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October 17, 2006



-Everyone is stunned by what is going on with Maggie ans Caroline. Roman and Hope tell Maggie and Caroline to calm down. Maggie is outraged at Caroline's words. Caroline apologizes saying she had no right to say that. She just doesn't think what is going on with Victor and her is right nor does she think Bo, Lucas, and Austin teaming up with him is wise. Maggie tells her that the conversation is over and she doesn't wish for it to go any further. Caroline apologizes again but Maggie walks off. Julie goes after her but Maggie tells her she doesn't wish to talk. Caroline apologizes to Alice. Alice makes nothing of it and says they all are concerned about Maggie and everything that is going on. While outside, Julie bumps into Victor who was hoping to catch the end of the hearing. Julie fills him in and he is pleased that Theo was kept out of Dimera hands. Julie tells Victor they need to talk. She asks him about what is going on with him, Bo, Lucas, and Austin and says that her family is concerned about the welfare of Bo and Lucas and all of them as a whole. Victor says they are fine and doing what they must. He does not want to discuss it. Julie changes the subject to Maggie and asks what his feelings are concerning her. Victor explains that Maggie has become a dear friend and nothing more. Julie tells Victor she considers him a close friend from their many times together. Victor feels the same. Julie asks Victor if there is nothing else going on and explains to him what just happened with Caroline and Maggie. Victor explains they are just two friends who grew closer by being there for each other and that is all. Doug is helping Alice to her car so Julie tells Victor she has to go but she would like to keep in touch more. Victor says he would like that and tells her to call to make arrangements. She asks him to be careful and kisses his cheek before going off to leave with Doug and Alice. Julie tells them both she is still very worried about Maggie and everything going on. Alice tells her to be patient because they have their plan that is in motion to fall back on.

-Lexie and Stefano are on their way out when they pass Roman and Hope, who are talking. Lexie gives them both a cold stare as she leaves. Hope tells Roman she is very worried now that Lexie has embraces being a Dimera again. Roman says it seems they have alot to worry about. Hope agrees and wonders when all the madness going on in Salem is going to stop. She doesn't know how much more their families can take.

-Abe and Celeste arrive home and Abe embraces Theo. Celeste knows that he is happy but warns Abe she has a feeling that the worst is yet to come. He asks what she means. Celeste says she has no details, only that she has this vibration that worst things are ahead for all of them. Abe says he hopes she is wrong and everything will work out. Celeste worries about Lexie and tells Abe they must get her away from Stefano. Abe says he is willing to help but their marriage is finished. Celeste understands but she needs his help before Lexie is lost to them for good. Abe says he will help for Theo's sake and because it is time Salem is rid of the Dimera's and their influence.

-Abby is sitting out back when Frankie arrives. She asks how court was and he fills her in. He asks if she has heard from Chelsea. She says she hasn't and doesn't care. She has enough for herself to deal with. Frankie asks if she is talking about Max and she nods in agreement. He urges her to talk to Max and try to work things out. Alot has been going on lately and he thinks alot can be fixed by a long talk. Abby doesn't think so but Frankie tells Abby it won't hurt. Abby agrees to talk to Max and see where things go. Frankie is pleased and says she won't be sorry. Laura arrives him soon after. Abby walks in and can see Laura is angered by something. She asks if Laura is ok. Laura tells Abby that Jack and Billie worked things out and she knows it isn't right and has to put an end to it. Abby is angry too and asks what else they can do. They already explained their side to the story. Laura says she isn't giving up-not when it comes to her family. Abby says she will help in any way she can because she wants to protect their family too. Laura hugs her and is happy to hear her say that.

-Jack tells Billie he is really happy that everything is settled. She agrees. He notices she is worried and asks what is wrong. Billie says there is still no word on Chelsea and she has some friends at the station looking for her because it would be worse if she looked and found Chelsea. He asks Billie if she wants him to go look. Billie says he needs to go back to work. Jack laughs and says he had forgotten that because it has been so long since he has been on a schedule. He has a deadline to meet. He tells Billie to call if she needs anything. She embraces him and says she will and runs off. Billie says it's time for her to take some action and makes a phone call to Bo and tells him there is a problem with their daughter that needs immediate attention before it's too late.

-Max is walking the pier and has a bad headache from a hangover. He bumps into a disheveled girl and is shocked that it's Chelsea. She is clearly out of it and he can smell alcohol on her breath. She also seems strung out. He asks her why she is doing this to herself. She says no one wants her and she is nothing but a dirty whore. She doesn't deserve love from anyone. Max says none of that is true and that she is just buying into what Jason and Barry said to her. He tells Chelsea he is sorry for not being there for her. he knows he should've never walked away from her over the summer when she was pushing him away. He should've known there was a reason and he is sorry because he knows she needed him and now he knows she needs him more then ever. She has been through one traumatic ordeal after another and he heard what happened last night. Chelsea tells him that if he cared about her at all he would've never abandoned her for months when she needed him and he would've came last night when Abby called for help. Instead, he never questioned why she was pushing him away and he hung up on Abby. Max explains he never hung up and doesn't know what happened but admits he screwed up over the summer. Chelsea was pretty insistent that they take a break but he should've never backed off and forced her to open up to him. He is sorry for everything that has happened. Chelsea says she wanted him to stay away from her but that she still hoped deep down he wouldn't back off. She would then know they had something but now she knows they don't and never will. She doesn't want anything from him and wants him to leave her alone. He begs Chelsea to let him help her. She tells him he had his chance and it's too late. She pushes him and knocks him over and tells him he can go to hell. Max chases after her but loses her. He is afraid for what may happen to her next.

-Eric is at his and Nicole's hotel suite when Greta arrives. She asks if Nicole is there. Eric says sarcastically she had another business meeting. Greta apologizes and says she knows that upsets him. He changes the subject and asks what she wants. Greta says she was hoping no one would be there because the specialist is here. Eric isn't sure he is up for it but Greta says the sooner Eric sees him the sooner it's over. Greta tells Eric that the specialist could find something to give him hope. Eric says he could also put the final nail in his coffin. Greta tells Eric that the specialist has arranged some tests at a hospital on the outside of Salem since Eric doesn't want anyone to learn of his illness. Eric thanks Greta for making that arrangment. Greta asks Eric if he is going to leave Nicole a note saying he went out. He tells her he isn't because she probably still won't be there when he returns. They leave. Eric meets the specialist and they shake hands. He tells Eric he hopes to give him better news. Eric says he doubts it but it won't hurt anything to check things over. They head for the hospital.

-Lexie and Stefano leave the courthouse as Stefano continues to promise that they will get Theo back and will get revenge. Lexie says she hopes so. They bump into Maggie who says the only ones that are going to be getting revenge are the people of Salem thanks to Victor and his team. Stefano asks what she is blabbering about. Maggie tells him that Victor and his men along with Bo, Austin, and Lucas have teamed together to rid Salem of the Dimera's and all those that have inflicted pain and suffering on Salem for years. Stefano laughs and says that he isn't scared. Maggie says he will and vows that they will pay and sooner then they think. She blurts out she has already seen them all working with maps and blueprints of Stefano's various lairs and properties. She tells them that Victor and his allies are already at work plotting to take action against him so revenge is coming and she knows it will be sweet for all the pain that has been caused because of the Dimera's. Victor comes out from behind and screams out Maggie's name and asks what she thinks she is doing. Maggie is shocked to see Victor as Lexie and Stefano laugh. Stefano thanks Maggie for her help and tells Victor he will never destroy him anyway. Victor gives Stefano a cold stare as Stefano wishes them good day and leaves with Lexie. Maggie is about to say something but Victor interupts and asks why Maggie did this. Maggie apologizes as Victor asks her how she could do this to him.

The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Abby to Max: I don't even want to try anymore. It's not worth my time. I don't want to see you again.

Billie to Bo: Your daughter needs you so it's up to you to come through. What will it be, Bo?

Chelsea: Meth huh? Sounds like just what I need.

Laura: I won't let Billie get her claws into Jack.

Hope: Laura! I can't believe you!!

Greta to Eric: I am here for you. I am not going anywhere.

Nicole: Greta's up there again. What is going on with you two, Eric?

Victor to Maggie: I want you out!! Out of my house and out of my life!!!


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