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September 14, 2006



-At the hospital, everyone reacts to the news of Chelsea being missing. Roman is suspicious that she is gone and now her rapists are dead. Billie and Kate tell Roman that there is no way Chelsea killed the men. A nurse runs out and tells Billie they found her daughter in the stairwell. Roman follows Billie and Kate to Chelsea. Abby looks at Max and mentions that he isn't over Chelsea. Max says he will have to be if he wants to move on. Abby asks if he is going to go see her. Max says not right now and he is not sure if he wants to get involved. Max privately wonders if Chelsea pushing him away has something to do with her being attacked.

-Roman, Billie, Hope, and Kate barge in to Chelsea room asking where she has been. Chelsea says she went to look for her father and couldn't find him. Roman says her father left the hospital and no one knows where he is. Billie asks why she left the 9th floor as all of them are on that floor so if she were looking for Bo she would not have to leave it. Chelsea explains she thought he went out to get some air and she went outside to look. The nurse asks that the questions stop as Chelsea is getting upset and that isn't good right now. They all leave. Kate and Billie refuse to beleive Chelsea did it but they wonder if she may know who did and is hiding it. Roman says she would do that if her father or grandfather killed to protect her. Hope looks on worried.

-Austin and Lucas are worried sick about Carrie and call to see if there is anything new on the search front. They learn Shane went in to the woods to join the search and they lost contact. Austin tells Lucas that since Chelsea is ok they should get out there and see if they can help. Sami says she wants to go to. Austin and Lucas say goodbye to Kate and she tells them to keep her posted. Billie says the same.

-Shane can't beleive his eyes when he sees Carrie and Alan together. Carrie tells Shane about how Alan saved her on the island and brought her there for protection. He nursed her back to health and kept her there to protect her from those behind the island plot. She was worried they would come back to her and she heard no news so she was unsure about everything. She had a hard time trusting Alan so she escaped and called Sami. Alan caught her and Carrie says she thought he was going to attack her but he pushed her out of the way of falling debris and saved her. Shane remembers the blood and jacket and says it all makes sense now. He asks Carrie why she has not revealed herself. Carrie explains she owes Alan for his taking care of her and she knows her family and friends would put Alan though hell. He is not the same man and she knows that now and he served his punishment. Shane doesn't seem convinced and tells Carrie everyone is worried sick about her and she needs to reveal herself. Carrie says she isn't sure about doing that. Shane asks what else she isn't telling him. Carrie tries to ignore the issue but reluctantly agrees to tell him if he can promise to keep it a secret. Carrie tells Shane she doesn't know wh othe father of her baby is and it can be Lucas or Austin. She doesn't want to hurt either of them or destroy their family or Sami's life so she is afraid to go back and do that. Shane says she has to go back and it's wrong to keep secrets. Carrie remembers the plan Alan mentioned to her earlier and she tells Shane she has an idea but she needs his help. She tells Shane to give Alan a different identity so he will be in the clear and no one will bother him and to tell everyone she is ok and has left town to see her mother and travel the world. Shanw says that won't work because she has a baby. Carrie tells Shane to tell everyone she couldn't handle the pressure because the baby may have health problems and she doesn't want to burden anyone and so on. She just tells Shane to lie for her and let her leave Salem. She needs to do this for all those she cares about. She begs Shane. Shane thinks about it and Carrie again begs Shane to do this as it really is the best thing to do for everyone. Shane mulls over the idea while Carrie tends to Alan. Alan asks if she thinks he will help. Carrie says she hopes so or things may get messy. Meanwhile, Austin and Lucas decide to go out into the woods to join Shane and aid the search. Sami follows them.

-Celeste tells Abe there is much more heartache ahead for many of them. Abe says he doesn't think they can all take much more. Celeste says she is going to see Alexandra. Abe tells her to give her his love and says he will be here helping with the murder case.

-Nicole feels uncomfortable being around everyone as they have no reason to be there anymore. Eric agrees to take her home and Eric says goodbye to Roman and Caroline. Greta is wandering around too and agrees she has no reason to stay there so she heads for home. She sees Eric and Nicole kiss and Nicole asks Eric to promise that nothing will come between them. Eric vows that nothing will as he embraces her and looks at a staring Greta.

-Cal tells Roman he is leaving as it isn't his place to be here. Roman says he can stay. Cal says he doesn't want to get in the way but tells Roman to call if he needs anything or just to update him.

-Laura sees Jack comforting Billie. Frankie asks Laura if something is wrong. Laura said their may be but she will need to keep an eye on it. Frankie is confused.

-Laura agrees to take Alice home. Julie wonders where Maggie is and sees her come in. Julie asks where she was. Maggie explains she went for a walk and reminds Julie of her promise to lay off. Doug walks over and says Laura took Alice home. He asks if everything is ok. Maggie says it is fine as long as Julie stops being so obsessive about her life. Doug says she merely cares about her. Alice walks over and gives Maggie a hug, along with Laura. They give their love to her and ask her to call if she needs anything. Maggie nods and thanks them as they leave. Julie seems pleased that Maggie had a pleasent reaction and asks if Maggie wants some coffee. Maggie says no and that she needs to find someone. Julie tells Doug she has a feeling Maggie is in alot of trouble.

-Caroline is worried about Victor. She sees him walk in from the elevator and asks where he was. Victor says he went for a walk and ran into a friend. Caroline says he is a liar and she knows what he did as he hinted at his plans to her earlier before he left. Caroline asks him if he killed those boys. Roman says that is a good question as Victor felt responsible for Chelsea's first rape and is now justifying returning to the underworld with the premise that he is protecting his family and friends and not going to see them get hurt again. Victor explains that is right. Roman says that he will always think of Victor as a father because of Isabella but lately his actions have been radical and appalling. He had an affair with Caroline after staying out of her life for years, he is apparently behind the warehouse explosion and Lexie's attempted murder he just has no proof, and now he goes MIA when Chelsea's rapists are shot to death. Victor tells Roman to think what he wants but he is not going to let him smear his name through the mud without solid proof. Roman says who he is is enough proof. Victor laughs and tells Roman to back off and remember who he is dealing with. Victor explains he would never kill someone by merely shooting them. He would make it more elaborate or have it planned out. Roman explains normally he would but since those men came after Chelsea twice already he needed to act fast so he may have gone a different route this time. Maggie walks in and says Victor didn't kill anyone and she can prove it as she was with him. Doug and Julie hear this and are stunned. Maggie explains he ran into her outside and they were talking and that was it. Roman wonders if more is going on but says he will back off for now but he will be watching Victor. Caroline, Doug, and Julie are stunned that Maggie was with Victor after they pushed each other away. Maggie says they were only talking and that was it. Shawn comes in and says that Caroline, Doug, and Julie are needed as Bo is back. They race off. Julie and Caroline are reluctant to leave Victor with Maggie but race off anyway. Caroline whispers to Victor before she leaves that she knows something more is going on. Victor asks Maggie why she lied as she was never with him. Maggie says because he helped her again this morning she helped him again tonight. Maggie reminds them that when friends owe each other they pay up. Victor asks her how much she saw. Maggie asks him what makes him think she saw anything. Victor explains he can see it in her eyes that she saw something so he knows she followed him. He explains he needs to go see Bo but says they need to talk later.

-Hope asks where Bo has been. Billie, Kate, Jack, Abby, Max, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Abe,Belle, Shawn, Roman, and Victor are all present. Belle asks Shawn if there is anything she can do for him with everything going on. He looks at Belle and says she needs to get used to him not being there and urges her to start doing that now. Belle looks on heartbroken. Bo explains he went out to cool off. Roman asks where he went. Bo says he went for a walk. Abe asks if he had an alibi. Bo says to stop with the questions-it's not like he is a murder suspect. Roman says he is as he was MIA during the murders of Jason and Barry. Roman explains that Chelsea and Victor are under suspicion as well as they were missing too. Bo says that this is ridiculous. Caroline asks Bo if anyone saw him. Bo is angry that his own mother seems to think he may be responsible. Shawn tells Bo to just answer the questions as he looks guilty as sin right now. Bo is in a rage and tells Shawn he is sick and tired of him acting like a little prick. Hope tells Bo to back off. Bo tells Hope that she is the reason why all this is happening as she let them two bastards get away and she never told him about the rape until it was too late. Everyone is stunned to learn Chelsea was raped. Abby looks at Max, who runs out of the room. Abby runs after him. Kate asks Billie if she knew. Billie says she just found out herself.

-Victor reminds Bo he knew too but Bo says Hope is his wife and she has an obligation to tell him these things. He says he has never been so disgusted in his life with her and with everyone. Roman tells Bo to just calm down and explain where he was. Bo says he walked around the hospital and that was it. Roman orders a security camera check to see if they can substantiate everything. Bo is stunned by this and can't beleive people beleive he did this. Hope reminds him of his saying he was taking matters into his own hands and how he nearly killed the rapists before. Bo looks Hope in the eye and says he loses his cool but he would never just run off and kill two men. That would let them off too easy. He would beat the hell out of them until they confess but that is it. Bo says he has lost faith in a system that has failed him too many times and now it appears many of his loves ones have lost in faith in him, although some lost it before. He looks at Hope and Shawn. He left with the intention of doing something but he didn't. Roman says that it will have to be proven. Victor says he agrees with Bo that something needed to be done but it doesn't mean Bo or him killed the men. They may have had many enemies. Roman and Caroline both warn Victor to stay out of it but Victor says he won't stand by and watch Bo get blasted by his own family. Roman says no one believes he did it but they need to do this by the book. Bo says by the book is how his daughter ended up where she is and he is not going to stand by and watch her or someone else get hurt because the system and doing things by the book is going to let punks out of jail to hurt again. Victor agrees. Roman loses patience and says it must be like father like son as Bo is showing his true colors. Bo and the rest of the room is stunned. Bo says that now the truth is really out and he knows how Roman feels. Bo tells Roman he has no right to say that to him as he has only been Roman again for a few days. He doesn't even feel like his brother. Bo says that Cal feels more like his brother. Roman reminds Bo that there was a long time when he beleived he was his brother. Bo says that was years ago and alot has happened. Caroline begs him to stop it but Bo says he won't. No one believes him and in his character so he is through with Roman..with all of them. He says they all have no right to act as if they are putting him and Victor on trial in the here and now without proof. Bo says if they are all turning their backs on him and not beleiving in him all at once like this then he is going to do the same. They all want to do things by the rules and see people they love get hurt that is fine. He is not going to do that no longer. Victor says Bo is right. Caroline begs Victor to stop jumping in. Roman asks Bo if what he just said is a confession as he mentioned not standing by and watching others getting hurt by doing things according to the system. Roman says he knows Bo and asks how far Bo went this time to protect his family. Bo tells him he can go to hell and punches him, sending him to the floor. Roman gets up and is held back by Abe as both Bo and Roman coldly stare at each other as the rest of the room watches the Brady family fall apart. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next "Salem Lives:"

Max to Chelsea: I know the truth...about your rape.

Jack to Abby: You really like Max, don't you?

Frankie to Bo: I will represent you...

Bo to Frankie: I don't want your help...or anyone's help.

Sami: He will never stop loving her...so why I am with him?

Chelsea: All of you get away from me!!! I don't want any of you here!!!

Caroline to Victor: It's all falling apart and it all began with...

Victor to Caroline: us... right?

Hope to Bo: This is it, isn't it?

Bo to Hope: Yeah...it's over.


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