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September 12, 2006



-Kayla is on board a flight to Austrailia. She tells Steve she is on her way and that she will find him. She remembers their life together and says there is so much more for them to come as they will finally be a family with Stephanie.

-Abe and Celeste await word from the doctor, who is examining Lexie after her surgery the previous night. Stefano joins them. Abe tells him to get out but Celeste urges him not to start trouble. Stefano does have a right to be there and Alexandra is more important then attacking Stefano. The doctor comes out to tell them he has bad news. Abe asks if his wife is going to live. Stefano notes that Abe left his daughter and should not pretend to be concerned. Celeste tells Stefano that Abe does care and loves Alexandra. The doctor informs them that Lexie slipped into a coma. Her body sustained major trauma and it will take days before her internal injuries heal. Stefano asks what her chances are for survival. The doctor says about 50/50. They just need to hope and pray. The doctor tells them that Lexie is going to go for many more tests so no visitors until at least the evening hours as they plan to move her into a more private room her father arranged for. Abe stares coldly at Stefano. Lexie is wheeled out. Abe and Celeste give their love and urge her to keep fighting for Theo. Stefano urges the same and whispers to her a assurance that Victor will pay for what he did. She is wheeled away. Abe and Celeste decide to go to Chelsea's hearing while Stefano bides his time in the hospital. He goes on the roof and calls his associate to tell him they will plot their response to Victor slowly and calculately so it will be effective. He will pay for what he did to his daughter and so will his loved ones.

-Cassie runs into Caroline, who is on her way to the courthouse for the hearing. Caroline asks her how life in the Dimera house is. Cassie says she loves it. Caroline reminds her she will always be a part of her family. Cassie thanks her and asks where Kayla is since she was living with Caroline above the Pub. Caroline says she is out of town at a medical conference in Chicago. She tells Cassie she needs to go and asks if she is coming. Cassie says she will see. Cassie returns to the Dimera mansion where a Dimera henchman bursts in looking for Stefano. Cassie asks what the problem is. The henchman says he should really tell Stefano. Cassie orders him to tell her. The henchman says that Patrick Lockhart spilled everything to Kayla Brady and now she is off to find her husband Steve. Cassie asks if Stefano would be unhappy with this and the henchman says he would be. Cassie says she will tell him and calls him. She asks to meet him so she meets him on the hospital roof and informs him of the news regarding Kayla. Cassie tells Stefano that Kayla learning the truth is a lucky break for them as she has an idea. They can trap Kayla and use her to lure other Brady's into the trap and draw Victor in too. This could be their revenge against Victor and those he loves. Stefano thinks that is brilliant and says they were lucky. He thanks Cassie and says she is proving to be a force in the Dimera family. Hr urges her to keep up her good status with the Brady's as that may come in handy. He asks if betraying the Brady's is a problem for her. Cassie says it isn't-whatever it takes to protect the Dimera family.

-Roman, Kate, Cal, Shane, Austin, and Lucas continue to react to the blood being Alan's. He reminds them all to keep this quiet, especially to Sami. Sami arrives and asks if something is wrong. Roman says nothing and tells them all they should all get going for Chelsea's hearing. There is nothing they can do to find Carrie. Shane says he will stay behind and monitor everything and let them know. Lucas says they should go as Carrie would want them to support their family. Roman, Kate, Cal, Austin, Sami, and Lucas leave. Shane decides to aid the search and to check out the woods.

-Carrie continues to care for Alan. Alan thanks her for staying. Carrie says it is the least she can do after everything he did for her. She says she knows he has changed now. Alan says he is grateful she trusts him now. Carrie says she was shocked when he didn't get angry about her calling home. Alan says he understands and was never holding her against her will. He was only trying to protect her and the baby from danger. Carrie understands. Alan asks how Sami was when she talked to her. Carrie says she was Sami. Alan asks if she is going to return to her family now. Carrie explains to him what happened last night with them finding the blood and the jacket. She explains her family and loved ones would never understand and would make Alan's life hell, especially Sami, Plus, she needs to be there for him after everything he did for her and she has the baby to think about. She doesn't know what she is going to do. Alan asks what she means. Carrie says she needs to talk to someone about this and begs him to stay silent. He agrees and says she knows she can trust him. Carrie tells him that she slept with both Lucas and Austin and has no idea who the father of the baby is. She doesn't want to hurt either guy or break Sami's heart as she knows Sami finally has Austin and has finally changed. Her sister is happy finally and, if the baby is Austin's, she is back to square one. Carrie says she just can't put everyone through that. Alan says he has an idea but it's extreme and she probably will hate it. He tells her to just leave Salem for good and stay away to raise the baby. Carrie is intrigued by the idea but says she can't take a baby away from it's father. They then hear a noise. Carrie is scared and wonders who it is. Realizing she never locked the door, she runs over but the door slowly opens. Carrie is stunned to see Shane on the other side of it just as he is shocked to find her...with Alan.

-Victor is getting ready for the trial. Nico tells Victor that Stefano appears to know what they did and will be looking for revenge. Victor says let him bring it on as this is war. He only needs to make sure his loved ones don't get hurt so he tells Nico to send some men out to watch some of his loved ones from a distance. Nico says he already sent someone out to protect Philip in San Francisco. Victor says they will make another attempt to get revenge on Stefano and all his enemies but they need to take it slow and plot their next move slowly. They can't fail again.

-Billie arrives at the courthouse with Jack. She thanks Jack for joining her. He says he needs to be there for her as she has for him through everything. They embrace as Laura arrives, clearly bothered by seeing them together. Frankie arrives and promises Billie that everything with Chelsea will be fine now with Hope being lenient. Alice, Doug, and Julie arrive along with Abby and Max. Julie tells Laura they called Maggie and even stopped by and no answer. Doug thinks Maggie wasn't even home. They are very worried. Laura reminds them to just give her some more time and maybe once they put their little plan into action things will get better. Alice is sure it will.

-Eric and Nicole arrive and are shocked to see Greta there. Greta says she came to support the Brady's and Horton's. Greta asks how everything is. Nicole says it is great now that Eric is actually with her. She was worried sick the night before but says he more then made up for it when he came back to the suite. Greta gives Eric a look of disgust and says she is glad things are well. She goes to speak with Jack as Nicole tells Eric never to leave her that long without talking to her again.

-Hope arrives with Shawn. Belle follows them in. She asks Shawn if they can talk before the hearing but Shawn says he has nothing to talk to her about. Belle says they do need to talk...about their future now that he is leaving. Hope overhears and asks what he means. Roman, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Cal, and Kate arrive along with Caroline, Abe, and Celeste. Shawn then says he may as well tell everyone now that he is leaving Salem and joining the Marines. Everyone is stunned. Hope is livid. Bo walks in at this moment with Victor behind him. Hope looks at Bo and says it is all his fault. Bo is stunned and asks Shawn if he is leaving because of him and all the family problems. Shawn admits that is partly it but he is also doing this for himself. He needs this and needs to finally grow up and to give purpose to his life. He has been through so much and he just feels it's right. Doug, Julie, and Alice say they are proud of him and that it is very admirable. Caroline thinks the same and Victor says it is a nice gesture to honor Philip. Shawn says that is partly why he is doing it. He looks at Belle and then says among other reasons. Hope and Bo say they are both proud but can't stand the thought of losing another child. Shawn says if it is meant to be it will happen and says they can't change his mind. Hope looks at Bo and then asks Shawn if things were different would he still leave. He says probably not but you can never be sure. Belle touches Shawn's shoulder, which bothers Kate, and asks to talk to him. Shawn says to just stay away from him and walks away. Kate walks up to Belle and tells her karma is a bitch. Hope tells Bo that it is all their fault. Their family is on shambles. Bo says most of the blame is on himself. Hope says they have so much to work through and that Shawn going away will make it tougher. They all walk into the courtroom and wonder where Chelsea is. Billie calls her cell and home and can't find her. Billie says to Bo that she must be missing. Bo says not to panic and that maybe she is afraid to come. Billie says that she was fine with it when they talked because of Hope's change of heart. Billie says something is wrong and that she can feel it. A baliff tells Bo that the judge is ready as Bo says they need to find Chelsea. Roman tells the judge there is a situation and he, Bo, Victor, Hope, Abe, Celeste, Austin, Lucas, Jack, Max, and Abby all go to look for her. Celeste tells Abe she has an awful feeling about this. They all split up to find her.

-Max wonders what trouble Chelsea may have gotten into this time. Abby says she is probably just scared but Max says it is probably something worse...it always is.

-Hope and Billie search Salem Place. Billie tells Hope she has a bad feeling-just like the night that Chelsea fell in the sewer. Hope says she is sure that Chelsea is fine.

-Victor is searching the pier and he hopes something bad hasn't happened to his family again. He wonders if this is Stefano's revenge somehow and that maybe he has Chelsea. He looks around and sees a woman on the ground near some crates. He runs over and sees that it's a passed out Maggie. Victor notices the blood on her hands and sees that Maggie doesn't appear hurt. He turns around and is appalled by what he sees a few short feet from where he found Maggie. He races over and picks up the unconscious body of a bruised and battered Chelsea as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next "Salem Lives:"

Victor: Those bastards will pay for this.

Bo to Hope: This is all your fault!!!

Billie: What the hell is going on here? I demand the truth right now!!!

Julie to Maggie: You look like hell. My God, you have fallen off the wagon.

Roman to Hope: Where's Bo?

Hope to Roman: I don't know...and that is why I am afraid

Bo: I am going to put an end to this right now.


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