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October 9, 2006



-Greta is walking the pier and bumps into Hope. They both ask how the other is doing. Hope says she is worried about Bo and informs Greta of what is going on with him. Greta asks Hope about Victor's past before he learned of Isabella. Hope tells her he was ruthless but had his supporters. She says that Julie became a friend of his when they all got washed up on the island following the Loretta sinking. Caroline also supported him. After he learned of Isabella, he promised her he would change and he did. Her death really transformed him into what he was currently, at least until lately when he decided he wanted revenge. Hope asks Greta why she is asking so many questions about Victor. Greta lies and says she just wants to a get a handle on who Victor is since Bo seems to following the same path of revenge is Victor and she just inquired for the sake of conversation. She chooses not to share with Hope that she wants to learn a little more about Victor because he is her father. Hope asks how she is. Greta mentions having a friend with an illness that is said to be terminal. Greta explains she found a specialist that could help but her friend won't see him. Plus, he is hiding his illness from his family and friends and she is the only one that knows he is ill. Hope asks if it anyone she knows. Greta lies and says it is a friend from Paris. Hope tells her that it is best not to interfere but that it can't hurt to bring the specialist in and just make her friend see him. Greta asks Hope if she can do that. Hope stresses that it's Greta's choice but if she cares for this person she must do what she can to help regardless if he gets angry with her or refuses. It could end up saving a life. Greta agrees and says she will do that. She thanks Hope for the talk and wishes her well with Bo. Hope says she hopes Shawn was here. He is her only child left, except for JT who isn't really her's biologicallyand isn't even in Salem, and she could use someone by her side right now. Greta recalls talking with Chelsea about Hope being her real mother and contemplates telling her but decides it isn't her place. She hugs Hope and they say goodbye. After Hope leaves, Greta calls the specialist and asks him to come to Salem afterall.

-Nicole gets out of the shower. Eric tells her they need to talk about all their problems. Nicole is tired and thinks they should talk in the morning. Eric makes a comment that she may be working again in the morning. Nicole takes it as sarcastic and tells Eric she gave up alot to stay in Salem and she needs to have a career too. Eric approves but says they need to spend time together too. He feels distance between them, as well as tension. Nicole agrees they have problems but they can work through them. She agrees to make a better effort to manage her time better and balance things out. Nicole asks Eric why he doesn't go back to work as a photographer or go freelance like he was previously. Eric says he just wants to enjoy life and relax. Nicole says he is acting like he could die tomarrow. Eric is bothered by her saying that and says that life is short and anyone can die tomarrow and that is why he wants her to start thinking about their relationship more. Nicole agrees and says they will get through this. Nicole remembers what her secretary said about having to make a choice and she opts not to tell Eric of her impending decision. Eric says he wants to stop fighting and just enjoy each other. They kiss and make love. While Eric is asleep, Nicole gets up to answer emails on her laptop and do some work. Eric sees her, which Nicole doesn't notice, and begins to understand Nicole's work is beginning to consume her. He wonders if they can deal with this before he says goodbye for good. He loves her and wants to spend his last days with her and may never get the chance if this continues. Eric thinks about what they do to fix their shaky relationship.

-Laura and Julie are having tea at the Deveraux home. Laura thanks Julie again for watching JJ earlier. Julie asks why Laura went to the Penthouse Grill anyway. Laura swears Julie to secrecy and explains her scheme to keep Billie and Jack apart. She says it's not just about her history with Kate but she just feels it is too fast and that Billie is wrong for Jack. She also feels Billie is taking advantage of her promise to Jennifer to take care of Jack and the family so she can have Jack. Laura says she nearly destroyed Bo and Hope and she is worried about what may happen to Jack. She even wonders if Billie is losing Jack to make Bo jealous. Julie admits Billie did alot of bad things and that she doesn't care for her but thinks Laura is wrong to interfere. She explains to Laura that she is acting just like Kate and that the more she tries to tear them apart, the worst she looks to Jack and the more closer Jack and Billie will get. Julie thinks that Laura needs to let them live and explore things on their own. Laura reluctantly agrees, especially after her plan at the restaurant failed badly. She also reminds herself that Jack and Billie are only friends right now and, hopefully, it won't be more. Julie tells Laura that only time will tell. Julie realizes she has to go. She embraces and says goodbye to Laura and warns her again about interfering. Julie leaves as Laura prays nothing comes of Jack and Billie.

-Chelsea is shocked to see Abby in the motel room. The two guys laugh saying that they will now have one girl for each of them. Abby tells them to back off. Chelsea tells Abby she never should've come. Abby says she needed to help her and couldn't just stand by and watch her get hurt. One of the men pins Abby against the wall and says that she will be a fun little goodie. He begins to kiss her as the other guy goes back to Chelsea. Both men begin to kiss the woman and remove their clothes when Frankie burst through the door. He throws the man off of Abby and to the floor, punchiing him in the process. He picks the guy off Chelsea and throws him against the wall. Both men scurry away as Frankie asks if both girls are ok. Abby thanks him for coming so fast after she called. Abby explains to Chelsea that after she couldn't reach Max or either of their parents she called Frankie. She thought the police would make things worse and even more dangerous with all the sirens. Frankie says she did the right thing as he was in the area and it seems they lucked out he was close. The cops may have never made it in time. He asks Chelsea if she is ok. Chelsea says she is fine and that she just needs to pick better men. Frankie thinks she needs to stop with the out of control behavior. Chelsea explains everything she has gone through and is going through and says no one will make her do anything. She was reminded of her rapes when the two men were on her and there would've been no problem if she wasn't reminded by the two men by what they said and did. Frankie warns Chelsea she is always going to be reminded of what she went through everytime she is with a man in bed but she has people in her life who will help her get over it. Pushing people away will only make the problem grow. Abby agrees and asks Chelsea to come home with her and Frankie. Chelsea refuses and says she doesn't want love or attention or her family and friends pitying her. She knows she is a whore who destroys people's lives and who is wanted by no one. She just wants to be left alone. Frankie and Abby try to reason with her but she runs out. Later, she calls up an old friend from high school and asks if she can stay with her for the night. The friend agrees and Chelsea heads there as she refuses to go home and face those that love and care for her.

-Frankie and Abby discuss Chelsea in the car as he drives her home. Abby says that Billie will freak when she hears what happened and that Chelsea ran off. Frankie asks what happened with Max. Abby fills him in on their talk earlier and how he hung up on her when she called him to help with Chelsea. She says the cell phone was picked up and she heard a click so he hung up. Frankie is stunned and can't beleive Max would be like that. Abby agrees and says that she plans on telling him what she thinks of him. Frankie says he will speak with him too and is sure there is more to it. Abby disagrees and tells Frankie that Max may not be what anyone thought he was. They arrive at the Deveraux home. Frankie heads for the garage apartment and says good night to Abby. She tells him the same and enters the house. Laura is there when she enters and she gets an idea to do what she wants without her getting her hands dirty. Laura tells Abby they need to talk and sits her down. Laura explains to Abby her concerns about her father and Billie and how she feels it is too fast and Billie is taking Jack away from being there for JJ and his family through their mourning period that they are still going through. She reminds Abby of what Billie did to Bo and Hope and asks if they can even be sure Billie isn't using Jack to make Bo jealous. She also tells Abby she beleives Billie is using her promise to Jennifer to take care of the family to snag Jack for whatever reason. Abby insists her parents and Billie have always been close friends and that she likes Billie and doesn't see what the problem is. She tells Abby to just think about what she said. Laura ackowledges that Billie has done alot for Jack and his family and brings up arranging for his return to his job at The Spectator. Abby cites that as a reason for not thinking Billie is a problem. Laura says it is too quick and she asks Abby if she wants Jack and Billie to get closer and someday marry. She reminds Abby that she would be united with the Roberts/Reed families, including Chelsea, and there would be all kinds of tension and turmoil. She urges Abby to think about everything she said and goes to make tea. Abby contemplates what Laura said. JJ begins to cry upstairs and Abby goes to tend to him. He won't stop crying. Laura comes in and can't get him to stop either. Abby says that her father always can get him to stop when he makes some funny faces at him and sings some weird song he thinks of. Laura tells Abby that Jack should be there but he is with Billie. They are still going through a difficult time and she tells Abby it is too fast and this proves that. Abby begins to wonder if she may be right as Laura whsipers that JJ's crying couldn't come at a better time.

-Jack and Billie are playing a car racing game at the arcade. She beats him 3 out of 5 and says it appears she has won the battle of the arcade games. They both laugh and he congratulates her. He says he wants a rematch though. They turn in their tickets and Billie sees a a purse up on the high shelf that Chelsea may really like but she doesn't have enough tickets. Jack asks the employee how much the purse would be and offers to buy it. Billie insists he doesn't have to do that. Jack says he lost the arcade battle and he owes her for everything she has done for him. She tells Jack he has done so much for her by helping her take her mind off her troubles. Jack says it's reciprocal and gives the employee the money for the purse. Billie thanks him and says that Chelsea likes this style of purse to put with her everyday outfits. Jack says he can't understand all the different categories of outfits women have but says he doesn't have the energy to talk about. Billie thanks him again and gives him a small kiss on the cheek. They smile at each other and agree it's time to go home. They hate to end such a fun night but Billie says they need to return to reality sometime.

-Jack convinces Billie to come in the house for a nightcap. Billie is afraid Laura might be there but Jack says he doubts it after what happened earlier. He convinces her to come in and they both turn their cell phones on once they enter the Deveraux house. They realize Abby called both of them by seeing their missed calls list. Abby and Laura hear them come in upstairs and bring a screaming JJ down with them. Jack hears them come down and asks why JJ is screaming. Abby says he wanted his daddy but he was busy. Abby gives Billie a cold stare that stuns Billie. Jack calms JJ, who quiets, and asks Abby what she meant by that. Abby says that she has no choice but to say something and she tells Billie to stop messing things up with their family and to leave her father alone. Billie and Jack are stunned as a subdued but satisfied Laura looks on with a small smirk. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Max to Cassie: Just leave me alone!!

Cassie to Max: Not a chance.

Abby to Jack and Billie (with Laura in the room): It would be best for everyone if she just stays away from us!!

Jack to Billie: There is only one way to go from here...

Billie to Jack: You don't need to say a word. I know exactly where this is going.

Kayla to Steve: I guess I will just have to show you what we had.

Steve to Kayla: Now how do you plan to do that?

Kayla to Steve: Like this... (grabs Steve and kisses him)


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