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September 26, 2006



-Belle is walking through the airport wondering what to do next. She goes home to Claire. She pays the babysitter and then holds Claire. She tells her she has bad news and that uncle Shawn had to leave. She remarks how at one point she beleived Shawn was her father and now so much has changed. Her life is a mess and she has so many regrets. She remembers Shawn's last words to her about going to Claire and going to Philip since they are her life now. Belle says he was right. Shawn and her are through and she was wrong to let Philip go off alone. She was just so in love with Shawn and had wanted it for so long she couldn't bare to leave him but Shawn left for her. She looks at Claire and realizes that there is only one thing she can do now and it's the right thing. It is what she should've done before but couldn't bare to do with Shawn here. She needs to leave Salem with Claire and be with Philip so she can fulfill her promise and responsibility to him. She kisses Claire and tells her they are going to see daddy.

-Abe and Celeste hold Theo as they wait outside Lexie's room so they can get in to see her. They are bothered by Stefano being there as well. Abe wants him out but Celeste convinces Abe to not start anything. Cassie arrives and says she wanted to be there for her grandfather and aunt. Stefano is happy she is there and whispers to her that he is very pleased with her actions in regards to Max earlier. She is proving to be quite the asset to the Dimera family. Cassie thanks him and says she is just trying to prove her worth and that she is a true Dimera. Stefano says she is and that he is very impressed. Abe tells Celeste that this whole ordeal has made him realize he still loves Lexie and that he played a huge role in why Lexie cheated on him. He pushed her away and his attitude was inexcusable. He thinks if both Lexie and him take responsibility for their actions they can try to work this out. Celeste is happy to hear that and thinks Lexie will too. The nurse and doctor tell them they can go in but only two at a time. Abe and Celeste run in ahead of Stefano with Theo. Stefano is annoyed. Lexie is happy to see Theo, Abe, and Celeste. Celeste asks her how she is feeling. Lexie says she has been better. Abe fills her in on what happened and tells her they suspect Victor is responsible and that Stefano was the real target. Lexie asks if Victor is in jail. Abe says they really have no proof other then Victor owning the blown up warehouse. Stefano overhears and gloats with Cassie that Victor will pay and that plans are already underway.

-Abe tells Lexie that this whole crisis made him realize something. When he thought she was gone, he was heartbroken and it was like a part of him died. He realized he was unfair to her and that he was partly responsible as he pushed her away. He thinks they owe it to their son to give their marriage one last try. He apologizes for treating her unfairly and putting all the blame on her. He hopes they can both take responsibility for their actions and work through this. Lexie is overjoyed and embraces Abe. She tells him she loves him and that she won't be sorry. Celeste congratulates them. Lexie kisses Theo and tells them that his mommy and daddy are going to be try to be a family with him again so they can all be happy together. Stefano walks in and says that she will be happy with Abe over his dead body. Abe tells him that can be arranged. Lexie begs them both to stop and asks Cassie to keep Stefano out of her room. She wants to be with Abe, her mother, and Theo. Stefano says he is her father and that he has a right to see her. Lexie says she wants to see him too but she has alot to discuss with Abe and she wants to be with her son. She begs Stefano to understand. Stefano reluctantly leaves. Lexie says she loves him and Stefano echoes the sentiments. Abe and Celeste are happy Lexie threw Stefano out. Lexie warns both of them that Stefano is her father and a part of her life. Abe explains that he is the reason she almost died. Lexie insists it was an accident. Abe brings up all of Stefano's past crimes and what he did to her with the baby swtich and the recent island debacle. Lexie explains Stefano had no part of the island plot as he created the idea but never saw it through and all that is in the past. Her father being in captivity seems to have changed him. Abe doubts that and cites the fact that Lexie has spent very little time with him. Lexie says she plans to spend more time with him. Abe is unhappy with that, as is Celeste. Lexie says she doesn't want to discuss this and only wants to enjoy being with them. Abe agrees to drop it. Meanwhile, Stefano is hurt and angry about Lexie kicking him out. Cassie tries to calm him but Stefano insists he will never let Abe be with his daughter. He won't let anyone take his daughter away from her rightful place in the Dimera empire and Abe is already doing that right now. Cassie says she will help him make sure that Abe does not interfere with his plans for Lexie and his empire.

-Lucas, Eric, Nicole, Kate, Austin, Shane, Will, and Roman are all stunned by Sami saying she is giving up Will. Sami insists it is only a verbal agreement and if she can't prove herself to be a changed woman then they will go to court and make it official. She does deserve to be Will's mother until she can prove she is worthy just like she doesn't deserve their love or forgiveness until she proves herself, which she will do no matter what it takes. Will asks Sami if she doesn't want him anymore. Sami insists that Will is her life but she wants to show them all how serious she is. She has learned her lession and she will show them. Kate and Nicole doubt it but Lucas and Austin actually buy her being serious and hope she means it. Roman, Shane, and Eric agree as they all are disappointed in her right now. Sami says she knows and that she hopes she can make everything up to all of them. Sami asks Lucas and Will if they will do what she says. Will agrees saying he will be better with his dad right now anyway. Sami agrees. Lucas agrees as well. Will says he is going to pack. Austin tells Sami he hopes she means this because he is so angry with her right now. Sami understands and says she will do her best to show him she can be a person they can all be proud of. Austin wishes good luck and tells Lucas he needs to talk to him. Lucas says to just be at his apartment later. Austin leaves. Kate is sick of listening to his and says to call her the next time Sami screws up as a Sami downfall is too good to miss. She leaves. Eric gets another headache and hides it from Nicole. Nicole wants to leave so Eric hugs Sami and says he is going to hold her to her word that she has learned from her mistakes. Sami asks Eric why he isn't mad at her. Eric says life is too short and that he has faith she has learned her lesson. Sami thanks him for always being there with her and says she will try to make him proud. Eric and Nicole leave.

-Roman walks over to Sami. Sami says she doesn't even want to talk to him and she doesn't give a damn what he thinks. Roman says if she is going to commit to changing she needs to accept him as her father or at least be civil. Sami says she doesn't care what he thinks of her and she doesn't want to waste her energy proving anything to him. Roman says he doesn't know how to get through to her but tells her that he will always be there when she realizes the only way to fully complete her transformation and her process of change is to let go of the hate she feels towards him. Sami turns her back on him and says nothing. Roman tells Shane they can go now as he doesn't want to start anything. He tells Sami he is disappointed in her for scheming yet again but he is proud of her for acknowledging her faults and trying to change. He only hopes they can work things out someday. He leaves and, on the way out, tells Shane they need to find Abe. Shane asks why. Roman says he needs to know about Lexie's part in Sami's scheme and it is best he hears it from them. Shane agrees. Lucas helps Will carry his things. Sami hugs him and says it is the way it has to be for now. Will says the way her trach record is he may never be moving back in. Sami understands the lack of faith in her and says she will prove them all wrong. Lucas hopes so and takes Will and leaves. Sami tells herself she is doing the right thing and that she needs to do what it takes to prove herself to them but it hurts like hell to give up her son. She breaks down and says she just hopes she make them all proud and really do this as she has been able to before. She prays to God to give her the strength to do this because she doesn't want to lose her son and all the people she cares aboutthat are still with her. She holds a picture of Will and cries on the couch as she promises she is going to succeed so she can have them all back in her life, especially him, and feel she is truly worthy of having them in her life.

-Bo comes back downstairs and says he has everything. Hope demands to know where he is going. Bo says she has no right to demand anything. Hope reminds him they are still married. Bo is aware and says how knows for how long. Hope asks what is wrong with him. Recently, he wanted to work things out and now he is pushing her away. Bo remembers Victor saying they must push loved ones away to protect them. Bo tells Hope she didn't want to talk when he wanted to and then she lied to him about Chelsea's rape, which made the evidence trail cold, and screwed up his plan to make the rapists confess when he found them in the alley. Hope says she thought he was going to kill the rapists. Bo says and that is another thing-she beleived too easily that he would just jump right in bed with Billie when she found him "in bed" with her in the motel and she also didn't beleive in his innocence in regards to Jason and Barry's murders. Hope says there was alot going on and she just wasn't ready to talk to Bo at the time and she does have regrets. She apologizes for that and for thinking he did it. It is just that so much happened and Bo just learned Chelsea's was raped again that night so anything was possible, especially since it was Chelsea's rapists who were murdered. Bo says it doesn't matter. He is not wasting his time anymore with her or his family. No one gets it and understands there are problems and that the systen and doing things "by the book" is not helping. He needs to take action. Hope fears the anger and rage she is seeing in Bo's eyes and asks if he moving in with Victor. Bo doesn't answer. Hope begs Bo not to do this and not to push her and his family away. Bo says Victor is family too and he understands that the status quo does nothing. People like Jason and Barry, who have previous offenses, are let go because of a retracted confession even though they have no alibi and were pretty much proven to be the rapists because Victor provided testimony and evidence. The DA tossed it because Victor got it via illegal means. People like Stefano Dimera go free to cause more pain and suffering. He can't stand by and watch it anymore. Too many loved ones of his have suffered and he reminds Hope that her family has suffered. Hope understands the frustation and says that Bo and her can fight for changes and they can deal with all this together. They can work everything out.

-Bo tells Hope she is a month too late. He says he doesn't want to deal with this right now and that no one is changing his mind. He knows what he needs to do. He opens the door. Hope grabs him and begs him not to do this. Bo coldly looks at her and pushes her off of him.

Hope: Why do you have to do this? We have all lost enough. Our family has lost enough.

Bo: Hope, just leave me alone and stay out of my way.

Hope: You are scaring me. I don't like hearing what I am hearing or seeing that look in your eye. I have never seen that look for as long as I've known you. Please Bo. Stay with me. Please don't this. Don't go down this path.

Bo: Hope, please.

Hope: Bo...

Hope grabs hold of Bo's arms and tries to pull him back into the house.

Bo: Hope, just let me go!! Don't fight me!!!

Hope holds him tighter and tries to pull him back in.

Hope: I am not giving up on you. I won't see you do this. I won't let you. It's not you to be acting and talking like this and it certainly isn't you to go down the road you are going. Please Bo. Please...think of your family. Think about Shawn and Chelsea. Think about Zach.

Bo: I have to do this so let me go.

Hope: You don't want to do this...

Bo: Damnit Hope!!! Just let me go!!

Bo throws Hope off of him and she falls to the ground.

Hope: You have never...

Bo: I am sorry.

Hope(crying): You really are lost. I don't...I don't know how to pull you back from this.

Bo: Goodbye Hope.

Hope (chasing after Bo): Please don't do this. Bo!!! Please!!!

Bo gets in the car and drives off as Hope runs after the car.

Hope: Oh God. Please God help him. Help all of us. Help me. How do I save him? How do I save him before it's too late?

Bo(in his car): I am sorry Hope. I had to do this. After the island and what happened to Chelsea, I just can't watch all of the people I love continue to suffer. Victor is offering me a way to protect all of you and to finally end the reigns of Dimera, Toscano, and all those other cold hearted bastards that make people suffer. Dimera created the island plot and Toscano helped and that is why Victor ordered the drug operation and...why Chelsea got raped the first time. It has to be stopped and I am going to make it stop...for the sake of everyone. No matter what I have to do...even if I have to give you and everyone else I care about up to protect you all...whatever it takes. I do love you Hope (fighting back tears). I do love you.

The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Hope to Caroline: What are we going to do?

Caroline to Hope: You are asking for my help to fix a mess you helped create?

Lucas to Austin: Did you hear that?

Austin to Lucas: What?

Lucas to Austin: Hope may have just given us a way to help bring Carrie back.

Abe to Lexie: I want nothing to do with you!! You are a Dimera through and through!!!

Stefano to Lexie: I will help you get through this and to get your revenge.

Lexie to Stefano: Thank you father.

Lexie to Sami: I am going to pay you back you bitch!!!

Kayla: That's it!!! I just found Steve.


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