Secrets & Lies - Ep.12

Secrets & Lies: Episode 12
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
Tracy flings open the door prepared to throw a fit but is stopped dead in her tracks when she sees Luke is actually there. He kept his promise. Luke asks Tracy to come sit lay with him and drink some of Edward’s wonderful champagne. Intrigued, Tracy does just that. Luke opens up to Tracy saying that for too long he’s been sidetracked with his infatuation with Skye and ignored her. Luke apologizes to Tracy for putting her second. Inside she feels so warm. “This is everything I’ve wanted him to say to me,” she says to herself.
Tracy doesn’t let herself get too taken aback by Luke’s behavior tonight. “This isn’t you Luke. This isn’t who you are. Why are you doing this?”
“I thought this is what you wanted,” he replies.
“The only thing I want is for you to be yourself. While it’s nice to come home and see rose petals everywhere and have a nice relaxing bath and everything, I don’t expect this from you because I know this is not who you are. I don’t need the roses and champagne and all that jazz. That’s not who I am either.”
For the first time tonight, Luke genuinely feels connected to Tracy. He finally sees that she loves him just the way he is.
Jason is surprised when Sonny shows up at his door. Jason questions why Sonny isn’t out with the kids taking them trick or treating. Sonny says that they’re with Carly at Wyndemere. Sonny asks if Jason has been drinking, which he denies. Sonny tells Jason that he’s there to help him move on. Jason says he doesn’t want to move on. Contrary to what people may say, he does feel and mourn just like everyone else. He wants Sam in his life, but he can’t have her. Jason yells as Sonny for telling him to “move on” and reducing his love for Sam.
Sonny says he isn’t reducing Jason’s love for Sam. He knows what it’s like to lose someone he loves, but sooner or later he has to move on with his life. He also can’t go around blowing up at people just because he feels like it. Sonny tells Jason that his attitude towards Alexis needs to change fast. He’s not going to allow the mother of his child to be disrespected the way that she was when they were at the cemetery. Sonny tells Jason to take some time off to get his life back together.
At GH, Robin sees Lainey giving away Halloween Candy to the children who visited the hospital. When she’s done, Robin signals for Lainey to come over and asks her for some advice. Robin explains that Patrick continues to act like he wants to be with her, but in the same breath will flirt shamelessly with Jamie. After Lainey learns what happened between Patrick and Jamie in the locker room, she asks Robin why she didn’t believe Patrick. Robin gives her some tired excuse about the facts speaking for itself, but Lainey suggests that Robin learn to trust Patrick and not always assume the worst about him.
While the kids are playing together at Wyndemere, Carly uses some alone time and calls Lucas. As usual he doesn’t pick up his phone, so Carly leaves him a very angry voicemail message.
Carly: Listen little brother. You and I need to talk about Bobbie. I know that you and her are having issues right now, but there is no excuse for letting her stay in lockup as long as she did. Don’t think that just because you’re avoiding me that I won’t see you. Did you forget that you live across the hall from Jason? We are so going to have a face to face meeting. Oh, and I love you.
At the Quartermaine’s, Luke walks over to Tracy with a weird look on his face. Tracy isn’t sure what to make of it so she begins to back up. Luke chases her around the couch before grabbing her by the shoulders and kissing her. Tracy fights it at first, and then gives into her passion for Luke. The two kiss passionately, wanting to rip each others clothes off at that very second, but Luke takes a different approach. Instead, he slowly undoes Tracy's robe, taking in every part of her body. He slowly moves in for another kiss, taking Tracy down to the floor with him.
To close out the show, a montage featuring “Faces of the Heart” by Dave Koz plays as Luke makes love to his wife. Sonny, Carly, Alexis, Nikolas and the kids go through the candy the children received during trick or treating. Lucas checks his voicemail but doesn’t call Carly back. Jason grabs a picture of he and Sam and reminisces about their time together. To close out the show, Luke whispers to Tracy that he loves her as she lays her head on his chest.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
Luke and Tracy’s private night is discovered by their children.
Lucky and Jason have a confrontation at General Hospital
Skye isn’t happy when Edward shoots down her "hypothetical" suggestion that she and Alcazar get married.
Monica gets an e-mail from her special online friend
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