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October 10, 2006



-Cassie follows Max out of the Pub. Max yells at her and tells her to just leave him alone. She refuses and tells him that he is drunk and she will help him get home. He asks her why she is always hovering around him lately. She admits she likes him and is attracted to him and and she is still close to the Brady's. They will always be like family to her and she is just trying to help. Cassie recalls Stefano asking her to use her closeness with the Brady's and to also get close to Max to aid in his upcoming plans and tells Max she likes him alot and is trying to be a friend. He tells her that from what he hears about her she was never the friend type. She asks what he heard exactly. Max says he heard she was very man-hungry. She laughs and says that being a Brady softened her a bit but that she still has the wild and crazy Cassie in her. She teases Max and says that he may get to see that someday. Max smiles and Cassie then helps him walk as he begins his way home.

-Jack is stunned by Abby's words, as is Billie. He asks her why she is saying all this now. Abby reiterates what Laura told her earlier about it being too soon and about JJ and their family needing Jack. Abby says she is also worried about Billie taking advantage of her promise to her mother about caring and helping with thier family. She asks Jack if he is sure Billie isn't using him to make Bo jealous and she reminds him of her past with Bo and Hope. Jack says Billie has always been a family friend and that he is well aware of the mistakes she made that she regrets. Abby says she appreciates all Billie has done with helping their family and getting her dad back to work but she just doesn't think this is right. Billie tells Abby she understands but says she is not taking advantage of anything and is not using Jack. Abby says she is not the only one that feels that way. Jack asks what she means. Abby says that everyone around them will agree with her. Jack asks if this means her grandmother. Abby mentions that she knows grandma doesn't like him being around Billie but that she has nothing to do with her feeling like she does. Abby looks at Laura, who whispers a "thank you" to Abby for not saying they talked and causing some family drama. Billie does see Laura's whisper to Abby and both woman give each other a cold stare. Jack says he needs to talk to Abby alone. He asks Abby why she is so bothered now by this as Billie has been around alot for weeks. Abby says that JJ really needed his father tonight and that just put everything in perspective. She also can't see being related to Chelsea and her family. Jack insists him and Billie are only friends and that nothing else is going on. Abby tells Jack she doesn't want anything to go on and that is why it needs to stop now. She tells Jack she just doesn't feel comfortable and righ about this right now. She hopes he understands. Jack says he does.

-Billie stands near Laura while Abby and Jack talk. They both remain silent until Billie tells Laura she knows she had something to do with Abby turning on her all of a sudden. Laura doesn't answer and then Jack and Abby return to them. Jack says he needs to talk to Billie. Billie tells Jack she already knows what he is going to say and she accepts it. Jack says it is for the best and she is still his friend but they should just avoid each other for the time being. Billie says it's fine and that she doesn't want any trouble. She doesn't understand why this is an issue as they are only friends but he needs to put his family first so she is fine with it. She admits it is hard as he has been a comfort to her. He feels the same way and apologizes for all this. She did so much for him and he feels this is wrong. Billie understands and tells him they are friends and they need to do what is right. She is willing to go with this. He thanks her for understanding, as does Abby. Abby also fills Billie in on what happened with Chelsea earlier. Billie and Jack feel awful that they turned their phones off. Abby cites that as another reason for why she thinks Jack and Billie's relationship is wrong. Jack tells her to cool it but Billie agrees. She needs to be there for her daughter too and she was wrong to try to block all that out tonight just so she could relax and have fun. It was selfish and she hates herself for it. Her phone should've been on. Jack tells her not to blame herself. Billie wonders why Bo didn't answer his phone and figures it has something to do with his issues. She says she will have to thank Frankie for helping and then asks Abby how Chelsea is. Abby says she was shaken because she was reminded of her rapes but she chose not to come home with Frankie and her and just ran off. Billie is both furious and upset that she is MIA again. Abby tells Billie that Chelsea was encouraging the guys and didn't say no until she recalled her rapes. She was willing to go that far with both men and was incredibly drunk and high. Billie is worried sick and says she needs to go. Jack thanks her again for everything and for her understanding. Billie looks at Abby and then at Jack and says they need to do what they need to do and that maybe it's for the best for everyone. She then glances at Laura, who seems pleased by the look on her face. She then walks off. Abby hugs her father and thanks him. Jack mentions to Laura that she should be pleased. Laura says she just wants what is best but that she learned her lession about interfering. Jack is happy about that and says he wants them all to know his family comes first. Abby thanks him and hugs him as Laura looks on smiling. Meanwhile, outside, Billie tells herself she is doing what is right but knows Laura used Abby because Jack wouldn't listen to her anymore. She doesn't want to cause trouble so she will just leave them alone and worry about her life and family from now on. She calls Chelsea, whose phone is off, and wonders where she is.

-Steve is still trying to find a way out of the cell and is frustrated. He once again blames Kayla and her yapping for delaying their escape long enough for them to get locked up. Kayla apologizes but thinks they should take advantage of their time alone to help him remember his past. Steve says he has no interest in that and says he doesn't even know if he can trust her. She could be a spy sent on by Alamain or that Dimera person to mess with him. Kayla insists she is not a spy or minion and that she is his wife and the mother of his daughter. Steve says he doesn't remember any of that. All he knows is that she is familiar to him but that is it. He reiterates that his only focus is on finding a way out of the cell. Kayla says that someone will come looking for her and will find them. She has brothers that are cops and everyone knows she was only going to be away for a short time. They will come looking. Steve says he doesn't feel like waiting as he has been locked up for over a decade while she has been for a short time. Kayla urges him to stop wasting his energy as there is no way for them to get out on their own. He may as well put his energy into remembering his past. Steve says he already heard so much from her about their past and nothing rang a bell. Kayla then says that maybe she has to show him his past, rather then tell him. He asks how she plans to do that. She then pulls him into a kiss. He pulls back and looks into her eyes. She tells him she loves him and that this is what they had, what they still have, and what they will always have. Steve then grabs her and kisses her without pulling away. He pulls away, eventually, and wonders why he responded to the kiss with one of his own. Kayla says he felt their love and now he knows she is no spy or minion working for the Dimera's or Alamains. Steve admits that there was a connection there and that he knows now she is not on the bad side but he doesn't remember anything but being in captivity, who has held him captive, and what his name is. Kayla says he felt the power of their love and that was a start. They will continue to progress and she will help him along. He says he hasn't remembered anything in years. Kayla explains that is because he has been alone and locked up for years. They will get out and she will help him remember. They will make much more progress once they get out because she can walk him down memory lane but talking will help too. She tells Steve she is a doctor and would know. He isn't so sure but Kayla reminds him that he felt something and that he kissed her. That is a sign that she has gotten to him and that they are going somewhere. Steve says that maybe it is but his goal and focus is on escaping. He goes back to examining the door as Kayla vows not to give up. She is going to keep working on him, whether they are locked up or free, and she is more determined then ever to get the man she loves back now that she knows he is in there based on the kiss. She vows not to give up until their family is back together in every sense of the word. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Bo to Victor: I am warning you Victor. Maggie being around here can only lead to trouble.

Austin to Lucas: Are you sure we are doing the right thing?

Abby to Max: I called you last night!! You hung up when Chelsea needed help...when I needed help!!

Max to Abby: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Max to Cassie: You aren't lying to me are you?

Jack to Billie: We can't do this. I can't do this.

Billie to Jack: What?

Jack to Billie: Not seeing each other...it's wrong.


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