tear up and begs her to come back to him...

  • Reva screams out as she sees Tony bleeding and calls out for a doctor and paramedics rushes towards his cousin!!

  • Shayne decides that he is tired of being stuck in the house with everyone and tells Marah he is going to a local bookstore or something. Once there he runs into a guy his own age named Derek Bowden [Matt Lanter]. The two seem to hit it off and Shayne tells Derek that he is visiting his brother and sister-in-law, Derek says he got stuck in Minneapolis because of delayed flights and that he is on his way home to New York City for Thanksgiving. The guys talk...end up having coffee and Shayne leaves.

  • Reva is sobbing at Tony's side and begs him to fight this...she is weeping when the paramedics pushes her aside to see his son, Reva is crying beyond control as Josh takes her in his arms, she finally composes herself and then locks eyes with Roxie and charges after, "What have you done? Why?" Reva asks.

  • At Cedars, Rick is holding Mel's hand as she begins to wake from her coma, asking what happened!!

  • Cassie says that she has to find Danny and Frank tells her that they are going to take Tony to Cedars and that she should find Danny and tell him what happened. Cassie says she will, but asks what is going to happen with Roxie and Franks says that they will put her in jail tonight and deal with her the next day.

  • Rick explains that someone hit her with a car and the doctors put her into a drug related coma so that her body could heal, which apparently it has done. Mel places her hand over her stomach and says she saw the woman who hit her...as Harley arrives with a picture of Roxie Shayne.

  • Danny and Cassie arrive at Cedars just as Tony is arriving in the ambulance...doctors work to stablize him as Danny waits outside...

  • In Washington D.C. Michelle [The role of Michelle Bauer Santos is now being played by Christie Clark] boards the plane and sits down next to a very handsome man her age. She asks where he is headed to and he says that he is going to Oakdale, Illinios. The man introduces himself, Dr. Braxton O'Dell [Jason Campbell]. Michelle says that she grew near Oakdale...the two continue talking throughout the flight, which would connect in Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Reva and Josh arrive at Cedars where they tell Danny and Cassie that Frank has Roxie in custody and that they will question her tomorrow. Reva says that Roxie is her sister and was responsible for stalking her, just as Harley shows the picture to Mel and she identifies her as the woman who ran her over. Rick is stunned to see Roxie after all these years, but does not tell Mel his connection to her.

  • Reva apologizes to Danny and he says that it wasn't her fault and is almost ready to forgive her when a doctor comes out and breaks the news to Danny, that TONY HAS DIED!!!!


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Good Job! I know that is such a cliche' and it seems everybody uses those words when they comment on a blog! But,I really am enjoying your interpretation of GL.

Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Thanks!!! I knew something big was going to have to happen with Reva's stalker...it being her sister and then Tony taking the bullet for her, it is going to have long legs for Marah when she returns!!!

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