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November 16, 2006



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Salem, Illinois

-Max arrives at the Deveraux house and is seeking out his brother, Frankie, for his help. Frankie reminds Max they are running late for Thanksgiving at Chez Rouge already and they need to leave once Cassie shows up. Max understands but wants to know what can be done about Chelsea and Abby and fills him in on what is going on with them and the two guys they met. Max says that he doesn’t have a clue how to handle them and then asks if they are at home. Frankie says yes, thank God. Max hopes they don’t go out with those two guys they met last night. Just then, both girls come downstairs dressed very provocatively. Max wants to know where they are going like that and then is reminded he already knows. Chelsea says for him to mind his business. She owes no one any explanation. Abby just looks on in silence. Meanwhile, Frankie goes into the kitchen and calls Kate so she can talk some sense into her granddaughter.

-Frankie tells both girls that he will not just let their behavior right now slide. Today is Thanksgiving and they need to be around the family that is here right now since most of them are off in Sydney. Abby wonders when her father will return home. Frankie looks at Max and tells Abby that it won’t be too much longer. She wonders why he split so soon after her mother died. He tells her that his brother, Steve, may in fact be alive. The real reason why they all left is because Jack, Roman & Co. have went to Australia to find Steve and Kayla, who has disappeared, and bring them home. Abby asks who is responsible for Steve’s disappearance? Frankie tells her that one of the people being sought is Stefano DiMera.

-Abby comments on how deadly that man is, saying that she already lost her mother, and now her father is in danger. She says she can’t handle it and runs out of the house. Chelsea says she’ll look after her since she understands how it feels to feel alone and abadoned. Frankie says that both girls aren't alone and that they have family and friends that care. Chelsea ignores him and leaves also. Frankie and Max rush to the door and Max yells out the door for them to not go to Salem Bridge. Max pats his brother on the back saying that he will follow behind them and keep watch. The last thing Jack needs is for Abby to get herself into some trouble. That bridge is known to be a party spot and alot of heavy partying and drug pushing is done there so it's not a good place for two vulnerable girls acting out. Frankie thanks him and Max leaves.

-After Max catches up with Abby, he tells her to not do anything rash. She says she feels so alone with her father going after Stefano and her mother being dead. Max tells her he has faith in her but what he doesn’t know is that she is doing all of this for his attention. She jerks away from him, tells him to leave her alone, jumps into a car with Chelsea, and speeds off into the night to meet the guys at the bridge.

-At that moment, Kate & Cassie walk up, wondering where Chelsea and Abby are going. Max tells them he doesn’t have one clue, even though he does and doesn't want to worry Kate or get Cassie involved. Kate is stunned, wondering what type of parent lets their daughter run wild at night in the streets. Frankie says that’s amazing, taking parenting lessons from an ex-hooker. She doesn’t respond, taking his words to heart. Max tells everyone he’ll catch up later. He needs to take care of a few things. Cassie asks him about Thanksgiving as they are supposed to be at Chez Rouge for dinner. Max says he will meet them there. Frankie wishes him well and while Max takes off after the girls. Frankie and Cassie begin to go on their way to Chez Rouge. Cassie asks Kate to join them, reminding Kate she still kind of thinks of her as a mother. Kate doesn't think it is a good idea since Laura will be there and Frankie agrees. Cassie tells Kate they will keep a low profile and that Austin, Lucas, and Will are there so she has family there. Kate reluctantly agrees to go for awhile as Frankie rolls his eyes and worries about Laura and Kate losing it on each other. Meanwhile, Max spies on the group, who have made it to Salem Bridge. There is a group of college students drinking and smoking. Abby and Chelsea are stunned to see drugs being bough, pushed, and used. Seth and Paul promise both girls a night they won't forget. Chelsea is excited as Abby seems worried about what she has gotten herself into. Max looks on nearby and is hoping that they won’t do something that will ruin their lives forever.

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Sydney, Australia

In Sydney, deep in the outback, Victor and Bo go through the secret passageway into the underground catacombs of Stefano’s lair. Bo seems bothered by all the violence and shooting. Victor asks Bo if he has any doubts about doing what is necessary to acheive their goal. Bo denies that and says he is just shocked about the intensity of what is happening. He just didn't expect there to be so many men and it to be so bloody. Victor shrugs and says whatever they have to do. Bo wonders if this is just another trap set up for them. Victor says of course it is. For all he knows, Stefano probably has the place wired for camera and sound. This statement makes Stefano cringe. Victor then tells Bo that he wants Stefano to hear every single word he’s saying and for him to see every movement. That way, when he kills him, it won’t come as a shock. At that moment, men spring out from everywhere, and a battle ensues. Bo tells Victor to make a run for it and that he and the other men will take care of this. Victor agrees and wishes him luck. Bo and Victor's men handle the group of Dimera henchmen and then rush off to catch up with Victor.

-Jack, Billie, Hope & Maggie come upon the compound, hearing gunshots in the distance. When all four of them decide to start forward to investigate, they are surrounded by more of Stefano’s men. Maggie bolts through the woods and trips on a trap door, falling through it. When she lands she feels something break her fall and is shocked when she finds out that that something is Victor. While she is trying to awaken him, Jack & Billie have slipped away and stumble upon a DiMera operative. They see the man enter a cave and follow shortly behind him. After entering the lower levels of the compound, Jack tells Billie that he will find Steve and bring him home and that DiMera is a dead man for what he’s done. Billie tells him that she has his back and at that moment they hear footsteps. They leap into an airshaft while they listen to guards radio in that there are multiple intruders in the catacombs. Jack and Billie realize they need to move along the airshaft to remain undetected so they begin to make their way through the shaft.

-Shane & Abe enter in the same trap door that Kayla had gone through some time ago. Roman remarks about how he is so sick of Stefano finding compounds with five thousand different tunnels. He wishes that he would just have arrows pointing to where he was. The other men chuckle silently. Roman then remarks about how he remembers this place. Abe asks how. Roman tells him this is where he recuperated after his fall off the cliff. He finally reveals that he was paralyzed for several months after that incident. Both men are shocked. Before Abe or Shane can comment, henchmen come out from nowhere. Another battle ensues. Abe volunteers to fight the men off while Roman and Shane make their escape. They reluctantly agree and, when they run off, Abe is overpowered and captured by DiMera men.

-While watching all of this take place, Alexandra cannot believe that the people she once called family or friends are now out to destroy her and her father. Stefano says believe it. They will stop at nothing to see him behind bars. She says for Roman and Jack it may be more personal than that, especially for Jack. She reminds him that he was responsible for his brother’s “death” and indirectly responsible for Jennifer's, among other things. Stefano tells her that believe it or not he had nothing to do with Steve's death but he knows who did. He "acquired" Steve from someone else but before he can tell her who was responsible she noticed something on the monitor and says she needs to handle something. She has a guesywaiting and she will return shortly. Stefano tells her to handle her business and looks at the monitor and snickers. He says will keep himself occupied with watching his plans for revenge unfold until she returns.

-Abe is brought down a dark hallway and when the overhead light is finally turned on, his eyes are blinded. When they focus, he now sees that he has been taken prisoner and sees his EX-WIFE ALEXANDRA standing in front of him!!!

-As Bo is desperately trying to radio into Victor, with no luck, he decides to follow one of DiMera’s operatives into one of the secret doors. After he does, he silently walks down a darkened hallway. He hears footsteps behind him and turns to face whoever is following him. He runs up on the person and they struggle. When the person breaks free, they turn on a flashlight. Bo brandishes his gun and demands to know who it is before he blows them away. The person turns the flashlight on their face to reveal..............

HOPE!! Bo drops his gun, sighs in relief and Hope runs into his loving arms, as the screen freeze-frames and slowly fades to black.

Next Time, On Salem Lives..................

Laura to Kate: Get the hell out of here.

Sami to Caroline: Where could Eric be?

Eric to Greta: There is something I need you to do.

Nicole (as she opens the doors to Eric's suite): Oh my...I knew it...

Max to Abby and Chelsea: Your leaving with me...NOW!!!

Maggie to Victor: Wake up Victor. Please...we need to get out of here!!

Roman to Shane: Oh my God...their really here...

Bo to Hope: Why are you here?

Hope to Bo: To save you.

Abe to Lexie: How can you do this to me?

Jack to Billie: Do you hear something?

Kayla to Steve: If you think I am going to let this go, you have another thing coming.


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