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November 1, 2006



-A thunderstorm wreaks havoc on Halloween as Max is facing down the two men who are holding knives on Chelsea and Abby, while Cassie holds on to Max for protection. Max orders the men to put the knives down and that they can settle all this rationally. The men refuse and say they want what they want and they want these two pretty ladies. Max tells them if they touch another hair on either of those girls' heads they will be very sorry. The men luahg. Cassie begs Max not to put himself in danger but Max says he has to. He has let Abby and Chelsea down enough already and it's time for him to come through. The two men gloat as they take hold of Abby and Chelsea and are about to get away. Max then lunges and knocks them all over. Abby and Chelsea manage to scramble away to near Cassie and all three girls scream as Max struggles with the two men over the knife.

-Maggie is in her glories as she celebrates Mickey's return in the rain on the roof, with thunder and lightning as a backdrop. She is so happy he came back to her. Mickey says it's true he did return to her but it is not a visit of pleasure. He has come to give her a warning. Maggie doesn't understand. Mickey says he has been watching her and he hates seeing what she is doing to herself and putting the family through. They want to help her and she is avoiding them. Maggie says she can't face them but Mickey assures Maggie she can and that his death was not her fault. It was an accident and it was just his time to go regardless. He tells her it's time she moved on and let those she loves be there for her. Maggie, in tears, says she wants to but she just can't. She just feels ashamed and so hurt and guilty. She will never get over losing him and the role she played. Mickey assures her none of it was her fault. He tells her if she wants to promise to do something for him since she seems to think she is to blame and wants to make things right. Maggie says she will do anything. Mickey tells her to move on and to stop self-destructing. Maggie says she isn't so sure if she can do that. Without the booze and Victor, she hasn't been able to deal with her feelings. Mickey says that Victor is a friend and she can't rely that much on him, which is why he is glad she cut him loose for the time being given what is going on with him. He tells her she knows better then anyone the booze don't help. He asks Maggie to promise him she will let all this go and let those she loves be there for her instead of the booze and relying on Victor. Maggie says she will try and that he should know she would do anything for him. They embrace and then he tells her he has a surprise for her before he goes.

-Jack, Billie, Laura, Bill, Kate, Alice, Julie, Doug, Hope, Caroline, Abe, Greta, and Nicole watch as Sami finishes her scream. Roman, Lucas, Eric, and Austin try to console her as Shane stands in shock wondering what will happen next and if Carrie's whereabouts may come out in this.

Sami: How is this possible? You can't be here...you were sent to prison.

Alan: Yeah, I was but I was released a few months ago.

Sami: A few months ago? You bastard!!!

Sami lunges for Alan and is restrained by Roman and Eric.

Sami: Let go of me, damnit!!

Eric: We don't want you arrested for murder, Sami.

Lucas: Yeah, besides, there are too many witnesses.

Sami: Fine. Wait a minute! A couple months ago, on Morgan Island and even before that, I felt like someone was watching me and...it was you, wasn't it?

Alan: Look...yeah it was me but it wasn't what you think.

Sami: Oh, really? What was it? Sounds like stalking to me.

Alan: It wasn't that. I decided to lurk in the shadows because I wanted to find a way to make up for all that I did. I learned my lesson Sami. I went through hell in prison and it changed me. I have a renewed purpose and that is to clean up my mess. I had to watch you and your sister because I wanted to try to find a way to do something from afar to make things up to you and then reveal myself and...

Sami: Oh, please!! Cut the crap. You expect me to beleive you've changed. Like hell!!!

Alan: I have changed, Sami. You can just ask your sister!!

Sami: What?!! Why would I ask my sister? Oh my...you did something to her didn't you?

Roman then interrupts the exchange and explains to Sami that Lucas, Austin, Kate, Abe, Shane, and himself knew that Alan was released and explain his connection to Carrie that they learned after Carrie called her from Green Mountain. Sami is stunned they kept this from her and asks all of them if they beleived she had a right to know. She is even angrier Kate knew and tells Roman this is even more reason for her to hate him. Lucas tries to calm her but Sami tells him to shut up as she doesn't wish to speak with him or to listen to him. She turns her attention back to Alan and suspects there is more to it and asks if there is something else he has done with her sister. She doesn't buy for a second he has changed and demands to know what he is really up to. Alan explains to Sami everything he has done, including saving Carrie and bringing her back from the island and taking care of her at a cabin on Green Mountain. He says Shane can vouch for that, for which Shane does. He informs them of how he saved Carrie from the falling debris when she called Sami and shortly after that they parted ways. Carrie is with her mother and he went off the recover. Roman thinks they need to move this conversation into private since it's ruining the ball.

-Sami, Alan, Austin, Lucas, Abe, Shane, and Roman leave the ballroom. Eric follows but Nicole grabs him and tells him they need to talk. Eric says his sister needs him and then can talk later. She says she needs to get this off her mind now and that Sami doesn't need him right now. Eric takes offense to that and says he isn't even sure he wants to talk to her after her actions earlier with knocking the hat over during the game. Her jealous rage was an embarassment and so was her using her dance with Lucas and Shane to make him jealous. He asks her why she felt the needd to try to make him jealous. Nicole asks him the same in regards to his dance with Greta. Greta thinks she should go. Eric says it's fine but Greta doesn't want trouble and wishes both Eric and Nicole good night and runs off to say goodbye to the Horton's. Eric asks Nicole if she is happy now that she made Greta feel comfortable and caused trouble. Nicole stays silent as Eric walks off angry.

-Meanwhile, back at the park, Max manages to get the knife but the two men get away. Max embraces both Chelsea and Abby and asks if they are ok. Both are still drunk but manage to say they are fine. Max wants to call te police but both girls say they don't want trouble and Chelsea says she doesn't want to go through legal crap again. Max says he needs to get them home and asks Cassie to help him. Cassie is clearly bothered by his closeness with both girls, especially Abby who he seems very concerned about. Max and Cassie both help support Abby and Chelsea on their feet and begin to walk toward the Deveraux house.

-Kate decides to leave and wishes Billie luck with Jack. She also gives Laura a warning on her way out to not do anything to mess with Billie's life. Bill assures Kate that he will make sure Laura behaves and also tells Kate he will make sure she behaves too. Kate says he doesn't have to worry about her but Laura is the one he should be worried about. Laura calls her a hypocrite again and reminds Kate of her interference in regards to her children. Kate says she has changed and then laughs that Laura could never be as successful as she was in getting what she wants. Laura tells Kate to just leave. Kate gloats that when Jack and Abby learn all that she has been up to she will lose them. Laura lunges for her and a fight nearly breaks out. Bill tells Kate to just leave and that he will be in touch. Kate leaves as Laura is seething. He tells Laura it's time him and her leave the ball so she can cool off. They go say goodbye to Alice, Julie, and Doug who are leaving too. Hope tells Doug she will stick around with Julie to help out with Maggie if it is necessary. Doug helps Alice and says he will take her home. Alice reminds Julie to make a PA announcement thanking everyone for coming. Julie reaches the stage and does so and returns to Hope. Caroline decides to stay too in case Sami needs her. A guard comes down. Hope and Julie ask about Maggie. The guard says that is why he came down as they lost Maggie during the power outage. Hope, Julie, and Caroline are worried.

-Jack and Billie discuss everything that has happened during the ball and with Sami and Alan. The focus then turns to their dance prior to the lights going out. Billie says it felt like all their troubles and worries were behind them. Jack agrees. Billie thinks they should talk and Jack says he thinks they should too but not right now. Billie thinks the sooner the better because she just doesn't understand why he doesn't trust her and is buying whatever claims Laura makes. Jack says he wants to trust her but his daughter would never dress or behave like that. Billie asks Jack why he doesn't trust her if he really wants to. Jack says he needs to believe his daughter as she has never been one to lie and that is the way it is until it is proven otherwise. He tells Billie he has to go but they'll talk. Jack leaves as Billie is frustrated and wants to work through this before more problems head their way.

-Maggie asks Mickey what his surprise is. Mickey points down and Maggie realizes she is in Mickey's arms in midair. They are dancing in the sky in the middle of a storm. Mickey says it's part of being an angel that he can give Maggie this magical experience. They dance among the stars and clouds as Celine Dion and R Kelly's "I'm Your Angel" plays. Mickey then slowly brings her back to the roof and says it's time for him to go but to remember what he said. Mickey fades away as Maggie begs him to stay and cries out for him just as she wakes up and realizes she fell and hit her head and that Mickey's visit was all a dream. He never came to her and he probably does blame her just like everyone else. Hope, Julie, and Caroline arrive on the roof, just as the storm begins to wind down, and say that is not true.

-Roman, Austin, Lucas, Abe, Shane, Sami, and Alan are in the backroom and Sami is ripping into Alan wanting the truth about why he is here. Eric joins everyone in the room. Sami realizes that his story regarding helping Carrie and all is through but she wants to know his full agenda. Sami reminds him that she took away something precious to him, which makes Alan hang his head, and she put him in prison for years. He is bound to hate her and her sister. Alan denies that and says that Carrie and him actually became good friends. She realized he changed. Sami refuses to beleive that and asks Alan to prove nothing is going on. She asks if he knows how to get in touch with Carrie. He says he doesn't since she is with her mother. Alan vows to prove to Sami and everyone that he has changed. Sami still doesn't beleive it and asks if Alan really changed why did he run when she recognized his voice tonight? If he wants to prove himself so bad and make up for what he did why did he run from her like he had something to hide? Alan insists that he merely didn't want his identity revealed like this but sami refuses to believe that and demands the truth about everything and what Alan is really up to right now.

The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Caroline to Maggie: Oh my God...your drinking aren't you?

Bill to Laura: This has to stop!!

Laura to Bill: What are you going to do to stop me?

Billie to Jack: Are you saying we are going to get past this?

Max to Abby and Chelsea: I am telling your parents.

Abby and Chelsea to Max: No!!!

Cassie: I will make sure those two brats are out of his life...for good.

Nicole to Eric: Now whose the one doing all the leaving?

Roman to Alan: You have a choice-leave town on your own alive or with my help and in a body bag. The choice is yours.


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