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September 8, 2006



-Celeste and Abe both go in to see Lexie before surgery. Celeste urges her to fight and that she has a family to live for. Abe dittos that sentiment and tells Lexie he can't lose her. They have their problems but he needs to tell her in case something happens that he still loves her. He thinks he always will. He kisses her hand and tells her to fight to come back to Theo and him.

-Stefano asks Cassie what makes her think she is capable of carrying on the Dimera legacy. She is a Dimera in name but she has not been around the family and believed she was a Brady for 3 years. Cassie says none of that was her fault and was more Stefano's then anything else. He admits that is true but Cassie needs to be around the family more before she can carry that much responsibility. Cassie thinks it is because Stefano did not approve of much of what her father did. Stefano says Tony and him had their differences but it has nothing to do with that. Some of his business practices before Andre kidnapped him were rather disturbing, like the Echelon club, but he still was his son. Cassie asks if there is any word on Tony. Stefano says his people are on it and will let him know when there is word. Andre and Wendell never even left behind clues and Ernesto is lying low so there is no place to go for leads. He is hopeful they will find Tony, if he is alive. Stefano tells Cassie that maybe someday she can fulfill the Dimera legacy but not at the present time. Stefano goes to visit Lexie before surgery while Cassie privately vows to prove to Stefano that she is a true Dimera and can carry on the Dimera empire. The perfect way to do that is to find out who blew up the warehouse and she has an idea where to get info on that.

-Victor is stunned that Stefano lived. Caroline tells him that Lexie was injured badly and is in critical condition. Victor is shocked and disturbed by this. Caroline says she can't beleive Victor has resorted back to his old ways. She says she can see that frightening evil look in his eyes. Victor says that she is right and he went back to his ways of the past because he became too soft. His loved ones have endured almost constant pain in the years since he turned over a new leaf. He vows to Isabella that he would change but he can't keep being thei kinder, gentler Victor. He can't keep watching people he knows and cares about suffer at the hands of his enemies. He vows they will rule the day they tangled with Victor Kiriakis. Caroline admits she is frightened. She hasn't see Victor like this in years and this is not the Victor she loves and cares about. One innocent person already got hurt in Lexie but there will be many more. Caroline admits she doesn't even know who he is anymore. Victor says Lexie getting hurt will be a message to Stefano that Victor is not going to stand by and let him mess with the lives of his family and friends. He tells Caroline he doesn't care what she thinks of him or what anyone thinks. He needs to do this to protect those he cares about, including her. Caroline tells him that actions like that will only bring more pain. Victor sees it differently and knows they will never agree on this. He tells Caroline that it may be best for her to leave before things get said that they will both regret. Caroline walks out but not before saying that she did the right thing pushing him out of her life and out of Maggie. If this is who he really wants to be, he is no good for anyone. She leaves. Nico asks Victor if he is ok. Victor says to nevermind him. They need to come up with another plot to get rid of Stefano before he retailiates, which he will do once he learns it was him. Nico asks what they should do. Victor says maybe they need to think smaller...and more simpler. Nico thinks he understands and says he wil get right on it. Victor looks at a picture of Caroline and vows to do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves-even if that means turning his back on some of his loved ones to do it.

-Kate and Sami get into it when Kate once again denies that Sami cares what happens to Carrie. Roman tells Kate to back off and do does Austin and Lucas. Austin insists she has changed. Sami remembers what she did to Carrie via Lexie and feels guilty about it. Roman continues to wait for forensics. Cal asks what he thinks. Roman says he doesn't think it will be good news. He gets a call saying Shane is back from an ISA meeting in Europe so he decides to call him and bring him in on the case. Roman wonders how Carrie ended up in Salem since they last saw her on the island.

-Carrie looks on as Alan is examined by Dr. Fillers from a clinic nearby. The doctor tells Carrie that Alan has a concussion and a sprained wrist and ankle. He was very lucky. Normally, he would go to the hospital but since both of them indicated they are not proponents of modern medicine they will forego that. Carrie thanks him for understanding. The doctor asks how she is and the baby since his colleague told him about the case. Carrie says she is fine thanks to Alan. He urges her to call if there are any issues and to make sure she takes it easy and that Alan is off his feet. He leaves. Carrie feels bad for lying but they can't leave the cabin until they know the danger is over. Carrie knows she talked to Sami but there is no telling what is going on with the island plot and all. She hopes Sami may send help. She tells an unconscious Alan not to worry. She is not leaving his side just like he never left her's when he saved her life. He saved her life again and she is grateful. She wonders if he really has changed.

-Roman gets a call from forensics. He gathers Sami, Austin, Kate, Lucas, and Cal together and says it isn't good news. The blood on the jacket was Carrie's. They are still waiting for word on the blood near the debris and the hair fibers on the jacket. He doesn't think it looks good. Lucas and Austin are stunned. Kate and Sami try to comfort them as Roman tells Cal that it is beginning to look like something terrible happened to his daughter.

-Greta continues to be shocked by the contents of Eric's chart. She leaves it near the nurses' station without being noticed and decides to confront Eric. Eric is still in the ER and waiting to be moved to a room. Greta sits down by him. He wakes up and says hello. He apologizes for worrying her. Greta says it's ok. Eric says it is ok now and that he is fine. He just didn't eat enough and was dehydrated too. Greta tells him to stop lying-she knows his secret. Now she wants to hear it from him. She tells Eric to tell her. Eric thinks it's a trick and she knows nothing and is trying to get him to tell. Greta says it's no trick-she knows he has a brain tumor. Eric is stunned and Greta tells him she looked at his chart. She apologizes but she had to know. She asks Eric why he is hiding this. Eric says it's simple-because he is dying.

-Hope tells Bo that they should go someplace and talk. Bo says it may be too late to talk. They should've talked when he wanted to. They have trust issues and there has been so much damage. Their family is in shambles and he doesn't feel like it can be saved anymore. Hope is shocked as he was sure it could before. Bo says that changed when she never told him about Chelsea's rape and when she let her rapists get away. Hope says the rapists got away on their own and that Bo is only looking for someone to blame. Bo denies that and says Hope should've let him kill them. Hope tells Bo she was protecting him and their family-he does no one any good in prison. She apologizes for not telling him but says she really never lied to him. Bo says she never lied but she knew the truth and kept it from him and that was serious. Those wo guys are still out there and could hurt Chelsea again or hurt other people. Chelsea overhears this and blames herself for breaking them up. Now her rape is coming between them. She should've never made Hope hide the truth knowing what would happen if she got caught. In fact, she shouldn't have told anyone about it and that way no one would find out. Chelsea is upset and says that all she does is make everyone miserable. She runs out of the hospital in tears. While running outside, she is followed by someone. She turns around and asks if someone is there. She hears something and is frightened. She makes a run for it.

-Hope tells Bo about her offer to Chelsea. Bo says that was nice of her but that changes nothing. She is only doing what she thinks Zack would want. Hope says there is a message on her phone that there will be a hearing tomarrow to hand down punishment to Chelsea since Hope wants leniency on her. The judge wants to get the case handled quickly now as Hope asked for the court to be easy on Chelsea and has changed her position on the situation. Bo says he will be there and asks if Chelsea knows. Hope says she was informed. Bo now wants to get back to the station. He wants to work on the warehouse explosion and the rape. Cassie is nearby and overhears Bo talk to Hope about the warehouse being Victor's and how he could be involved as a way of getting revenge for what happened on the island. Cassie goes to find Stefano. Hope notes that Bo seems to be talking to her now. Bo says he has to go. He can't go through all this with her at the moment. He tells her he will see her in court tomarrow. He leaves. Hope begins to think it really is over, especially if Bo has lost faith in them. Bo privately admits he still loves Hope but wonders if they can get through everything they need to.

-Abe and Celeste say goodbye to Lexie and leave as Stefano enters the ER to see Lexie. He tells her he loves her and that he is not prepated to lose her as he just came back into her life. He reminds her she is a Dimera and that she will rise from the ashes but she must fight. She must fight for her son. He vows to punish whoever did this to her. Cassie walks in and says she can help him with that. Stefano asks what she means. Cassie says she knows who did it. The doctors arrive to take Lexie to OR. Stefano says one last goodbye and that he loves her as she is pulled away. Outside, Abe and Celeste urge her to fight as she is wheeled into the elevator and up to surgery. Back in the ER, Cassie tells Stefano she heard Bo and Hope talking and that the warehouse belonged to Victor Kiriakis and that he may have targeted Stefano for revenge because of the island and the pain of his loved ones. Stefano says it makes sense since it was his warehouse. He calls up an associate and asks if there is any word on the explosion. The associate tells him it appears to have been done by Victor Kiriakis's organization as it seems he has gone back to his old ways. Stefano says he understands and hangs up. Stefano praises Cassie on a job well-done in finding the info. He vows to make Victor pay for what he did. He says that Victor wanted a war and struck the first blow. Now it is his turn to face the wrath of Stefano Dimera only, he may not be as lucky as Stefano to escape. Cassie vows to help in any way she can. Stefano is pleased and says that a war has begun and that he won't stop until Victor faces the consequences for what he did to Alexandra.

-Maggie is walking the streets drunk. She is nearly attacked by a drunk homeless man but mananges to escape unharmed. She arrives at Chez Rouz and begins to pack up some liquor to take with her all while drinking some as she does it. Meanwhile, outside, Chelsea stops running as she feels like she lost whoever was following her. She is then grabbed from behind by one guy and another guy grabs hold of her from the front. She recognizes them as her rapists. She tries to cry out for help but they gag her and say she will pay for admitting what they did to her. Her father almost killed them and now she will have to pay up for damages. They drag her off. While dragging her, Chelsea knocks over some crates. Maggie hears the crash from inside and wonders what is going on. She hopes someone isn't there or they will catch her drinking. She looks outside as Chelsea is held against the wall by the men right near the window Maggie is looking through as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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