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October 13, 2006



-Judge Fitzpatrick officially opens the hearing. The judge asks if the demand on both sides is for full custody. Lexie stands up and says yes while Abe reluctantly agrees, saying he wishes they could compromise. Lexie says there will be no compromising. She wants her son. Frankie informs the judge that Commishioner Carver has several people that wish to speak on his behalf. She allows it.

-Alice, Hope, Billie, Caroline, Roman, and Shane explain how long they have known Abe and how great of a father he is. They admit concern about Lexie being a Dimera and Theo's safety, citing the attempt on her life, but they do feel that Lexie should still be able to see her son and spend time with him as much as possible. Maggie then asks to take the stand and throws her support behind Abe. She explains all the horrors the Dimeras have put so many through and Theo should not be exposed to that. Maggie lashes out and says that all the Dimera's should burn in hell. She tells everyone that Lexie doesn't care about any of them. She is sitting on Stefano's side and has made her loyalties clear since she moved into the Dimera mansion. She tells Stefano that he will pay and so will his family. Judge Fitzpatrick warns Maggie not to issue threats. Maggie apologizes and returns to her seat behind Doug, Julie, and Laura.

-Laura is called to the stand to explain the psychological effect on the child depending on which parent gets custody. Laura says she feels usually that the child is better off with the mother but she just ins't sure it's safe so her support is for the father to obtain custody. Lexie lashes out saying Laura has no idea what she is talking about. The judge orders her to remain silent. Frankie then calls Sami up to the stand. Sami explains how fondly she thinks of Abe and how she grew up thinking of him as an uncle and still does. She looks at Lexie and Stefano and remembers his warning to her. She tells herself she can't be afraid. She tells the court that Abe is a wonderful father and Theo belongs with him. She agrees that it just isn;t very safe for him to go with Lexie and she really isn't sure if Lexie is in the state of mind to raise Theo right now. Lexie lashes out and says that Sami's opinion means nothing based on her history and calls her a [!@#$%^&*]. The judge orders order and warns Lexie that another disruption will give her a ticket to jail. Lexie quiets as Cameron warns her to cool it. Sami returns to her seat with Eric, Nicole, and Greta.

-The judge then asks if Celeste would like tp speak as the maternal grandmother of Theo. Celeste says she will only say that both Lexie and Abe are wonderful parents and that she doesn't want to take sides. She cares about Abe and loves her daughter. Judge Fitzpatrick asks Celeste if she thinks Theo would be safe with Lexie. Celeste says he would be safe being cared for by Lexie but by himself or just being around the Dimera influence could make him a target and put him in danger. She also fears him becoming like Stefano just like so many of his children have, including her daughter. The judge thanks her and calls Abe to the stand. Abe explains how much he loves his son and many of the things they have done together. We then see some flashbacks of Theo and Abe playing and him reading to Theo. He also notes that Lexie is a wonderful mother and he would never take Theo away from her completely. He wanted joint custody but she wanted all or nothing and he needs to protect his son from harm and from the Dimera's so he needs to go for full custody. Cameron asks the judge if she may ask a question. The judge grants her request. Cameron reminds Abe that he is a cop and the commishioner to boot, meaning that could put Theo at risk too. Abe insists that Theo is always kept safe and watched and he would do everything in his power to protect him. The Dimera's are not only a red flag for danger for others and for themselves but also are a bad influence and he can't have his son grow up like them even though those that grew up away from them still ended up being sinister (looks at Lexie) . He just asks the judge to be fair and keep the child first in all this. He leaves the stand.

-Stefano steps up and explains how much his daughter loves Theo and that he will be well taken care of and safe. He is in no more danger with them then he would face on the street. Frankie brings up Stefano and his family being a bad influence and says that no one can trust a word he says, based on his history, so his words lose credibility with him and all those that know him. Stefano laughs and tells Frankie he is only trying to help his daughter and say his peace. The judge tells Stefano he may step down.

-Lexie is asked to take the stand and makes an emotional plea to hold on to Theo. She apologixes for all her mistakes and tells the judge she has lost so much. Frankie asks her if she can promise Theo will besafe and secure. Lexie vows to protect him and give her life for him but reminds Frankie and the court that Theo is in just as much danger with any one of them. If something is meant to happen, it will regardless of the whereabouts. Lexie then says there are a few things she feels the court must know about her soon-to-be-ex-husband. Lexie stares at Stefano, who nods his head in approval. She explains Abe's past and his temper. She brings up his relationship with Faye and the son, Brandon, that resulted from that. She tells the court of his shooting Larry Morris and, later, Brady Black. She also claims Abe pushed her away and emotionally abused her while he was blind and impotent and that even continued after the blindness was cured. She claims if people are trying to say Theo is not safe with her and that she is unfit, then Abe has just as much on him too as he has a hot temper and all these things suggest he exhibits questionable behavior too. Ahe is humiliated Lexie would bring all that out, especially about his impotence and their private life. He lashes out at Lexie for that. Lexie tells Abe she is going to do whatever it takes. The judge tells Lexie that while Abe has said he was partly responsible for pushing her away due to his actions, Lexie still did the deed and lied. The judge also tells Lexie that the Larry Morris and Brady Black case are well-documented. Roman and Cal stand up and say Abe had nothing to do with that and it was an accident. Same goes for Larry and the Faye/Brandon thing as both Sami and Nicole rise and state that Abe has really done nothing wrong but push away his wife and start the whole mess they are going through today. The judge agrees and says she knows all that too and tells Lexie that all those past occurances have nothing to do with what is going on. They came off as desperate and displayed nothing but hatred and disdain for her husband, someone she said she loved for years. If anything, it made her see Lexie in an even worse light. Lexie says she did love him but that things changed. She just wants her son. Judge Fitzpatrick returns to her quarters to contemplate her decision.

-Abe asks Celeste if she has had a vision. Celeste says the same on as before where he is upset and people seem to be unhappy. Abe is worried.

-Billie asks Jack if he has acquired any inside informatiion. Jack says he hasn't but that Stefano has gone MIA, meaning he could be doing a little shady handiwork to make sure things go his way. Billie worries that is true and that Abe will lose.

-Lexie tells Cameron that she is worried as their scheme to play dirty backfired and made her look bad in the eyes of the judge. Cameron says things could still work out and they just need to hope. Lexie says she can't hope-she feels like her hopes of holding on to Theo are slipping away. She notices Stefano is gone and figures he went behind the scenes to help. Cassie comes into the hallway outside the courtroom and sees Stefano. Stefano says he just needed to walk around a bit as he is cramping. Cassie wants the real answer. Stefano says he needed Lexie to think he went in to see the judge to help. Cassie asks why. Stefano insists she will see and returns to Lexie. Lexie says she knows he went to help her and asks how it went. Stefano says they will see soon enough as the judge returns with a decision. Everyone rises and is seated. Judge Fitzpatrick tells both Abe and Lexie and their counsels to rise and she reveals she has decided to award full custody to...ABE CARVER!!! Everyone is thrilled for Abe as a stunned Lexie is stunned and held by Stefano.

The screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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