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November 15, 2006



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Salem, Illinois

-It's a new day in Salem and the Horton's and Brady's are gathering together at Chez Rouge to prepare for a Thanksgiving feast. Alice is sitting down while Melissa, Sarah, Don, Bill, Laura, Julie, Doug, and Caroline prepare for their guests. Caroline mentions that she invited Celeste and Theo since they have no family around and she figured it would be best for everyone to be together since they are all worried about the loved ones in Sydney. Alice says she is very happy Melissa, Sarah, Don, and Bill could stay for the holiday. They all agree the feeling is mutual and, even though they are away from the everyday lives, it is good to be with family. It's been awhile since they shared a holiday together. Alice hopes they will all stay for Christmas too but Melissa mentions that may be too much but we'll see. Caroline is thankful Maggie opened her restuarant for the dinner but wonders where she is. Julie says she has tried calling and nothing. She opts to go to Maggie's and make sure everything is ok while everyone prepares for the guests.

-Celeste is reading her tarot cards and fears the danger surrounding those in Sydney. Theo cries out for her and Celeste goes to tend to him. She realizes what time it is and realizes she needs to get a move on to get to Chez Rouge. She contemplates whether she should tell anyone about her premonitions.

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Sydney, Australia

-Jack and Billie arrive in Sydney and head for a tourist center to find out where Dimera may be hiding Steve and Kayla and where the others might be. Hope and Maggie arrive at the very same place with the same idea in mind. Hope reminds Maggie to keep a low profile so they aren't noticed. Hope sees that Roman, Abe, and Shane are nearby and examining some maps and books. She tells Maggie to hide with her but they end up bumping right into Jack and Billie.

-Bo and Victor are in wooded area of the Australian outback. Victor has a group of men backing him up and they are monitoring the security surrounding Stefano's compound, which is underground but appears to have a above ground entrance inside a rundown shack that is being heavily guarded. Bo asks what they are waiting for-it's time to take these guys out and get inside. Victor preaches patience and they need to wait for the right moment to carry out what they need to.

-Stefano is monitoring the happenings in Sydney and has cameras placed all around Sydney. He sees that Hope, Maggie, Billie, Jack, Roman, Shane, and Abe have arrived and Bo and Victor are right outside the compound. Lexie asks what the plan is. Stefano laughs and, with a devilish grin, says the plan is to let them all in and be a part of their complete destruction. Stefano laughs as Lexie smiles coldly but then begins to frown when she sees Abe on one of the monitors. She tries to hide her inner conflict from Stefano.

-Julie arrives at Maggie's and gets no response when she knocks at the door or rings the bell. She uses the spare key under the mat to enter. She searches the whole house and finds nothing until she finds a note on Maggie's kitchen table explaining her whereabouts. Julie is stunned and races out of the house.

-Sami, Austin, Lucas, and Will arrive atr Chez Rouge and are thankful for the invite. Caroline and Alice say they are family and everyone needs to be together. Plus, with the Alan situation and Carrie gone on top of everything else, they could use a good time. Lucas and Will greet Alice and the Horton's while Sami apologizes to Caroline again for what she did to Carrie. Caroline says it's in the past and it's clear she changed. Sami asks if Eric has been called. Caroline says that Eric hasn't answered all day and she is actually worried. Sami asks if she called Nicole. Caroline says no answer either and Alice adds that Greta is unreachable too. Sami wonders what is going on.

-Laura asks Alice when Frankie, Max, Cassie, Abby, and Chelsea are arriving. Alice says that Frankie said they would be a bit late. Sami is stunned Cassie was invited but Caroline insists Cassie is still a Brady in her eyes. Austin tells everyone not to expect his mother. Laura says she doesn't since Kate would not dare show her face with her there. Julie then races in and Doug tries to calm her. Julie blurts out that Maggie is gone and that she went to Sydney with Hope to get revenge on Stefano and help out. Everyone is stunned. Celeste then walks in with Theo, puts him down, and screams "Dear God, NO!!!"

-Jack and Billie are stunned to see Hope and Maggie. All four catch up on why they are there. Hope proposes they work together since they have similar goals. Jack is reluctant but Billie thinks it's a good idea as her and Hope have police training and are experienced. Hope stresses that they need to stay clear of Roman and the others or they will cause problems and things could go awry. Meanwhile, Roman tells Shane and Abe it looks like they found what they are looking for and points to an old, faded map. Shane thinks Roman is right and says they need to move now. The three of them leave. Hope and the others overheard the conversation and ask the clerk to see those very same maps and asks if they can take them. Hope hands the clerk some cash and the clerk agrees since the maps are old anyway. Hope, Maggie, Jack, and Billie race off-right on Roman, Shane, and Abe's trail.

-Victor and Bo are still watching the perimeter around the compound entrance. Bo is getting impatient. Victor uses a radio and hears one of his men say they are in position. Victor tells Bo it's time and instructs him to move in. Victor and Bo let Victor's men go out in front of them and gunshots ring out as Dimera security and Victor's men go at it, with Victor and Bo among the men and headed for the entrance in the shack. Bo asks Victor if all the shooting and killing is necessary. Victor says they will do what they must to achieve their goal, no matter how far they have to go. Stefano and Lexie are watching this scene and Lexie is appalled at all the shooting and violence. Stefano tells her this is only the beginning. They watch all the other cameras which include Steve and Kayla fighting and Roman, Shane, Abe, Hope, Maggie, Billie, and Jack closing in on them. Stefano says they are all marching to their own destruction and the time has come for them to pay for their crimes against the Dimera's. Stefano looks on in awe as Lexie looks on, both mesmerized and shocked about what she is seeing.

-Back in Salem, everyone asks Celeste what is wrong. Celeste then has a vision of gunshots and Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Victor, Maggie, Jack, and Billie taking cover as Stefano and Lexie laugh uncontrollably. There is then a massive array of gunshots and Celeste then sees blood all over. She screams out, "They're doomed...those in Sydney...death...death and suffering. They're all doomed!!!" Everyone looks on worried and stunned.

The screen then fades out on Celeste's face frozen in fear with the images of those in Sydney around her.

On the next Salem Lives...

Max to Frankie: I need your help. You need to help me stop Abby and Chelsea.

Max to Abby: I know I can get to you more then I can Chelsea. Please...don't do this.

Hope to Maggie: No!!! Maggie!!!

Jack to Billie: I will do whatever it takes to find my brother.

Victor to Bo: You need to do what is necessary. Your not having doubts are you?

Roman to Shane and Abe: Dimera is watching...we need to be careful.

Stefano: Be as careful as you want Roman. It won't stop me from getting what I want


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