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Salem Lives Insider for 9/24/06




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Kayla's search for Steve turns dangerous this week on Salem Lives as she finds herself targeted by Stefano Dimera. "Stefano knows Kayla talked to Patrick and that she is off looking for Steve," recaps HW Tim Lowery. "Stefano is pleased because this plays into his plans for revenge against Victor and all his enemies. How? Well, I know but the fan's won't until it plays out but it is evident that he is hoping she finds something and that others will be lured into the same trap because of her." Kayla questions people about Steve and then starts looking at maps and layouts of Austrailia to see if there are any tunnels or underground lairs of some kind. As the week progresses, Kayla stumbles onto something and makes a beeline for the place that has her focus. "Kayla eyes a certain area and thinks it could be where Steve is," says Lowery. "She ends up in a whole lot of danger and then something BIG happens. It is just a HUGE moment." Is this big twist what we all think it is? "I think the fans know but I try not to come out with it, "laughs Lowery. They know Stephen Nichols (Steve) is back and they even saw his head on Friday's show. I expect people to know what will happen at the end of the week but I don't want to give too much of the specifics away other then it is powerful and very emotional." Sounds like just the thing Kayla and Steve fans want to hear!!!


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Shawn leaves Salem...and Belle this week on Salem Lives leaving her heartbroken. The week begins with Belle arriving at the airport to try once more to stop Shawn from leaving. "It's very powerful," entuses HW Tim Lowery. "She goes on and on about all their hopes and dreams and everything they have been through. It is a nice treat for the fans because it recaps so much of what has happened between these two and is a nice goodbye to the Shawn character." Shawn then tells Belle again his reason for leaving, hoping this time she will understand and accept them. "Shawn reminds Belle that they are cousins now and that he is doing this for her," says Lowery. "The old Belle would never let Philip go to recover on his own after she vowed to be there for him, especially for selfish reasons. He also tells Belle it will be a nice honor to Philip and a way of making things up to him and Shawn, himself, needs to do this for his own life." Belle can see he isn't going to back down and then they hear the announcement for him to board. "It hits Belle that she can't stop this and it finally hits Shawn but he is about to do," previews Lowery. "There is hear, sadness, and heartbreak in Shawn's eyes. You almost feel like he has changed his mind." Shockingly, as it seems Shawn is hesistant about leaving now, Belle finally begins to support his leaving. "She seems to understand now oddly enough," laughs Lowery. "She tells him that it just seems like this is all meant to happen and now she feels at peace with it. She doesn't know why but it's kinda like her epiphany." The duo then shares a heartbreaking goodbye as Belle's acceptance of his leaving helps put all of Shawn's doubts aside. "He is ok now and says goodbye," explains Lowery. They kiss and just enjoy the moment. He promises to stay in touch and there is a little montage and then he boards. Belle is in tears and she breaks down and we actually see Shawn break down on the plane. It really is powerful and a nice way to end the SHELLE story." So, what is next for Belle? "She contemplates everything going on and makes a decision about her next action by week's end," promises Lowery. "It won't be all that surprising what she decides to do but it will setup future story for her and others." Expect Martha Madison (Belle) to be off on a hiatus until at least mid-December. "There is just no story for her after this," sighs Lowery. "I love her but Phillip isn't returning until the holidays and Shawn is gone so Belle is on her own. I can't just let her rot on the canvas so giving the character a break is not a bad thing, especially when we already have so many other characters to play! I can promise the future is ripe with story for her, just not right now. It's funny-no Shawn, no Philip, no Belle, and no Mimi. Weird." Yes, weird indeed.


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The buildup has been playing out for weeks but things finally come to a head this week on Salem Lives as Sami finally seems to have grown up. The week begins with Sami confessing her most recent lie. "She ie being torn apart by Kate, Roman, Nicole, and so on," says HW Tim Lowery. "The shocking thing is that she isn't denying any of it or acting like she was justified. She accepts the punishment and says she has learned her lesson." Even more shocking is that Sami actually says she can't blame anyone if they never forgive her. "Usually, Sami is begging for forgiveness but, this time, she seems to understand the gravity of it all. She asks for forgiveness but actually understands she needs to earn it. She vows to prove to them all she is done scheming and plotting." While no one beleives that, her next action leave them all speechless. "She actually tells Will to move in with Lucas and tells Lucas he can have full custody until she can prove herself to Will and Lucas-now that stuns the masses," laughs Lowery. "She knows she needs to prove herself and this is just one way to show serious she is. They choose not to do anything legally but just in idea. They won't go to court and sign anything but she wants Will away from her for a bit until she can get things together and show she is serious about growing up and changing." Things take a testy turn when Eric thinks Sami should accept John as Roman and let him have a role in her life. "Eric tells her that if she wants to really prove herself she can by doing that," previews Lowery. No surprise as Sami balks at the idea and at Austin's idea to agree to get along with Kate. "She is basically changing on her own terms," laughs Lowery. By week's end, Sami find herself alone but not feeling sorry for herself. "Usually, she would be a mess and lamenting how she lost everything but she is calm and relaxed," says Lowery. "She is ready to start anew and is going to try to be independent as she feels she needs to make these changes. It really is a nice change of pace." The question is-how long will it last...especially when Lexie comes a calling?


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Lexie gets good news and bad news this week on Salem Lives when she finally awakens from her coma. The week begins with Abe, Celeste, and Stefano at Lexie's bedside when she wakes up. "The tension is obviously there because Stefano is there," laughs HW Tim Lowery. "However, things turn more positive when Lexie gets a clean bill of health." That isn't the only good news for Lexie-Abe wants to give her another chance. "Lexie nearly dying made Abe realize he played a part in Lexie's betrayal of him with Tek by pushing her away," says Lowery. "He basically apologizes and they both acknowledge their mistakes and decide to make one more go of it for Theo but Abe makes it clear this is it and there won't be any more chances." So, all is good for Lexie. right? Wrong. Stefano is unhappy with Lexie and Abe reuniting as that takes Lexie away from the Dimera empire. "Stefano tries to convince Lexie that reuniting with Abe is wrong and a lost cause but she won't listen as this is her dream." A dream about to be shattered because, by week's end. Roman arrives with big news for Abe. "Sami has confessed the plot she forced Lexie into and Roman tells Abe about it," sighs Lowery. "Abe is stunned and he can't beleive Lexie would do such a thing. Celeste is horrified and Stefano is pleased as it seems Abe and Lexie are done and Lexie did something very Dimera-like in order to hold on to what she loved and cherished. Stefano is hoping that bodes well for her as he is counting on her to live up to the Dimera name." Abe lays into Lexie and tells her they are through. Where does Lexie go now? "To daddy, of course," laughs Lowery. "She begs Stefano to help and says she is willing to act like a Dimera now to hold on to her family, which pleases Stefano. She has no job, no family-she has nothing to lose and that makes things even more dangerous."



Jason Cook (Shawn Brady): As previously reported, Cook last appears on September 25.

Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis): Madison will be going on a hiatus and will last appear on October 5 when Belle and Claire (Ava and Olivia White) leave Salem. Expect Madison to be off the canvas for approximately 6-8 weeks.


-Sources say to expect a plethora of Hortons to be returning in the weeks ahead as part of an intervention for Maggie (Suzanne Rogers).
-Kimberly Brady (Patsy Pease) is due to return next month.
-Rumor has it Staci Greason (ex-Isabella) was tapped for the role of Cal's (Josh Taylor) psychiatrist but the writers decided to change course and a casting call for a actress in their mid 40's-upper 50's has gone out. The writers simply didn't want to ruin the tragic story of Isabella's death and did not want to go the route of bringing a former actor back in a new role again.
-Expect some former friends from Jack's (Matthew Ashford) past to be showing up soon.
-Many controversial stories are coming up that are sure to have fans talking.
-Look for Belle (Martha Madison) and Claire (Ava and Olivia White) to return with Philip by year's end.
-Will the character of Shawn die in combat? Many rumors point in that direction.
-A big name star may be back by the end of the year.
-Rumor has it Arianne Zuker (Nicole) may extend her short term role to a permanent one. As for Jensen Ackles (Eric), that is highly unlikely considering the actor's busy schedule so rumor has it he will exit by year's end. Does that mean Eric will really die?


-Sami undergoes a change that stuns everyone.
-Belle says goodbye to Shawn and makes a decision.
-Hope asks for Maggie's help.
-Chelsea tries to convince Abby to take a ride on the wild side.
-Cassie's intentions towards Max become clear.
-Stefano has plans for Cassie...and Max.
-Bo moves in with Victor.
-Hope realizes how far gone Bo is.
-Lexie is on top of the world...and then takes a hard fall.
-Lucas and Austin have a plan to bring Carrie home.
-Caroline gives Hope an earful.
-Lexie wants revenge on Sami.
-Stefano is pleased as the Dimera family seems to be rising again in Salem.
-Kayla's dreams come true.

Red Letter Days!!!

Monday September 25: Shawn and Belle share a heartbreaking goodbye as Sami confesses all and shocks everyone by her behavior and attitude.
Friday September 29: A MUST SEE EPISODE as Kayla's dreams come true!!!

Next Week: Kayla realizes she was lured into a trap. Lucas and Austin join Victor's side. Belle and Claire leave Salem. Victor and Kate rip into Belle. Battle lines are drawn between Roman and Victor. Billie has a surprise for Jack. Laura and kate butt heads when Laura interferes with Jack and Billie.


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