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November 2, 2006



-Maggie wakes from her dream about Mickey to find Caroline Hope & Julie runing towards her on the rooftop. They try to convince her that she will be alright and that they can help her. Maggie mentions Mickey coming to her in a dream and wonders if it wasn't a dream and if it's possible he really returned to her. She asks them if they believe Mickey could've come back to her and all three women say yes, they do. He may have returned to get her to understand she needs to move on and let her loves ones help her. He may have wanted to tell her that she was not to blame for what happened to him. Maggie admits he said all that in her dream. The girls then try to convince her to come with them so she can get warm and get some help with her problems. Maggie tells them that this is another trick, tells them that she won’t go with them, demands that they all leave her alone, and runs past them. As Hope tries to chase after her, Julie grabs her arm, telling her that it is no use. Maggie will only listen when she wants help and realizes she did nothing wrong. Hope tells them both that she hopes Maggie comes out of it but it has been so long already and she seems to be getting worse. Caroline tells the girls they just need to hope that Mickey's words got to her, whether they were in a dream or something else, and that Maggie realizes she is not to blame and lets those that care about her move on. They leave the roof.

-Maggie walks into the Penthouse Grill soaking wet. She notices no one she knows is around and that little public attention is being paid to the bar so she plops down on the stool at the bar, and demands that the bartender give her a drink. The bartender comes over and pours her a shot of tequila. After drinking it, she then wants the entire bottle. The bartender sells it to her and takes it. She thanks the bartender, and walks towards the elevators. Caroline says goodbye to Hope and Julie, who exit down the back entrance of the Penthouse Grill. Caroline then sees Maggie getting on one of the elevators and decides to see if she is aliright and runs towards it. But, right before the doors close, she trips getting into the elevator and falls against Maggie. Maggie drops the bottle but catches it before it hits the ground. Caroline straightens her self up and then asks Maggie, after seeing the bottle in her hand, if she is drinking once again. Maggie turns away and looks towards the elevator wall. Caroline then realizes it's true and asks Maggie if she is really doing this. Maggie remains silent with her back turned.

-Jack watches Laura and Bill get into her car at the PG and tries to catch her to talk to her more about Abby. She drives off to head for the Java Café’ before he can, so he starts to his own car. Billie catches up with him in the parking lot, and says she wants to finish what they started earlier in the party. He says ok, go right ahead as he doesn't have the energy to fight anymore. Billie is a little stunned, but stammers out her point that Jack has had no reason in the past not to trust her. Jack says this is right. So, Billie asks, what has changed now? He says that Abby would never act like that, especially since Jennifer’s death. Billie says how would he know. He’s died and returned more times than Michael Myers. They both laugh at that comment. Billie wonders if they are starting to have a slight breakthrough. Jack tells her to come to his house and they will discuss what is going on further and, hopefully, work things out.

-As Maggie’s situation still unfolds at the PG, Bill and Laura meet up at the Java Café’. After Laura gets some coffee, she sits down opposite Bill, who asks her what does she think she’s doing trying to come between Jack and Billie. Laura tells him that their daughter is not good and cold yet in her grave, and he’s gallivanting around town with the town slut. She says it makes her sick. Bill doesn’t care how sick it makes her. He feels it makes her just as wrong as Kate when she does it. Bill then tells her that he intends to stop her from ruining that family. Laura sits up and leans forward, asking Bill how he intends to do that. He says all he has to do is tell Jack and Abby what she has been up to behind the scenes. That should pretty much make both of them hate her guts. Laura gets quiet and, after a moment, reluctantly agrees to Bill’s terms. She will stop interfering. BUT, she tells Bill, if Billie hurts them in any way, all bets are off and she will be sure to call him on how wrong he was. She then takes a sip of her coffee and leaves. Bill is left sitting there, hoping Laura keeps to her promise.

-Max keys into Jack’s home. He and Cassie both have a very drunken Abby and Chelsea with them. He turns on the lights and they drop both of the girls onto the couch. Max is beside himself with anger. He jumps on Chelsea first, telling her that she still hasn’t learned one damn thing about responsibility even after the hell she has been through in the last several months. She laughs and tells him he’s just mad that he didn’t get a chance to see her naked. Max says of course he didn’t. He was too busy trying to keep a knife from getting stuck inside him. Chelsea laughs again and says that they can take the party upstairs if he wants. She staggers to her feet and falls all over him. Max throws her off, telling her that she is the same silly-ass little girl he always thought she was. He wonders out loud if she was this drunk the night she ran down her brother. Chelsea sobers up with that comment, and frowns at Max. He says he seems to have finally gotten her attention. Abby sits there silently, listening at the entire conversation. Cassie tells Max that maybe he shouldn’t bring that up. Max says he will always bring up the fact that he nephew is dead because Chelsea once again acts like a spoiled brat and expects everyone else to ether bail her out or look the other way. Chelsea looks straight ahead in sadness. Max says that’s it. He’s calling Bo and Jack and will tell them both what happened. They both scream NO!! They also remind him that he owes them a favor. He pauses, looks at both girls, and says just this one time, he’ll keep quiet. But, if it happens again, he’s throwing the book at them. He knows both have been through alot but that is no excuse in his book to keep acting out and worrying the people that care about them. They are putting themselves in danger, as well as those that have to rescue them. He is only doing this because he feels bad for not being there for them of late but next time he will rat them out. They thank him for his silence. Meanwhile. Cassie is clearly bothered by Max's concern for the girls and is secretly plotting a way to get both these spoiled [!@#$%^&*]es out of Max’s life. Permanently. Max tells them Abby and Chelsea to go to bed and he and Cassie both leave. As they reach the door, they hear a car pull up, and now realize that Jack is coming home. Abby and Chelsea are scared of being caught. They are stuck, and Max tells Cassie to help him get them upstairs so they can cover for them before Jack amd Billie walk through the door.

-Nicole is waiting anxiously for Eric to return. She keeps staring in at hime. When he finally comes out of the back room where Roman, Sami and everyone else is, she demands that Eric stop and talk to her. He tells her he has gotten really tired of her always expecting him to stop and drop everything for her, but it’s just fine for her to do whatever she wants. He tells her that she left him sitting at home for hours while she was off God knows where. And now that his sister needs him, he’s supposed to go home with her. She says all she wants is for them to make things right between them. He says maybe she should have thought of that before she decided to act like a selfish [!@#$%^&*]. She is stunned. He then tells her to get out of his eyesight. He really doesn’t care at this point what she does, and maybe the sooner they get away from each other, the better. He walks off and leaves her alone. She runs back to her suite and, once there, falls on her bed and breaks down. She damns Eric to hell and picks up a picture of him, flinging it towards a door and watching it shatter. Meanwhile, Eric can't stop thinking about Nicole while the Sami situation unfolds and realizes he was wrong to lash out at her. He was just so frustrated because their relationship is falling apart and he doesn't have much time. She really set him off with her acts of jealously and her always leaving for business purposes and so on is ridiculous. He realizes that he may not have the happy ending to his life with Nicole that he hoped for.

-The Bradys are standing in the backroom of the PG. Alan has begun trying to explain why he is there:

Alan: Look. I told you all why I was here tonight. Sami, please believe me, I’m not trying to hurt you or anyone else.

Sami: You’re a damn liar, Alan! To come back here after what you did to me.... (Turning around) Shane! What do you know? What do you know about Carrie? What has he done to her?! I want some answers......NOW!!

Shane: Samantha, I told your father everything I knew. I wouldn’t keep something like that from any of you.

Roman: Sure you wouldn’t. I guess you forgot when I disappeared the first time. You left me there then, and my family thought I was dead.

Shane: Look, Roman. I knew what I did was wrong then, so do you really think I would repeat that mistake?

Roman: (Thinking for a moment) No, I don’t think so, (Turning back towards Alan) which brings us back to you, buddy. I want to know why you showed up tonight of all nights. Hoped to kidnap and rape my daughter again?

Sami: (Looking at Roman) Don’t EVER call me your daughter! We may have the same blood, but how can I forgive a man who knew that the man who raped me was out of prison and didn’t say a word to me?

Roman: I was supposed to tell a woman who wouldn’t even give me the time of day what was going on with Alan?! I’m still trying to protect you even after all the times you told me you hated my guts. But, apparently that doesn’t matter.

Austin: (Turning towards Roman) Look, Roman. What is more important? Protecting Sami from this scum.

Lucas: Bet that. (Walking towards Alan) You know, Alan, I never got the chance to convey how much I hated your guts for what you did. But, mark this down. Come near her, and I’ll find the biggest shotgun I can find, stick it where the sun don’t shine, and you’ll make history as the first man to ever get his brains blown out via his backside, you got that?!

Alan: Ok. Enough with the threats. I just want for all of us to be civil at least. Is that too much to ask?

Roman: Too much to ask? To be civil? To You?! You bet your ass it is! You rape one daughter, and then tried to murder them both. And I’m supposed to be civil? I’ll show you civil, punk.

Roman dashes towards Alan, and has to be restrained.

Roman: Stay away from my family! Come near them, and you’ll end up in a body bag, is that clear?!

Alan: Crystal clear. I didn’t mean any harm.

Roman: Yeah whatever. (Walks away and then turns around and talks in Alan's ear) I can't lock you up but I have my eyes on you and so do a hell of alot of people. If you slip up, we will catch it and then you will wish you were never released. Remember that.

With that, Roman, Eric, Abe and Shane leave. They pray nothing happens between Sami and Alan but with Lucas and Austin there they think they will be fine. Lucas and Austin tell Sami she has nothing to worry about. He will do her no harm and she has plenty of people there to make sure of it, including them. Sami is shocked that they are even talking to her after what she did. Austin and Lucas tell Sami they need to forget about that right now and just make sure there is nothing more going on with Alan. After walking her to her car, they try to calm her down, but she is too wound up. She vows to destroy him for what he did to her and for coming back into her life like this. She will ruin him so badly he’ll beg for someone to kill him and put him out of his misery. She gets into her car and peels out of the parking lot, with both Austin and Lucas looking on, worried about what Sami will do this time around. The screen then fades out.

Next Time, On Salem Lives......

Kayla to Steve (as he holds her): I need you, Steve. This is what is right. This is where you belong...in my arms.

Cassie to Max: I think it was wrong to cover for them.

Max to Cassie: I had to. They needed me.

Cassie to Max: So, just how much do you care about both of them?

Frankie to Chelsea: I know the truth. I heard what really happened.

Abby to Jack: She is just trying to make me look bad again, daddy!! She wants you all to herself!

Billie to Abby: That is not true.

Laura: Oh, yes it is.

Bill to Laura: It looks like I am going to have to blow you out of the water, aren't I my dear?

Nicole to Eric: What the hell do you want from me?

Eric to Nicole: Nothing!! Maybe this was all wrong...maybe there is nothing to salvage...I think we maybe through, Nicole.

Abe to Roman: What are you saying? You think Shane is hiding something?

Roman to Abe: Something tells me there is more to this and Shane may have the answers.

Shane to Carrie: The jig may be up, dear.


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