Secrets & Lies - Eps. 17-20 Part III

Secrets & Lies: Episode 17-20 Part III
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- As the clock strikes 2AM, Alan isn’t sleeping like he should be. Instead, he’s pacing back and forth through the den in the Quartermaine Mansion, wondering where his wife could be. He’s been calling her for last 5 hours, yet it goes straight to voicemail. Panic doesn’t set in just yet, especially seeing as how their marriage hasn’t been doing too well. Alan expects all will be well in the end, now that Kevin is back in town. He should be able to help them get to the root of their problems.
- Monica slowly eases up out of the bed she was just laying in. Does she regret her romp around with Kevin? Not really. She feels as if her marriage is about to end anyway, why not transition herself for something better right? Kevin awakes soon after Monica puts her pants back on asking why she’s leaving.
“I have to get back to the Mansion. Alan is going to wonder where I’ve been,” says Monica.
“The mansion? Alan? Why would he care where you’ve been. You’re separated.”
“Not exactly,” Monica says as she puts on her jacket. “Alan and I are still married. I just told that we were separated because I feel like we’re separated and that’s what is about to happen.”
Monica goes to open the door but Kevin blocks her. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me everything.”
- Jason walks into his penthouse looking disheveled and in a bad mood. Maybe it’s because Lucky interrupted what was about to happen between he and Liz. Maybe it’s because he feels guilty for almost sleeping with someone so soon after Sam’s death. No matter what it is, he hopes Elizabeth is ok.
- Liz runs up the stairs fixing her blouse. When she gets to her floor she sees her door isn’t shut and hears a lot of noise. Slowly opening the door, Liz sees that many of her things have been thrown into suitcases and plastic bags.
“Lucky stop! What are you doing?!”
Laughing sarcastically to himself fighting back tears: “That’s funny, I believe I asked you the exact same thing Elizabeth. You know, when I saw you mounting Jason on the pool table….about to do god knows what. You made your choice to do what you did, and now I’m making mine.”
“Lucky please. We can work this out,” cries Elizabeth, grabbing Lucky’s arm. “I made a mistake. We all make mistakes. I wasn’t thinking straight. Come on Lucky don’t throw away our marriage over one mistake.”
“ONE mistake? It’s been mistake after mistake with you. Though you weren’t cheating on me months ago, you abandoned me. You left me alone to deal with my injury. Hell, now that I think about it, how do I know you weren’t cheating on me.”
“I have never cheated on you!”
“Says the woman who unbuttoned another guy’s jeans with her teeth. Tell me Elizabeth, what other things have you done with your mouth?”
Elizabeth slaps Lucky for that comment. Lucky then grabs an end table and throws it towards the kitchen in anger.
- Alexis is awakened to the sound of footsteps in her house. Grabbing the taser from her bottom drawer, Alexis slowly creeps her way down the hall. She hears a lamp break followed by a muttered expletive. Unfortunately for Alexis it’s too dark for her to see her assailant. Taking a deep breathe, Alexis runs into the living room screaming.
“DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,” yells the man as he screams in pain.
Alexis grabs the fireplace poker and hits the guy in the back before grabbing the telephone and flipping the light switch. Much to her surprise, the man she has just tased and hit with her fireplace poker is not a criminal, but her husband Ric!
- Back at the MetroCourt, Monica sits Kevin down to explain the truth behind why she kept the fact that she and Alan weren’t legally separated a secret. However, they have been separated in the literal sense. They don’t sleep in the same bed, they have separate rooms and besides the fact that they cohabitate, they are separated. Kevin explains to Monica that he doesn’t appreciate being misled as even omitting some of the truth is considered lying. Monica says that what happened between them tonight was great, amazing, special….but it can’t happen again until she ends things with Alan. Kevin says that what happened between them won’t happen again, even when things are over with Alan. Monica then grabs her things and leaves.
- Back at Liz & Lucky’s, Liz continues to plead with Lucky as he packs her belongings.
“Look at me Lucky. LOOK AT ME PLEASE!!” Liz pleads with her husband. “I’m asking you to look past what you saw. You know that is something that I’d never, ever do.”
“So you’re saying that Jason forced you?”
“No! That’s not what I’m saying—”
“I can’t even look at you right now.” Lucky turns away, then holds out his hand holding Elizabeth’s luggage. “I think you should go. We’ll talk about this once I’ve calmed down.”
Elizabeth gathers up her luggage and wipes her face. She gives a longing look towards Lucky who just puts his face in his hands. When she shuts the door behind her, she hears a glass breaking, realizing that Lucky throw his beer bottle at the door.
- Back at Alexis’, she helps Ric apply an ice pack to his back. She apologizes for attacking him. Ric apologizes for coming in so late. His business trip took a little longer than expected, but he intended on being here in the morning to surprise her. Alexis says that she’s just glad that Ric is home and they can work on being a family.
“Family…” repeats Rick as he stares off into space.
- Monica is startled when Alan wants to play 20 questions when she gets home. Not in the mood to be questioned by him, Monica tries to deflect his questions. Alan just wants to know why she didn’t come home. Monica covers and says that she rented a room at the MetroCourt b/c she intended on moving in part time there, but she changed her mind because she missed her bed. Tossing her pocketbook on the table, she says goodnight to Alan and says she’s turning in.
- Kevin unpacks the rest of his belongings and finds a picture of him, Lucy, Kristina and Daniel. He smiles, then puts it in his nightstand.
- Jason is on his way upstairs when he hears a knock on the door. He opens it, seeing a crying Liz standing in his doorway.
“I have no place to go.”
Looking deep into her eyes: “Stay with me. You can stay with me,” says Jason taking Liz into his arms.
On The Next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Tracy begins her plans to take over as CEO
- Nikolas learns Carly is interested in acquiring a company
- Luke isn’t phased when Skye kisses Lorenzo
- Monica is surprised to learn that Kevin is back working for GH
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