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Episode 013: THE LIGHT



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The Light: Episode 013

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
  • Having been asked by Josh to keep an eye on Cassie and Reva...Tony offer his arm to escort Reva on the stage, which she gladly takes. Cassie introduces the Chairwoman of Prince Richard Winslow Foundation, her sister, Mrs. Reva Shayne Lewis...as Judith takes a place in the back of the room.

  • In Chicago, Gus examines the picture and wonders who the woman in the picture could actually be. He decides to then open the journal and begin to read:

    "Locke and I have traveled all over this God forsaken countryside, one village to the next. Him picking that damn guitar or cuddled up with that girl he found a few months ago."

    "Stupid-son-of-a-bitch, that cousin of mine. He spent all the gas money on some damn emerald bracelet that Alexandra kept eyeing today. Maybe tomorrow I’ll eye the gas pump or a loaf of bread, maybe the SOB will buy it for me."

  • Back in Springfield...Rick finds himself at Outskirts...where he orders a shot of strong whiskey...the bartender pours him the drink as a woman approaches from behind questioning if Rick really wants to take that drink...

  • Reva addresses the crowd about what a truly wonderful man Richard and that along with his widow and her husband, Joshua a scholarship foundation shall be sat up in conjuction with the building of "The Prince Richard Winslow Memorial Library" in San Cristobel...as the crowd applauses, Judith reaches into her hand bag, clutches a gun and whispers, "This is for you Johnny."

  • Alexandra tells Vera [Played by Jill Larson] that she has a contact at bank in Chicago and that Roy Baker had a safety deposit box there. Vera asks if the secret is out and Alexandra tells her it is not...yet. Vera assures her that she'll do whatever it is to help Alex protect her sercret. Alexandra thanks her and hands her an envelope and says that a suite has been reserved at Towers under Vera's name!

  • Gus continues to read Roy Baker's journal:
    “Worse possible thing happened today, Alex found out the truth about Locke, said if she wanted a man with money and power like her daddy, she would have stayed in Chicago. That Alexandra is sure a pistol of fire, I tell you what. Locke stormed off to parts unknown for almost two days…he can’t ever find out what went down while he was gone, I really think he loved that girl.”

    "Alexandra finally left. Her friend from Chicago, Gina she called her came and convinced her to come home. Well that’s the end of that, sure good while it lasted.”
    The last entry dated nine months prior to Gus' birth.

  • Vera arrives at Towers and says her name is Vera Ginatonio

  • Mindy asks Rick again if he really wants to take that drink and he says that it seems like the right thing to do. Mindy tells him to go ahead, drink it...then another, then another and another. Rick asks what she is doing and Mindy says that when Mel wakes up from her coma, she'll want Rick...he has to decide where he wants to be when that happens, by her bedside or slumped over some bar drunk. Rick doesn't say anything and Mindy says that she doesn't want Rick to go down the same path Ed went down...she tells him to make his choice, kisses his cheek and leaves. Rick is left to wonder if he should take the drink or not.

  • Gus decides that it's time to go home to Springfield and find more answers there...while packing up the safety deposit box another picture falls out of Roy's journal with writing on the back: "Roy and Alexandra, February 1970."

  • Mindy recieves a telephone call from her secretary in Paris. She copies the number down and hangs up. Mindy dials the number and Michelle Bauer Santos answers...

  • The applause at The Beacon dies down and suddenly everyone hears from the back of the room, "I baptize myself the slut of Springfield. Nothing but a common whore, a slut, a gold digging murdering jezebel. Isn’t that right Reva? Joshua? Cassie?" The entire party turns toward the woman as she pulls out a gun...Reva is frozen in the moment and whispers, "Roxanne", Cassie is pushed to the ground by an officer, Josh rushes towards Reva...as the gun is fired...police officers take Roxanne down, as Reva is also pushed to the ground, by someone other than a Springfield officer!


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