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September 20, 2006



-Sami and Lucas arrive at her apartment and are embraced by Will (now being played by Jeremy Sumpter) . Will says it has felt like ages since he has seen them. He asks where Austin is. Sami explains that Austin had some business to take care of and that Kate went to check on Chelsea. Sami and Lucas fill Will in on Carrie and the letter. Will is upset and asks when their family is ever going to be norma. Someone is always being kidnapped or leaving if it isn't one of his mother's schemes ruining their lives. Sami insists her scheming days are behind her as she knows it hurts Will alot. Sami remembers her scheme with Lexie and promises herself that plot was it. Lucas leaves to make some phone calls as he is not giving up looking for Carrie. Sami is bothered by Lucas's feelings for Carrie. Will tells Sami he hopes she meant it and that she is done manipulating because the family is a mess right now and they don't need her keeping secrets that always find a way of coming out. Sami says everything is fine and he has nothing to worry about. Will goes to do homework while Sami thinks about the lie Lexie and her told. Sami tried to keep Carrie and Austin apart but they still came together and now may even have a baby despite the lie created by Lexie and her that they couldn't together. Sami looks at Will and knows how much her plots have hurt him and she knows the family doesn't need anymore turmoil. She has spent most of her life chasing after men who don't see her as their first choice. Sami remembers thinking about this earlier and says that Carrie and Austin's affair is a sign that no matter what she does, nothing will change. She needs to begin anew and look at other options for romance rather then the roads she already has traveled. Sami realizes the time is now to change as she can't keep wasting her life like this. She needs to tell everyone the truth about the lie she created with Lexie as that is the first step to moving on. This is the right thing to do and she can't beleive she didn't realize it sooner as nothing was ever going to change with Austin and even Lucas. They both see Carrie as their dream girl and she is merely a backup. She can't do that anymore and says it is time to she do things for herself and grow up from the immature Sami Brady that wants what everyone else has. She needs to earn it instead of force it. She knows what she needs to do-starting with announcing the truth to everyone about her plot to break up Carrie and Austin. Meanwhile, Lucas calls a PI and continues to work to find Carrie. He vows not to give up as he knows she is still out there and he is not just going to let her stay away.

-Stefano is by Lexie's bedside and vows once again to protect her and to get revenge on Victor and his loved ones for what happened to her. Cassie arrives and asks how Lexie is. Stefano says there is no change. Cassie asks about his plans for revenge. Stefano says the plans are already in motion and he thanks Cassie for telling him Kayla left as that info, combined with his aid informing him she went to Austrailia, will come in handy. Stefano tells Cassie that Kayla is the key as she will find what she is looking for only to fall right into a trap he has laid. Her loved ones will come looking for her and will be walk into the trap. Victor will soon be drawn out and then Stefano will get involved and take care of Victor himself to pay him back for nearly killing his daughter. Cassie says it sounds good and insists she be a part of it as she wants a place in the Dimera empire and legacy. Stefano says that Cassie has already proven her worth with bringing him info about Kayla and Victor. He encourages her not to show her true colors and to act as close to the Brady's as possible to get any info she can. Cassie vows to do whatever she needs to as she wants to please Stefano and prove himself to him. Stefano is confident she will and is also confident the plan will work out perfectly.

-Kayla is still on the plane to Austrailia. She flashes back her first meeting with Steve and how they fell in love. She recalls his "death" and everything Patrick told her about it. She vows to get more answers but she first wants to find the love of her life and she will do whatever it takes. She will not lose him again...to anyone.

-Belle asks everyone in the room if they really want Shawn to leave. The Brady and Horton families need him at this time and nobody wants to risk losing Shawn in battle. Philip nearly died in battle and both families have lost so many lives recently already that they couldn't deal with losing him. Shawn explains he needs to do this for Philip, for Belle, for those he loves, and for himself. He wants to serve his country and just feels this is something he has to do. Plus, he can do it out of respect for Philip. Caroline applauds him. Belle asks if anyone is going to help her convince Shawn to stay. Alice tells Belle that Shawn needs to follow his own path to find himself and that if she loves him she will let him. Belle asks Hope if she is going to stop it. Hope says she will if he doesn't make up with Bo but, other then that, no she won't stop it. Belle is stunned no one is going to stop it and she runs out in tears. Shawn runs out after her.

-Roman, Shane and Abe decide to go out and look for Bo as Hope wants him at the house to be with Shawn and the family. They leave. Billie admits to Jack she is worried about Bo. Jack is sure he will be fine but Billie says she can't remember seeing him like this. Abby comments that it seems Bo and Chelsea are going through the same type of rebellion by pushing people they love away. Frankie worries Bo may get in over his head, prompting Caroline and Hope to look on worried and wondering where Bo is.

-Bo is walking the pier and thinking about recent events and what Victor said. Bo has nothing to lose as he has nothing right now and the system has let him down more times then not. Bo wonders if maybe it is time for a change and if he has to do isolate himself from family and friends, like Victor, is to protect them and have justice served then so be it. Shane finds him and says Hope wants to see him at the house. Bo is hesistant but Shane tells Bo that Shawn is getting ready to leave and Hope wants him there to see if things can be worked out. Bo doesn't think so as Shawn hates him but Shane tells him it is worth a shot as he will be in alot of danger as a marine. Bo understands and says he will come but only for Shawn. He has alot to think about and he really doesn't want to see anyone right now but seeing Shawn is important. They head for Hope's.

-Caroline asks Maggie why she is so behind Victor again as she demonstrated earlier by asking if Victor may be right about the justice system. Doug and Julie wonder the same. Maggie just thinks he could be right and that it is unfair to discount his opinion based on his past. Maggie reminds them all to backoff or she will leave as she didn't want to come but did anyway. She was being nice showing up. She walks off and tells them all they can beleive what they do just as she can. Doug, Julie, Caroline, and Laura don't like Maggie being around Victor again and seeing her defend his return to his old ways. Alice thinks they shouldn't panic and should just set the plan they decided on in motion. Doug and Julie fill Caroline in on the plan by whispering and ask her to keep it quiet. Laura thinks that will be wise and beleives it is better to worry more and weigh other options to help Maggie after they see how this plan works.

-Shawn gives Belle a tissue and tells her to stop crying. Belle says she is crying because she doesn't want to lose him. He reminds her they are cousins and that their relationship has caused more harm then good. He tells her she should be with Philip as he is her husband and the father of her child. She promised him she would be there and she let her feelings for him keep her in Salem. Shawn tells Belle that she would never do that years ago but their wanting to be together and desperation to be together has changed the both of them. It can't continue as too many, especially Philip, have been hurt. Shawn says that is why he is leaving as they can;t be together and him leaving will give her the opportunity to fix her marriage or start again. She can't do anything with him there and he wants to go. He hopes he can make it up to his family and to Philip as he has caused alot of damage over the years with his actions. Belle says she can't just let him go. Shawn says she will have to as she has no choice. Belle says she won't. Shawn grabs her and angrily tells her to accept that he is leaving tomarrow and that they are through. They have to be through. Belle runs away an emotional wreck. Shawn goes back in the house, despite his hating Belle leaving like that, where Hope asks if everything is ok. Shawn says it will be. Abe and Roman arrive and tells everyone that Shane is bringing Bo. Right on cue, Shane walks in with Bo. Bo joins Shawn and Hope. Shawn asks why he is there. Bo says that he was asked to be there and Hope admits she sent Roman, Abe, and Shane out because they need to be together as a family. They have been through so much and now he is leaving. Life is too short and if something should happen to Shawn in combat or to either her or Bo at home, then this could be the last time they see each other. Shawn understands. Hope tells Bo and Shawn that this may be their last chance to work things out. She begs them to begin to unite their family, not drive it further apart. Bo and Shawn stare at each other as everyone in the room, especially Hope, hopes things take a turn for the better as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next "Salem Lives:"

Hope to Bo and Shawn: Either you two get over this or neither one of you is going anywhere.

Billie to Bo: I know you are frustrated but...

Bo to Billie: I have to do something Billie and neither you or anyone else can stop me.

Roman to Abe: I just thought of something very interesting.

Cassie to Abby: Seems you lost out on the Max race too...perhaps you and yoru buddy Chelsea can sulk in the loser's club together.

Abby to Cassie: You bitch!!! (slaps Cassie)

Maggie to Caroline: What is going on Caroline? Why is you and everyone else so worried about Victor and I?


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