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SL INSIDER Wk of 11/5/06



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Week of 11/5/06 Edition


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The big sweeps event begins this week on Salem Lives as several beloved salemites head to the land down under to rescue Steve and Kayla and put an end to the Dimera reign. It all begins when Caroline gets a phone call from Stephanie. "Stephanie calls Caroline and asks if she has heard from her mother," reports HW/EP Tim Lowery. "Caroline tells Stephanie what Kayla told her before she left, which was she was going to Chicago for a medical conference and was also considering stopping back in LA to see Stephanie. Stephanie tells her that her mother hasn't called in weeks and has not been in LA so Caroline promises to find out what is going on. She goes to Roman and Roman and Shane check up on Kayla and learn there was never even a conference in Chicago and that her records show she was never there and that she flew to Sydney, Austrailia so Caroline now realizes that something must've happened." While all that is going on, Stefano has hightailed it out of Salem with Lexie to lay a trap for Victor and his allies. "He takes Lexie with him because he wants her to bear witness to the destruction of many of their enemies," says Lowery. "He leaves Cassie in control and leaves knowing Victor's people will learn he has left and that Victor and his people will follow." Stefano couldn't be more right as Victor learns of the development and races to Bo to tell him they need to go personally to Austrailia to handle Stefano. "He says it is the best chance to destroy him and end all this," previews Lowery. Victor and Bo are unaware that Hope is nearby, as she just finished having a discussion with Bo, and has heard everything. "Hope plans to follow them on her own since she knows Bo won't change his mind about going," says Lowery. "She bumps into Billie and and asks her to keep an eye on her family because she has to run. Billie is curious and Hope ends up telling her what is up and Billie tries to discourage her but fails." Meanwhile, Maggie has learned of Victor's impending trip via eavesdropping accidentally on Nico and decides to make her way to Austrailia too. "She wants a piece of the Dimera's too and wants to be there for their destruction after their role in Mickey's death so she makes a beeline for the airport and bumps into Hope," notes Lowery. "Maggie is forced to admit what she is up to and Hope tries to convince her not to go but the end up agreeing to go together so they board a plane and leave Salem just as Bo and Victor fly out aboard his jet, leaving Austin and Lucas behind to monitor things in his organization should they go astray."

A worried Billie races to the police station to inform Roman that Hope left to follow Victor and Bo and ends up bumping into Jack, who is covering another story there, just as things get interesting. "Roman and Abe are discussing Kayla when the guard that helped her get the info she needed from Patrick overhears and tells Roman and abe what happened that day," says Lowery. "Abe sends Shane to interrogate Patrick as to why Kayla visited him and Shane comes back with word that Steve is alive and Kayla went to Austrailia to find him. Billie then fills them in on Hope going to Austrailia to follow Bo and Victor, who are after Stefano, and things begin to piece together as Roman figures that Stefano must be holding Steve and Kayla." By week's end, Roman says goodbye to Caroline and heads with Shane and Abe to the airport to get to Australia before it's too late. At the same time, Jack wants revenge on the Dimera's for his wife's death and because they have his brother. "He also wants to head down there to get the scoop on what could be a big story," laughs Lowery. "Billie agrees to go with him as she can back him up with her ISA background and she wants revenge on the Dimera's too for what they did to her and Chelsea." Alas, they team up, despite the tension between them, and head for the airport too knowing their kids are well-watched and taken care of. "Now we have all the players in line for the cataclysmic event," previews Lowery. "It is the biggest event of sweeps and the biggest event all year...even bigger then the island climax this summer because of it's intensity. All you need to do is see what Celeste predicts on Friday's episode to know where this is going. It's unbelievable and you just can't miss a day, especially when we have two of the most intense cliffhanger moments you have ever seen. Lives will be hanging by a thread as this great rescue mission will lead to an explosive showdown between both sides of this war and lives will indeed be turned upside down. That is a tease and a promise you can take to the bank."

Steve CRUSHES Kayla

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Kayla's dreams of reuniting with Steve are given a huge blow this week on Salem Lives when he tells Kayla he doesn't think he can ever give her what she wants. "He is troubled by Kayla dreaming of him and of a family reunion with him and Stephanie," previews HW/EP Tim Lowery. "She is in his arms sleeping and he just keeps hearing her dream of him and he feels nothing towards her. It bothers him and he knows he can't let her have false hope so he realizes he needs to let her down gently." Kayla wakes up full of hope and confident that everything will be fine. "Steve asking about their life together and holding her was huge in her mind," says Lowery. "She feels like all they need to do is get out of the cell and the rest will come." She soon realizes that her dreams are far from coming true when Steve set her straight and says he doesn't think they can have a future. "He tells her he hasn't had a single memory since waking up in captivity," previews Lowery. "He only knows his name and that he had a family because of things he has heard. He knows nothing else and has no feelings toward her or anyone. He has nothing and he can't feel something for her or have anything meaningful with her with all that being the case." Kayla lashes out at him for not even wanting to try and for just giving up. "She tells him that being locked up for years has kept him from remembering," says Lowery. "She tells him once they get out and once he is around her and their family more it will come back to him." Steve isn't so sure and, by week's end, tells Kayla that he just doesn't see how anything can work between them. "He has no hope of remembering and thinks it would be too painful for everyone if he just showed up with her and did not live up to their expectations," sighs Lowery. "He tells Kayla that if and when they get out he just wants to walk away and wants her to act as if she still thinks he is dead, which devestates Kayla." Is there really no hope for the just reunited, beloved supercouple? "There sure is," promises Lowery. "Well, actually, I take that back. The fans just need to wait and see and prepare themselves because there may be alot more heartbreak ahead."



Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt): Garber's long awaited first appearance is November 10.

Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson): The actress appears via phone call in scenes with Caroline (Peggy McCay) on November 8.

Special Surprise Guest: Fans should watch for a big surprise guest on November 8 to celebrate the 41st anniversary of Days of our Lives. "It's a nice treat," promises HW/EP Tim Lowery. "I promises the fans this person would return and now they will. For now, it's for this one day but they will definitely be back later."


-The two new boytoys in last week's casting call have been casted for a powerful story coming up for Abby (Ashley Benson) and Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) that is coming up. Sources hint that at least one of the actors is from primetime.

-Expect alot of Brady turmoil in December.

-Bye bye Eric (Jensen Ackles) and Nicole (Arianne Zuker)?

-Just where will the "Alan is Will's friend" twist lead? Sources say it is not going where you think.

-Two beloved characters will be at death's door by the end of the month and sources hint that at least one of them may actually die.

Previews and Peeks for Week of 11/6/06

-Lucas and Austin fight over Sami.

-Will asks Alan why he hasn't been around.

-Max has Abby on the brain.

-Abby and Chelsea are caught.

-Bill gives Laura one more chance.

-Abby learns she has gotten to Max, who seeks out Frankie for advice.

-The rift between Jack and Billie grows.

-Abby has a plan to win Max.

-Stefano and Lexie head for Australia.

-Cassie finds herself "Mistress of the Manor."

-Victor and Bo learn of Stefano's plans, unaware they are falling into his trap.

-Steve crushes Kayla's dreams.

-Caroline comes to a frightening realization.

-Nicole contemplates leaving Salem.

-Eric's conditions worsens.

-Several beloved Salemites head for Austrailia.

-Celeste has a deadly prediction.

-Cal meets Dr. Katherine Harcourt.

Red Letter Days!!!

Wednesday November 8: A special episode focused primarily on the great Days supercouples. "I know we are not Days of our Lives anymore but I wanted to pay homage to 41 great years so it's not alot but this is a nice little episode that will have some nice moments for the fans," promises HW/EP Tim Lowery. "There is also a surprise guest the fans will love and Shayna Rose makes an appearance as Stephanie. It is just a nice episode."

Friday November 10: Several beloved Salemites head for Sydney, Australia not knowing the danger they face.

Next Week: Greta begs Eric to go to the hospital. Eric's actions puzzle Nicole. Sami confronts Alan. Will has a secret. Sami stuns Austin and Lucas. Cal has a memory flash. Celeste's predictions worry Caroline. Chaos erupts in Australia.


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