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October 2, 2006



-Kayla is still outside Steve's cell and is in shock over finding him after all these years.

Kayla: It's really true. You're really here...Oh...I am so sorry. I better get you out of there.

Steve: Yeah...good idea. Who the hell is this chick?

Kayla searches for something to help her get into the cell. She can't find anything around to help so she decides to use a bobby pin and pick the lock like Bo and Roman taught her how to do when they were younger. She gets the door open and runs into Steve's arms.

Kayla: I have missed you so much. We all have. You don't know how long I waited for this day...a day I never thought would happen. I love you so much, Steve. Wow...I just keep on talking and you can barely get a word in.

Steve: Yeah...uh, who are you?

Kayla: What do you mean who am I? I'm Kayla Brady Johnson. I am your wife and the mother of your daughter, Stephanie.

Steve: I'm sorry but I don't remember any wife or kid. I have no clue who you are.

-Stefano arrives at the hospital. A nurse walks up to him telling him he has a phone call. He goes to the nurse's desk and takes the call. It's Cassie and she tells Stefano that Kayla has found Steve. Stefano is pleased and says that everything is going as planned. He tells Cassie to keep him up to date or to have one of his lieutenants inform him of anything that happens. Stefano then enters Lexie's room. Lexie notices that he seems happy. Stefano says he is and that she will be too. They are getting their revenge on their enemies. Lexie asks what is going on. Stefano insists she will learn in time but right now he has other news for her. He informs Lexie that he used the Dimera name and influence to push up Theo's custody hearing. Lexie is stunned and says she is not ready. Stefano insists the sooner the better and warns Lexie she may have to choose between Abe and Theo. Lexie says she already thought about that and she will choose her son. She will do whatever it takes to hold on to Theo, even if it means playing as dirty as she can. She vows to stop anyone who gets in her way. Stefano is pleased to hear this and says he will be there to help her and that he has some ideas for how they can handle the hearing. Lexie embraces him and thanks him for his support. Stefano says he will always be there for his children as long as they are there for him and the Dimera family. Lexie says she regrets ever turning her back on the family and that she may have been happier if she hadn't. She vows to stay true to her family's name and heritage now, which further pleases Stefano.

-Celeste comes downstairs and sees how distraught Abe is. She tells Abe she put Theo to bed and, unless he needs anything else, she is going to head home. He asks her to stay and shows her some paperwork he just recieved informing him Theo's custody hearing is tomarrow. It seems they beat him to the punch as he was about to have Frankie serve Lexie. Celeste asks how that is possible. Abe says it had to be Stefano using his influence to push up the date. Abe knows he is going to lose Theo as Stefano is corrupting Lexie yet again and they will play dirty. Celeste admits she had a vision of more pain and suffering coming the way of many in Salem. Abe asks if he is one of those who will suffer more pain. Celeste clams up but Abe urges her to tell him as she has always been right. He wants to know. Celeste admits she saw him in her vision and he seemed like a broken man. Abe says he is going upstairs to see Theo. Celeste reminds him that Theo is sleeping. Abe explains that he wants to be with him as this could be their last night together. He tells Celeste goodnight and goes upstairs. Celeste gets her purse and looks at a picture of Lexie, Theo, and Abe as she leaves. She asks why this has to happen and prays that Lexie will come to her senses and not let things go too far since Abe does not deserve to lose his son, just like she doesn't deserve to.

-Billie and Frankie drive her car, with Jack having the garbage bag over his head in the back seat. Jack moans and groans and complains he can't be breathe. Frankie tears a hole in the front of the bag. Jack is able to see and is shocked to see Billie and Frankie. He asks why they put the bag over his head and what is going on. Billie explains it was a setup and that she called Laura to watch JJ. They have a surprise for him. Billie tells Frankie they are there. Frankie reverses the bag so Jack can't see anything as Billie pulls over. They drag a kicking and screaming Jack into a skycraper-like building. They bring Jack up to a dark office space. They take the bag off his head. Jack asks what is going on. The lights then go off and Jack is stunned to find himself at The Spectator. Jack asks Billie and Frankie what is going on. They tell him to go into the editor's office.

-Jack goes in to find Harold and Vern waiting for him. Jack shares a friendly hug with both of them and asks what is going on. Billie and Frankie thank Vern and Harold for their help. Vern explains that Billie called him and Harold and made it known that Jack was bored and actually baking. Harold explains they knew Jack was lost when he was actually baking cookies. Vern then says that Billie informed him that Jack was ready to go to work and just felt like The Spectator was the only place. Turns out the editor in chief job is still open so that is where the surprise idea developed. Harold tells Jack that he can't handle being the editor in chief so that is why he offered Jack the job a few weeks ago and he was unable to find anyone. Vern, who is a special advisor to the paper, has been helping him along but Harold just wants to write and report. Vern explains that the job and office is Jack's if he wants it. Jack looks around and sees a special plaque honoring Jennifer on the wall of the office. Billie explains that the plaque was in the main office but they felt it would make the office perfect for him. He says it does and that they thought of everything. He thanks them all and says it is all exactly as he wants it. Harold takes that to mean he is taking the job. Jack excitedly says he is taking it. It is what Jennifer would want and it is where he should be. Plus, he needs to provide for his family. Jack embraces Vern and Harold and thanks them as they leave to make some preparations for Jack officially returning to the paper. He also thanks and hugs Billie and Frankie. Frankie insists it was all Billie's idea. Jack playfully kisses Billie several times on her face and shakes her as he hugs her. He says he doesn't know where he would be without her. She says he has always been there for her, especially recently, so it's part of being a friend. She says he owes her though. He says he will pay her back for this and thanks her and Frankie for everything. He wants to go out on the town to celebrate with both of them. He suggests the Penthouse Grill. Frankie says he has a meeting with a client there so perhaps he will meet them later. Billie accepts the offer and thinks it will be fun to keep both their minds off everything and to just let loose as friends. Jack agrees. Billie says she will need to check in on Chelsea and she if she can track her down during the night. Jack understands. They both go their separate ways to change and Jack asks her to meet him at his house so they can go from there. Billie agrees. When everyone leaves, Jack sits in his office and looks at Jennifer's plaque of honor. He tells Jennifer he will dedicate everything he does while back at The Spectator to her and will continue to do his best to make her proud.

-Kayla is stunned by Steve not remembering her. Steve explains he only remembers his years in captivity. His first memory is of waking up in the tropics in some sort of island compoung and, from that point on, it's has been one cell or dungeon after another. Kayla says she knows as she talked to someone named Patrick who worked for Stefano Dimera and he explained everything to her. It was he who led her to finding him. Kayla realizes Stefano must have had his memory erased but then is reminded that Lawrence Alamain was behind Steve's "death" plot. Steve recognizes the name Alamain and says that he heard two guards early on in his captivity say that he was the one who wiped his memory by way of some sort of drug. He also remembers Alamain turning him over to Stefano Dimera. Kayla explains that Lawrence did that so Carly, the woman he loves, wouldn't find out that he faked Steve's death to get revenge. He figured by giving Steve to Stefano he would have the best of both worlds as Steve would suffer and be used to cause pain for the Brady's and he would still hold on to Carly. Steve can't beleive he is at the center of all this. He mentions how he hasn't had a single memory in all his years in captivity. Kayla says she will work with him and they will get through this. She will help him recover his memory. She is a doctor and with him being around her and other familiar faces, it should return to him quickly. Steve isn't so sure and is sick of talking. He says they are wasting time and need to leave before the guards return. Kayla agrees and apologizes. She was in so much shock and just had so many questions. Steve says they will talk later but now they need to leave. They turn to exit the cell when they come face to face with two masked guards. They close the cell door, locking Steve and Kayla in together. Steve can't beleive he missed his chance to escape and blames it on Kayla and all her talking and wasting time. Kayla says she couldn't help it as finding her presumed dead husband after 16 years is kind of a shock. She realizes how easy it was to get into the area where Steve was and figures this could've all been a trap. She wonders if Patrick was even in on it and set her up. Steve says it doesn't matter as they are both trapped together in a place that no one will find. He paces back and forth frustrated as Kayla thinks about everything they have to face. She tells Steve they will find a way out or someone will come looking for her after awhile as people will wonder where she is. Steve hopes so because people looking for her maybe their only shot. Kayla agrees and says that, in the meantime, she is going to help him reocover his memories and isn't going to give up until she does. Steve doesn't seem confident she can but Kayla is and vows to do whatever it takes to make things they way they should be. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives:

Greta to Eric: I have a way to save your life.

Nicole (on the phone): Are you saying I have to leave Salem?

Jack to Billie: Ready for an unforgettable night?

Billie to Jack: You betcha!!

Laura: I am not going to stand by and watch this happen.

Kayla to Steve: I just want to help you remember!!!

Steve to Kayla: Well, right about now I don't give a damn about remembering!!!


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