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September 11, 2006



-Max and Abby arrive at the park as they are attending a special ceremony to remember 9/11. Alice, Doug, Julie, and Laura are there as well. Abby and Max greet them. Julie mentions they asked Maggie to come but she still is not answering their calls and stopping by may only make things worse. Laura reminds Julie to just give Maggie some more time while they out their plan in motion. Abby asks what their plan is. Doug tells her she will just have to see for herself when it happens.

-Billie and Jack are just sitting back eating the food she brought for him. They see all the 9/11 coverage and Billie mentions all the ceremonies going on. Jack mentions that Abby is at the one in the park. billie mentions how it reminds you how short life is. Jack insists that is why he has to move on. Jennifer would want that for his sake and their family's. Frankie comes down with Jack Jr. Jack asks where they are going as it seems they are leaving. Frankie says that Abby called and asked if they wanted to join Max and her. He didn't think Jack wanted to go and he asked Billie but she insisted on staying with him. Jack wonders if he should go too. Jennifer would like that if she were with him and he was married to a Horton so it keeps the family's good name. Billie tells Jack it would be good for him to get out and it helps with the moving on process. Jack agrees and says he will go. Billie and him get their coats and follow Frankie and JJ out.

-Caroline sees Kayla packing and asks where she is going. Kayla, realizing telling anyone would just hinder her in her search and may complicate things, says she is going to a medical conference in Chicago. Caroline asks for how long. Kayla says maybe a week but she may stay longer to visit a friend. Kayla reminds her mother that her intention was to not stay in Salem for good. Caroline understands but she got so used to having her around. Kayla insists she will be back soon. Caroline asks if Kayla heard the good news about the man she thought was her brother (Faux Roman). Kayla says she hasn't and Caroline tells her that he hit his head and had a memory that he is Cal Winters. Kayla is shocked and asks Caroline if he is the same Cal Winters that nearly killed her and Kim, as well as Shane and Roman. Caroline says she doesn't know and never thought of that as it has been years. Kayla says she remembers and hopes it isn't true and is merely a coincidence or something. Caroline says that Cal has no memory of anything so he is harmless at the moment. They both agree to just hope for the best. Kayla hugs her mother and tells her to tell everyone else goodbye for her and that she will be back. Caroline wishes her well. As she leaves, Kayla tells herself she hates to do this alone but anyone else getting involved may hold her back or scare off whoever is holding Steve once she arrives. It will be easier for her to sneak in and out and do this on her own. She has enough experience having two cops as brothers and being involved in everything she has been. She vows to bring Steve home with her and tells him she is on her way to find him.

-Shane arrives on the scene right after Roman broke the news about the forensics results. Roman fills him in. Austin and Lucas still have hope but both Sami and Kate begin to beleive the worst. Roman and Shane catch up. Roman asks Shane how the ISA conference was. Shane says it was fine and very influential but he feels it is inappropriate to discuss that with his daughter being missing. Shane then hears Roman call Faux Roman "Cal" and asks why he called him that. Roman tells him about the fall and Faux Roman remembering he was Cal. Shane asks for a last name. Cal tells him "Winters" Shane brings up the Cal Winters that was a army lieutenant and kidnapped Kayla and Kim while also trying to kill Roman and him. Roman tells Shane he already thought about that and that has to be merely a coincidence. There is no way he could be Cal. He also notes that he has no memory anyway so there are no problems. Roman then gets a call that interupts them. Shane seems very bothered by Cal. Cal asks if there is a problem. Shane says not yet. Roman announces to everyone he has more bad news-the hairs on the torn jacket are Carrie's so it is likely it belongs to her. Lucas runs off, saying that Carrie is not gone and is still out there. Sami, on instinct, runs after him while Kate tells Austin it is nothing but denial. Something bad had to happen to Carrie. Austin says he knows and he just hopes the baby and her are fine. Nearby, Carrie has left the cabin to get some supplies to help her and Alan. She sees her father, Cal, Shane, Austin, and Kate and decides to reveal herself to them. Sami catches up to Lucas and tells him there is nothing he can do. They just need to hope it isn't as bad as it seems. Lucas breaks down saying he can't lose his child and another chance at happiness with a woman he loves. Sami embraces him and comforts him, saying it will be all be ok.

-Nicole is near the Brady Pub looking for Eric. She is really worried that he hasn't called and wonders what is going on. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Eric reacts to Greta now knowing he has a brain tumor. Greta asks how he found out. Eric says he was in Paris doing some shots of a French village when he just got this massive headache and collapsed. He was rushed to the hospital and they examined and ran tests and found the tumor. He doesn't know how long it was there and so on. He had been getting headaches for weeks prior to collasping but he thought nothing of them and beleived they were caused by the aftereffects of a concussion he sustained in Africa. Greta remembers Eric using the head injury as a cover for his dizzy spells on the island. Eric says he has been to so many doctors in the last year, including specialists, and his chances are less then 20% survival, that is why he returned to Salem to be with his loved ones. He needed Nicole as she was the woman he always thought about and he never could get her out of his heart, despite everything. Greta says she knows and Eric apologizes saying he loved her too and still does. Greta asks if he even tried any treatment but Eric says it would be futile-there is nothing that can be done other then go for treatments that will make him even sicker. He has been taking meds to make him comfortable so that is why he has been MIA alot so he can meet and get the meds and also why he has had many secret phone calls. He just wants to be happy in his final days as he can go at any time and he begs Greta to keep his secret. No one can know or they will pity him and push him to go through treatment that won't do anything but make things worse. Greta reminds Eric that Nicole is worried and already has Sami and her trying to help her find out his secret. He needs to tell Nicole. Eric begs Greta that if she ever loved him she will do as he asks-almost like granting his dying wish. Greta hates him using that to make her stay quiet. Greta tells him to at least call Nicole now to tell her he is ok. She is probably worried. He calls and Nicole lashes out at him for keeping her worried. She asks where he is calling from as it says on her cell the hospital. Eric says he just went out for a walk and lost track of time. Nicole hears whispering in the background and asks who is there with him. He gives Greta the phone and asks her to help him out as he is still a little out of it. Greta answers and tells Nicole that Eric got stuck at the hospital because his family was here. She tells Nicole about Lexie Carver and that Bo came in with a injury so things just got hectic. Nicole says she was there when they found Lexie but didn't know about Bo. She asks if there is anymore to say. Greta looks at Eric and says no. Eric takes the phone back and apologizes to Nicole again. Nicole says she will forgive him later in bed. He says he can't wait and says he loves her. After he hangs up, Greta is furious but Eric thanks her for doing a good thing. Greta knows she will regret this and says she will get his release papers.

-Hope chases Bo down as Bo asks her when she will give up. Hope reminds him that he did the same thing to her when he wanted to talk things out. Bo says that's right and that Hope treated him like crap. He is just returning the favor. Hope says that he is being immature. Bo fires back saying then she was being immature for weeks when he wanted to speak with her about their relationship. Hope says that they are doing nothing but going in circles and blaming each other left and right for one thing after another. Bo agrees and says they have alot between them right now and he doesn't know if they can overcome the conflict they have to. Bo admits he used to have faith they could but everything with Chelsea and Hope not telling him about the rape and all-he doesn't know if there is anything left to save. Hope says there might be if they talk. Bo asks her where she was when he wanted the same thing-to talk. Hope admits it may have taken her a while to want to talk but she wants to now. Bo looks at her and says that he isn't sure if he wants to right now or if he even could. He needs to get back on Chelsea's rape case. Hope tells him to stay out of the case as it's too personal. Bo tells Hope not to tell him what to do and that she should stay out of it. She is only making things worse. He tells her he will see her at Chelsea's sentencing hearing tomarrow. Hope wonders if there is any hope left for Bo and her, as does Bo.

-Sami and Lucas return to the group. Sami gets a call from Will, who needs help with something, so she goes off to get a better connection. Lucas joins Kate, Austin, Cal, and Shane. Shane tells Lucas that Roman is being given more news right now. Lucas says that things couldn't get any worse. Carrie hears all this and is sure she needs to reveal herself. Roman tells everyone he just learned something very disturbing. Austin tells Roman to just hit them with it. Roman says he must make sure no one tells Sami anything about this until they get all the facts. They all stare at Kate, who reluctantly agrees, as everyone else does. Roman tells them the blood on the pavement under the debris matched up with Alan Harris. They are all confused and stunned. Roman insists that none of this gets out to anyone, especially Sami. He says that Alan should be out of prison now that he thinks of it and, if he is involved somehow with Carrie being missing or does anything to his daughters, he will see him dead first. Carrie overhears Roman say this and says that she can't reveal herself. It would cause too many problems with Sami, Austin, Lucas and her family and after everything Alan did for her she needs to be there for him now. She can't if she reveals herself. She has no idea what she is going to do but she can't reveal herself. She heads back to the cabin to tend to Alan.

-The attendants at the 9/11 ceremony are given candles. Frankie, JJ, Billie, and Jack arrive and so does Caroline. Caroline greets Alice, Julie, Doug, and Laura and then stands near Frankie, Max, and Abby. Laura is bothered by seeing Jack and Billie together but keeps mum. Fr. Jansen then leads the group in prayer and then later in singing "Amazing Grace." Alice then says that she is sure all their loved ones are watching over them, including Tom. Doug, Julie and Laura embrace her as Max puts his arms around Abby and the crowd then goes into a moment of silence as "God Bless America" plays.

-Maggie is still drunk and looks outside the windown. She does see Chelsea being held next to the window. Maggie turns away to pack up the liquor she wishes to take. Jason and Barry then drag Chelsea off just as Maggie walks outside and just misses seeing them. They take Chelsea to a old supply room near the pier. They tell her she is going to pay for her daddy coming after them and for her telling others what they did to her. They tell she asked for it. Chelsea says she never asked for anything. She just was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Barry tells her the way she dresses and acts is almost like an open invitation for guys to have their way with her. Jason asks her how he knows how she acts. Barry tells him he knows that the guy that nearly killed them was Bo Brady, Victor Kiriakis's son. Jason asks if they should be messing with Victor's granddaughter. Barry says he will never know and that nothing can be done if no one knows. He looks at Chelsea and tells her to keep her mouth shut this time. Chelsea begs them not to hurt her again. Barry tells her no one will ever want her. She is a dirty slut that half the town hates for killing her kid brother. She should be lucky Jason and him are willing to enjoy her company. Chelsea begs them to stop but they refuse and both ment begin to kiss her. Chelsea throws them off her and makes a run for it. Jason grabs her and throws her the ground, saying she isn't going anywhere. Barry agrees and says she owes them for what she did to them. They nearly died at her father's hands and almost went to jail. She needs to accept her punishment and understand that she can't ever do that to them again so mum's the word. If she says anything this time, she won't say another thing at all. Chelsea spits in Jason's face and then Barry slaps her, saying she will pay for that and everything else. Chelsea gets up but is thrown against the wall. She falls to the floor and begs them once more. Jason and Barry look at each other and laugh as they move in on Chelsea as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next "Salem Lives:"

Kayla: I'm on my way Steve.

Cassie to Stefano: I have news you may be interested in.

Stefano to Cassie: Go on...

Cassie to Stefano: Kayla Brady is on her way to find Steve Johnson.

Abe: What are you saying...is Lexie going to make it?

Victor to Nico: We will take it slow this time and make sure next time is the charm for ending Stefano's reign.

Alan to Carrie: I have an idea Carrie...but the question is will you go for it?

Billie to Bo: Chelsea isn't here...

Bo to Billie: Well, where is she?

Billie to Bo: I don't know!!!


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