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November 6, 2006




-Lucas and Austin continue to fight over the right to protect Sami. Sami admits she is shocked they want anything to do with her after what she did. Lucas says Alan is a threat and Will and her need to be protected. Austin suggest that he move in. Sami thinks it is a bad idea for either of them to move in considering their past and she is trying to clean up her act. Austin says they know that and they know that is why she gave up Will until she can prove herself to all of them but she needs protecting and he thinks the best thing is for Will to move back in with Sami and for either Lucas or him to move in too. Sami thinks the idea is a bad one. Austin says he should move in because Lucas, Will, and Sami together may give Will false hope and cause further problems since Lucas and Sami fight alot. Lucas is clearly bothered by Austin wanting to move in and both Sami and Austin question him on it. Lucas denies it has anything to do with his feelings and says he is fine if Austin moves in. Sami seems a bit disappointed. Austin asks if she is ok with this. Sami reluctantly agrees, knowing Austin won't back off. She does think Will should remain living with Lucas. Austin says that is fine, as does Lucas. Austin leaves to get his stuff while Lucas gets a call from Caroline and takes off. Sami admits disappointment it's not Lucas moving in but says that she can show Austin how far along she is coming in changing and maturing and then soon others will take notice too. She says she doesn't need protecting, though, and that Alan will be the one that needs protecting...from her.

-Maggie returns to her house and finds herself wanting a bottle of whiskey after the guilt and memories of Mickey become too much. She is about go back out and get some when she remembers what Mickey said to her in her dream or vision. She knows Mickey would hate her drinking and is hating what she is doing to herself. She decides that Mickey and her loved ones were right and that it is time for her to move on and stop destroying herself. Meanwhile, remembering the scene at the PG in the elevator, Caroline is at the Pub contemplating whether to call Maggie Lucas up since he is her AA sponsor. Caroline eventually decides to call him and asks him to meet her at Maggie's-she beleives Maggie has fallen off the wagon. Later, Maggie gets a knock on the door and find Caroline and Lucas waiting for her. Lucas says he knows what's been going on and that he is going to be there for her now like she was for him.

-On the pier, Will asks Alan where he has been since he hasn't seen him since May. Will is calling him "Ace." Alan explains he had alot of traveling to do and business to take care of. He asks Will how everything is. He says his family life is chaotic as usual and tells him about the island situation along with other recent happenings around him. He says his family is nuts and they don't even know half the time what he is up too. Alan asks about Will's friends. Will admits he lost many of them and doesn't want to talk about why. He says none of them understand. Alan says that he might understand and asks what is going on. Will says that he trusts Alan ever since he posed as his uncle when he got in trouble for a stink bomb at school back in April but he isn't ready to tell him things like that. Alan asks why since they have been friends since April despite him not seeing him from June through October. Will says maybe in time he will tell him. He explains his disappointment right now that he did not make the basketball team. Alan tells him there is always next year but Will explains that this may have been his last chance He knows he isn't really good but he was even hoping for a job on the bench or something. Alan asks why he would want that and Will claims up, saying he has reasons one of which is being a part of something. He realizes it's late and he has to go. He tells "Ace" to call his cell so they can hang out. Alan promises to do so as Will leaves and Alan grins.

-Max returns to the garage apartment after taking Cassie home and takes a shower. He finds himself dreaming of Abby coming up and kissing him when he gets out of the shower. He decides to go to bed. He falls asleep soon after and dreams of Abby and him making out talking about how this is right and written in the stars. Max wakes up and wonders why he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her since rescuing her and Chelsea earlier. He rescued Chelsea too so why is he only thinking about Abby? He remembers what they went through during the island crisis and its aftermath and how they bonded. He says he needs to talk to someone, gets dressed, and leaves.

-Jack and Billie are shocked to see a drunk Chelsea standing behind Frankie on the stairs. Frankie tells Jack what Abby and Chelsea really did tonight and that Max and Cassie covered for them because he felt he owed them after letting them done. Billie screams at Chelsea that her behavior must stop. Chelsea is so out of it she has no answer and says she feels like crap. Billie is pleased and hopes it will teach her a lesson. Chelsea says it will and says she is done drinking and all that. She tells Billie that it doesn't mean she is going to be good or be a happy family with her and dad. She tells Abby she will see her upstairs.

-Bill tells Laura he will not admit what Laura has done-for now. He warns her that this is it-one more time she is caught interfering or scheming in regards to Jack and Billie he will tell all. She should've learned her lesson now as her using Abby for her gain could've gotten her hurt or killed tonight as Billie was right. Laura knows and will make sure it never happens again. She won't scheme no longer. Bill hopes not and walks away as Laura says she won't scheme and get caught is what she meant to say.

-Frankie leaves to give them all privacy as a family. Jack says he is family and should stay but Frankie disagrees. He tells Abby she better not do that again because he doesn't want to have to squeal on her again. Abby understands and hugs Frankie, who leaves. Jack is very disappointed in Abby, as is Laura and Bill. They all lecture her about drinking and partying with guys like that. Abby turns on the waterworks and says that Chelsea convinced her and that she felt so alone and vulnerable with her mom dying and everything else. She tells Jack she feels even more alone with him spending so much time with Billie. She knows he has his job and that is fine because they need that but Billie is tearing them apart and she feels so alone with no one to turn to during this difficult time. She did what she did tonight to send him a message that he is needed by his family and that he is ignoring them. Jack is touched and hugs her. Billie can't beleive he bought that. She is appalled Abby is turning it all on her. Laura smiles and Bill tells Laura to wipe her smile off her face. Abby tells Jack she needs her father right now more then ever. They have been through so much and she promises if he is there for her and JJ she won't do this to him ever again. She just wanted to send him a message that his family needs him. Billie rolls her eyes and Jack turns and tells Billie not to do that. He tells Billie they need to talk. Billie says she knows already what is coming and she tells Jack not to worry-she will let herself out. Billie runs out as Abby and Laura both display devilish grins as a appalled Bill watches.

The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Sami to Austin: I think there is something we need to talk about.

Lucas to Maggie: I am here to help you.

Maggie to Lucas: I don't need any help. I think I have already helped myself.

Max to Frankie (as Abby is eavesdropping): I can't stop thinking about her.

Frankie to Max: Then stop wasting time and do something about it!

Bill to Laura: Maybe I should tell all about your schemes...

Billie to Jack: You are being played for a fool.

Jack to Billie: Yeah...by you!!!

Stefano to Lexie: Pack yoru bags, darling.

Lexie to Stefano: Why?

Stefano to Lexie: We are headed for the land down under to watch the total destruction of our enemies...


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