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October 25, 2006



-Alice, Julie, Laura, and Doug discuss the Ball and the plans they have for Maggie. Alice is confident everything will go off as planned while the others are skeptical. Julie says they just need to get Maggie to go to the Ball and they all agree that she should go over to Maggie's and convince her. They wish Julie luck and tell her they will all meet again at the Ball later.

-Maggie wakes up hung over from her drinking. She slowly gets up and is upset to learn she is all out of liquor. There is a knock on the door and Maggie realizes she better mask the fact that she was drinking. She begins to drink some orage juice and muffin just to cover her breath. She fixes herself up and puts a robe on before answering the door. It's Julie and she asks Maggie how she is feeling. Maggie says not so well and that she had a hard night. Julie says she can tell from Maggie's apperance. She tells Maggie they were all releived when Victor found her last night. Julie tells Maggie she knows Victor and her are close but that moving away from him was for the best right now. Maggie agrees, Julie tells Maggie that she needs to get out more and asks her to join her family and friends at the Horton Halloween Ball. Maggie says there will be too many people there and she can't handle dealing with all of them at once. Julie urges her to come as her family will be there to support her and it's for a good cause. It's a family event Mickey would want her to attend. Maggie says it doesn't matter what Julie says-she is not going. Julie wonders what she can do now.

-Shane shocks Carrie by showing up to the cabin in Green Mountain. Carrie is surprised as she had been trying to get a hold of him to find out how her loved ones are doing in Salem. Shane says he is in and out of Salem so that is why he is so hard to reach. He says he came by to check on her and asks where Alan is. Carrie says he went out. Shane says it would benefit Carrie if he never returned but Carrie reminds Shane of everything Alan has done for her. He has changed in her mind. Shane is skeptical and urges Carrie to reconsider her whole plan in general and just return home. She is putting her loved ones through hell and they are all trying to find ways to bring her back, including Lucas and Austin who joined in an alliance with Victor in a dangerous war on the Dimera's. Carrie is stunned to hear this but says she can't do anything. She is worried about them and hates them doing that for her but her return would cause more harm then good and she doesn't want that kind of drama around her baby. Shane sees her point and but urges Carrie to reconsider. Carrie refuses and says she will pray Lucas and Austin change their minds and pull away from Victor but she can't do anything about it. She tells Shane she will be gone as soon as Alan gets back from Salem. Carrie realizes what she blurted out as Shane is stunned that she sent Alan to Salem. Carrie says she needed to know about her loved ones before leaving and she could not reach Shane so it was the only option, even though it's risky for Alan. She just hopes he can get around without being spotted but he has a better chance then her with her pregnancy and known face. Shane hopes no one spots him either or there may be a murder to deal with. This worries Carrie, who has milk boiling on the stove and goes to tend to it. Shane decides he needs to warn of Alan's arrival in Salem or there could be major trouble. He decides to call Roman.

-Austin bumps into Nicole at Salem Place. They catch up on each other's lives. Nicole tries to discourage Austin from his alliance with Victor. Austin tells Nicole it was more Lucas's idea but anything to bring Carrie home is a go for him. He also tells Nicole he has shut down ARC due to financial trouble. Nicole is stunned and feels bad since he signed Highstyle over to her months ago. Austin says he will be fine and asks about her and Eric. She tells Austin she knows he is hiding a huge secret from her and she brought Sami and Greta in to help her but Greta and him seem to be getting to close and her work is taking her away from him, leaving Greta and Eric to spend lots of time together. Eric is blaming her for leaving him alone so much because of work and she is just torn in two directions. Austin knows Greta would never steal Eric from her but Nicole thinks Eric wants Greta in his life and that he is initiating everything. She tells Austin of her situation and how she will have to make a choice between her dream job at her company or the man she loves. Austin tells her she just has to follow her heart and decide what means more to her in life. She will have to make a sacrifice either way and will have to determine if Highstyle is what she really wants and if Eric is the man she is meant to be with and the one she truly wants. Nicole has no clue what to do. Austin tells her to just go talk to him and talk things out and go from there. Nicole realizes she should apologize for their argument and thanks Austin for his help. He wishes he could do more and help out with Highstyle's investors but with ARC gone he has no power. Nicole understands and hugs him. They both agree to see each other more often and maintain their friendship. They say goodbye and part separately.

-Eric and Greta return to the suite. Greta comforts him and gives him a warm washcloth when he gets another bad headache. He tells Greta his condition is worsening and time is being wasted while Nicole and him are falling apart. Greta tells him he needs to relax and just let things go right now. Nicole will be back and they can work things out. Greta tells him he should be enjoying his time. Eric says he would if Nicole and him were on the right track. Greta insists he doesn't need Nicole to have fun. He could do it without her, especially now, and would be more relaxed as she is a major source of stress right now and that isn't good for his condition. Greta asks if he would go with her to the Ball since Nicole and him are not in a good place right now. Eric thinks about and decides to go. He doesn't have much time left and it is clear he can't rely on Nicole. He tells Greta to go him and get ready and to come back and they will go. He is no longer sitting around and waiting for someone who, most of the time, will never come. Greta leaves to prepare as Eric looks at a picture of him and Nicole and a single tear drips down his cheek as he laments all the time they are wasting.

-Billie threatens to call Jack in from outside but Abby tells her if she does that,she will regret it. Billie is shocked to hear those words coming out of Abby. Abby tells Billie if she tells anyone, especially her father, about what she saw she will be sure to ruin any chance Billie has of a relationship with Chelsea by further poisoning her mind against her mother. Billie is stunned Abby would say that. Billie says she doesn't care-she is still telling Jack and doing what is right. Abby tells Billie she will also twist everything Billie says to make her look bad in front of everyone, including her dad. She will play it like she is wearing a Halloween costume or something and turn this all on Billie. Billie is stunned and mentions on how the clothes, behavior, and attitude is all Chelsea and that it's like having two Chelsea's. She begs Abby not to go down this road. Abby says she has to go meet her daughter so they can have a fun night. She warns Billie not to mess with her or interfere with her or her family or she will pay her back as promised. She runs out. Billie calls out to Jack, who races inside and asks what is wrong. Billie fills him in and Jack refuses to beleive it. His little girl would never do that. Billie tells Jack she knows what she saw and heard Abby's words. She was acting like Chelsea usually does and was dressed like her too. Jack is upset by this and can't beleive his little girl, who is always helping people whether it be strangers or family and friends and is the splitting image of her mother, would ever do or say what Billie is suggesting. He asks Billie if maybe she was playing a game or it was a costume. He also asks if it was just a way for Abby to make Billie look bad since she made it clear she did not want Billie near their family. Billie doesn't think any of that is the case and tells Jack she was going with Chelsea to a party and that they need to do something before it's too late. Jack says maybe she needs to do something about her daughter but he doesn't have to do a thing about his little girl, who couldn't be more perfect. She has never rebelled except the times when he died. Billie tells him he couldn't be more wrong and he will regret this if he doesn't do anything to help her stop this. Meanwhile, Abby is on her to the party and calls Chelsea to ask for directions. She tells her she is ready for a Halloween night she will never forget!!!

The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Eric to Greta: I have had enough. You and I are going to that Ball and Nicole be damned!!

Laura: I know exactly what is going on here.

Jack: What?

Laura: Your best friend, Billie, is trying to railroad your own daughter!!

Julie to Maggie: Please go to the ball. Please!!!

Maggie to Julie: I am not going and that is that!!

Roman to Shane: What did you say?

Shane to Roman: I said that Alan Harris is on his way to Salem.

Roman: My God....Sami....

Carrie to Shane: How could you do this? Do you have any idea the trouble you may have caused?


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