Secrets & Lies - Ep.8

Secrets & Lies: Episode 8
Monday, October 23, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler
At General Hospital, Alan is on the phone in his office conducting a very important phone call:
Alan: You know you’re a hard person to get in contact with right? Ha ha….. Yeah. I’m sure you’ve gotten all of my messages….Oh that’s not good….I’m sorry to hear that…. You know sometimes things like that happen….Well, I’ve been keeping some tabs on you and noticed that your last job ended a little over a year ago. How would you like to return to GH? We are always in need of great doctors like you…. Really? That’s great…. What’s in it for me? Well, I get to show everyone that there was a reason behind renewing my contact as Chief of Staff. And of course you’ll have to help me with something but I’ll explain it to you later. I’ll fax over the information to you and we can get everything squared away. Alright, I’ll talk to you later. I look forward to seeing you and thank you.
Alan hangs up very pleased with himself. He says to himself that things may be looking up after all.
At the nurses’ station, Liz asks if Bobbie has come in yet. She is told that Bobbie is late for her shift so she may have to do extra rounds. Liz sees Audrey get onto the elevator and runs after her.
Audrey: Good morning Elizabeth.
*Liz pushes the stop button on the elevator.*
Audrey: What are you doing?
Liz: Jason told me what you did. What gives you the right to interfere in my life? I am not a child grandmother; I don’t need you going around trying to fix things for me.
Audrey: Elizabeth, please understand why I did what I did. I am not trying to run your life nor am I trying to fix things for you. But I believe you will end up doing more damage in the long run if you continue to turn to Jason instead if your husband. Lucky needs you right now Elizabeth. The man witnessed a woman die in front his eyes and he couldn’t do a thing about it. He feels guilty that he couldn’t save Samantha and instead of you helping him cope with his guilt, you push him away and help Jason through his grief.
Liz: I know Lucky is dealing with some things right now but I am as well. Jason is my friend and he’s going through a rough time right now.
Audrey: Lucky is your husband.
Liz: Lucky and I haven’t been the same since Sam died.
*Liz gets a call from Nikolas while she’s with Audrey.*
Liz: I have to go. I love you.
Audrey: I love you too….
*Elizabeth pushes the button on the elevator to restart it. Audrey sighs as Liz leaves.*
At the PCPD, Mac has his office put Bobbie in the holding room. Felicia tries to get Mac to not press charges against Bobbie and he promises he won’t. However, he says that someone needs to come pick her up.
Mac decides to call Lucas. When he answers, Lucas is surprised to hear from Mac. Mac informs Lucas that he had to arrest Bobbie for public intoxication, but won’t press charges provided someone can come pick her up. Lucas tells Mac he’ll take care of it.
Brandon, who’s in bed with Lucas when he gets the call asks what’s wrong. Lucas tells him what happened. Lucas tosses the phone and turns back on his side as if he’s going back to sleep. Brandon questions Lucas about going down to pick up Bobbie but Lucas says he’s not going down. Brandon then goes downstairs to “get something to drink” when really he calls Carly and tells her about her mother.
At Wyndemere, Liz walks into the den. Nikolas tells her it’s ok, Lucky isn’t here. Liz asks why she was called over and Nikolas tries to beat around the bush but Liz becomes irritated and asks for the condensed version. What she asks for is what she gets. Nik bluntly asks Liz if she is having an affair with Jason.
On the next General Hospital –
Tracy learns that Edward is considering taking a less active role once again with ELQ by becoming the chairman and selecting a new CEO. Tracy decides to use this to her advantage to kick Skye out of ELQ.
Liz becomes angry when Nikolas accuses her of cheating on Lucky.
Helena has a confrontation with Alexis.
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