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The Market

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Episode #2



Its two in the morning but, Shawn Anderson is still awake in his room. He’s sitting in front of his computer staring at the screen. Its revealed that Shawn is checking his email, but has stopped to read one. He is scanning the email and at the end of the email it says “Love Dad”. Shawn gets up from the chair and walks over to the window. He looks out the window and sees the empty rural street. There are almost no lights on in the houses. He sees a dog walking across the road, he walks away from the window and goes and lays on his bed. He closes his eyes and he begins to recall the on goings of the previous day. He sees himself meeting his coworkers, he sees himself bumping into Maddie for the first time and he sees himself staring at the crazed man holding Cassie hostage. He then sees himself staring into Cassie’s eyes while he was checking to see if she was alright after she was thrown from the man. He then sees himself, Maddie, Matt and Cassie sitting in Mr. Mitchells office and he sees Robbie Mitchells talking to them all. He then sees the four of them walking out of the Store to go and eat. Suddenly he sits up realizing that his cell phone is ringing. He rolls over and sees that Cassie’s calling him. Shawn answers his phone and asks Cassie if she is alright. Cassie tells him she is but that she couldn’t sleep. She tells him that every time she closes her eyes she sees that man with the gun. Shawn tells her that he couldn’t sleep either and that he keeps thinking about what happened also. He then tells her that they can’t let this ruin their lives and that the chances of it happening again were slim to none. Cassie tells him she knows, but that it doesn’t change the fact that it happened. Shawn tells her that he knows and that if he could he would go back and change it all. Cassie thanks him and then she hesitates. Shawn asks her what is wrong. Cassie says that nothing is wrong, but then asks him if he would stay on the phone with her for the night. Shawn says that he will. Shawn lays down on the bed and Cassie does the same. They both are talk for awhile but then Cassie slowly begins to fall asleep. Shawn can hear Cassie breathing. He gives a small smile and then closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

Seth Anderson is standing on the porch of his house with his girlfriend Amanda Smith, Seth is trying to unlock the door to his house, but a light comes on and the door is opened but his mother, Jennifer “Jenny” Anderson [Nancy Lee Grahn]. Jenny demands to know why he is just coming home now. Seth tells her that he was talking to Amanda. Jenny freezes and asks Amanda who. Seth tells his mother that Amanda Smith has come to town because she wants to be with him. Jenny is taken aback and then Amanda walks out from behind Seth. Seth asks his mother if she could just come in and spend the night. Jenny agrees but secretly she is furious. Amanda knows that Jenny doesn’t like her because of the time that Seth spends with her. Amanda thinks that Jenny is jealous that Seth is willing to spend time with her instead of his mother. Jenny tells them that Amanda can sleep the night in the living room on the couch. Seth asks why she can’t sleep in the spare room. Jenny tells him that there are boxes all over the place in there and that Amanda would be more comfortable in the living room. Amanda tells Seth that that is fine. Jenny gives her a sly smile and then says goodnight to her son. Seth says goodnight and Jenny goes up the stairs keeping her eyes on them until she can’t anymore. Seth apologizes for his mother, but Amanda tells him that it is fine and that his mother is just trying to protect him. Seth leans in and kisses her and then gets up and tells her, he will see her in the morning. He then goes up stairs and goes to bed.

The next morning Matt is shown walking into The Market, and his name is called out by someone. He turns around and sees Maddie Wilson walking towards him. He says hi to her and then asks her what she needs. She is mildly insulted that he would assume she needed something, but then asks him how good of friends he is with Shawn. Matt tells her that they just met yesterday and that he thinks he’s a cool kid but he doesn’t really know to much about him. Matt asks why she asks. Maddie tells him that she was just interested in Shawn and wanted to get to know him a little more. Matt tells her that she should go and talk to him. Maddie said she would but that she thinks he is interested in Cassie. Matt is surprised and asks her why she would think that. Maddie says that she doesn’t know, she just figured because of the way he looked at her last night at dinner or when they were in Robbie’s office. Matt asks Maddie if he thinks Cassie likes Shawn back. Maddie tells him that she has known Cassie since they both started working here and that she would consider her, her best friend. Matt says that that doesn’t answer his question. Maddie tells Matt that he told him that to show him that she would know if Cassie likes Shawn if Cassie did in fact like him. Matt understands that Maddie is telling him that Cassie hasn’t said anything to Maddie. Matt thanks Maddie for the talk, but tells her he has to go and work now. Maddie thanks him also and then asks him if the four of them could hangout again tonight. Matt tells her that he will talk to Shawn and that they will see what happens.

Keri Michaels is in the Florist Department making an arrangement for a customer that will be there soon to pick it up. Miranda James [Rebecca Herbst] walks behind the counter. Keri tells her that she is happy to see her. Miranda asks if they’ve been busy all day. Keri tells her that its been a steady flow but that she just has a lot of stuff on her mind. Miranda goes next to Keri and begins to help her make the orders, she then asks her if everything is alright. Keri tells her that she can’t stop thinking about Jason. Miranda tells her that they broke up over a month ago. Keri tells her that she knows but that he was her first and that that meant a lot to her. Miranda tells her that the first boy you ever have sex with will always be important to you, but that you can’t pine over someone that doesn’t want you. Keri tells her that she knows that but that she can’t get over it. Keri says that she feels like Jason had sex with her and then broke up with her. Miranda tells her that Jason is a nice guy and that there had to have been other reasons. Keri says agrees and says “If you say so.” Miranda smiles and gives Keri a hug and asks her if she wants a coffee from the Coffee Shop. Keri says that she would, Miranda goes to her purse and gets some money and then tells Keri she will be right back. Once Miranda is out of eye site, Keri goes and pulls out a sheet of paper, on which she was outlining a plan. At the top of the paper it says Revenge Plan. Keri looks up and says that she will get back at Jason at any cost.

Jason is in the dairy back room loading up his U-boat, when Seth walks into the backroom. Jason looks up and says hey. Seth says hi back and then asks him what he needs help with. Jason tells him something to do, so Seth goes and does it. Jason continues to load up his boat. He brings it out to the floor and begins to load the orange juice to the empty case. A woman comes up and takes a box of juice from the box without even noticing Jason. Jason is annoyed by this but lets it go. Another person comes up and does the same thing, but again Jason lets it go. Keri can been seen standing at the end of the aisle talking to customer. She tells the customer to go up and push the U-boat into Jason. The customer asks what he would get out of it. Keri tells him that if he does this for her, she will do what ever he wants. He looks at Keri and tells her that he could think of a lot of things they could do. Keri cringes and tells him to just go and do it. The customer walks over to where Jason is and pushes the U-boat into Jason. Jason spins around and says excuse me. The customer tells Jason that he was trying to get that juice but the boat was in the way. Jason asks the man why he didn’t ask him to grab it for him. The man tells Jason that he doesn’t like his attitude and that he was going to talk to the manager. Jason tells him to go ahead and do what he has to do. The customer storms off and walks around the corner into Keri. Keri asks how it went. The customer says that he told Jason he was going to tell the manager but it didn’t phase him. Keri says “Damn it.” She then tells the customer to go away. He asks her what about the deal. She tells him that the plan didn’t work so he doesn’t get anything. The customer gives her a dirty look and walks off. Keri turns around and sees Jason standing there. She is surprised to see him. He tells her that the next time she tries to get him in trouble with a customer, to not stand right there as it happens. He gives her a smile and then goes back to loading the juice to the shelf.

Cassie is shown walking into the Bakery backroom. Maddie comes running over to her and tells her that she has something to tell her. Cassie asks what. Maddie tells her that she thinks that Matt from Grocery has a thing for her. Cassie gets excited and asks how she knows. Maddie tells her about the conversation that she had with Matt earlier and how she told him she thought Shawn liked Cassie. Cassie stops Maddie and asks her to says that about Matt again. Maddie says that she thinks Shawn likes Cassie. Cassie tells Maddie that she is surprised but that. Maddie asks why? She tells her that Shawn is a great guy and that if he liked her she would be happy. Cassie looks at Maddie and smiles. Maddie asks why she is smiling. Cassie says that she just figured out why it matters so much to her [Maddie] who Shawn likes. Maddie asks her to just tell her. Cassie tells Maddie that she thinks Maddie likes Shawn. Maddie gets uncomfortable and then tells Cassie she has to go and print out some price tags for the cookies. Cassie follows her and is teasing her and trying to goad her into admitting it. Maddie finally admits it. I like Shawn! Cassie laughs but then she notices the look on Maddie’s face. Cassie turns around and sees Shawn standing in the door way with a surprised look on his face. Cassie turns around and looks at Maddie and gives her an I’m sorry look.


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