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November 14, 2006



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Salem, Illinois

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-Cal is somewhat happy about the fact that he’s had a breakthrough. Katherine tells him just that, and then suggests that he go under once again. He concurs, and, after spending twenty more minutes under hypnosis, comes out of it. Katherine tells Cal that there wasn’t anything else that came about but for him not to be discouraged. It was a fine job for the first day. He says thanks, and also says that it’s nice to finally be getting along. She says stop right there. She still doesn’t think much of him as a person. Cal tells how much of a silly-ass woman she really is. Dr. Harcourt is offended, and tells him that their session is over. He says thanks for being a great sport and leaves, wondering why she is so cold towards him and how she ever became a doctor with such a lousy attitude.

-Meanwhile, at the park, Austin & Lucas search frantically for Sami. Lucas comments on her whereabouts. Austin says he doesn’t have a clue but hopes that she isn’t doing something she’ll regret. His face fades into hers, as Sami stands in front of Alan, demanding to know why he’s in Salem. All he says is that he wants to prove himself a changed man and make amends for his past actions. She doesn’t buy it and tells him that he had better not have done anything to her sister during his time with her.

-Alan tells her she’s wrong. Sami says that she knew something was up after all that tragedy on the island. He turns to walk away, saying that if she’s not going to listen, then what’s the point. She stops him and gives him a chance to explain. He says that he took her and nursed her back to good health after he found her. He then says that Sami and her family should be grateful. Sami tells him to stop looking for sympathy. She feels he has a hidden agenda. He says fine. Think what you want. She pauses and says that she will not plot against him or seek revenge. But, if he’s lying, or if Carrie turns up hurt or dead, she will do things to him that will make the devil cry. With that, Alan leaves silently.

-Sami turns to leave herself and runs smack dab into both Austin & Lucas who overheard the end of her talk with Alan. Lucas tells her how proud he is of her. She handled that like a lady and, for once, defended her family. Austin concurs, saying that her mother would be very proud. She tears up and then turns her back on both men. She tells them that it would be better if she kept an eye on Alan. Lucas says the more eyes the better and that he & Austin will join in. Sami turns back to them and says great. She will make sure that Alan does not hurt her anyone, especially her loved ones, anymore.

-Nicole ask Eric if he’s joking. He says since when does dumping someone sound like a damn joke? She asks again if she can meet him somewhere and Eric snaps at her, saying that there is nothing else to say. Her career is apparently more important than he is and, if that’s the case, so be it. Nicole is not stupid, and picks up on his apprehension. He tells her to just leave him alone. Greta is getting more and more angry, telling him to stop the damn foolishness and just come clean. Nicole hears another voice there and asks him who is there. He says no one. She says he’s lying because she heard him tell someone to be quiet and that was a woman’s voice. He tells her goodbye for good and wishes her a happy life in LA. Eric then hangs up on her. He then turns his attention to Greta.

-Eric tries to raise up off his bed and yells at Greta to never do that again. He then gets a violent pain in his head. Greta says she’s sorry and then sits on his bed, comforting him. Meanwhile, back at the park, Nicole knows beyond a doubt that something must be up and wonders if Eric’s secret is connected to his erratic behavior. She also wonders if her suspicions were correct and his secret is he is cheating on her with Greta or another woman. Perhaps Greta knows he is cheating on her or maybe he is playing her to ger revenge on her for hurting him in the past? She is determined to find out for sure, thinking to herself that the Salem Inn locks up for the night at 11pm so she can't see him tonight . She decides that she is going to his suite the next morning to end this craziness once and for all.

The screen freeze-frames once again on her face, as the screen slowly fades to black.

Next Time, On A Action-Packed Salem Lives..................

Julie: Oh my God...Maggie's gone!!

Celeste: Dear God...gunshots...blood!!! Death...they're all doomed!!

Hope and Maggie to Jack and Billie: What do you think about teaming up?

Roman to Shane and Abe: I think we found what we are looking for...

Victor to Bo: Time to move in...we're coming Dimera!!!

Stefano to Lexie: HAHA...here they come, darling!! Marching to their destruction...


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