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August 30, 2006



-Maggie arrives at the cematary and looks at Mickey's grave for the first time. She crumples beside it and cries uncontrollably. She lashes out saying she will never be able to get through this. She thought seeing the grave would help and put her at peace but it only made her feel worse. His death is all her fault and she deserves to suffer. She knows deep down everyone knows she was responsible. She then begins talking to the grave and talking about her life with Mickey and how she thought they would keep growing old together and travel the world together. Now they will never get that chance. She asks if he has been watching her and she beleives he would be disappointed in how she was handled herself. She hopes she was right to do what she did to Victor and she knows Mickey isn't happy with her nearly giving in to temptation for alcohol. She tells Mickey she will try to do better but she needs him and no one else. She doesn't think she can make it or go on without him. Doug, Julie, and Alice appear behind her and say they think she can. Maggie's tear streamed face looks at them. Julie rushes over and embraces her as Maggie breaks down in her arms.

-Kate tells Belle she knows why she is staying and it is because of Shawn. Belle says it is because of him. She is sick and tired of always putting everyone first and she doesn't think it is good for Philip if a woman who doesn't love him the way he deserves to be is always around him. Even in a coma, Philip knows they will get a divorce the moment he wakes up and Claire being his won't change that. Kate is appalled and Billie, Chelsea, Hope, Bo, Victor, Shawn, Sami, Austin, and Roman are shocked by Belle's actions. Kate tells Belle she promised she would be there for Philip and she took vows in front of God. Whether she meant them or not, she has a duty to be there for Philip. He has been through enough so Belle owes him. Victor comes forward and agrees saying he never thought he would see Belle act so selfishly. Belle says she is not taking Claire away with her and she can't leave right now. Her family needs her with her mother dying and so much happening. Roman tells Bell that Philip needs her and that she owes him that much. He tells Belle she should go with him. Belle can't beleive no one understands. She tells them all she is not backing down and she is going nowhere. She kisses Philip and says goodbye once more before they move him into the elevator. Belle tells the EMT's to make sure it is known she will visit frequently and she will be in touch regularly. Philip is wheeled into the elevator as everyone looks on. Belle looks at everyone and sees how appalled and disappointed in her they are. Belle tells them to stop looking at her and runs off. Roman runs after her with Claire. He tells her that she has always done the right thing. He can't beleive she would ever break a promise and be this selfish. Belle tells her father she knows he is disappointed but it is high time she did something selfish for her. No one is talking her out of it. She takes Claire and says goodbye. She kisses Roman and walks off. Roman apologizes to Kate. Kate says that his daughter will pay for this. Roman reminds Kate she promises to turn over a new leaf. Kate says she is but what Belle did is unacceptable and she needs to understand that. Kate walks off.

-Roman is walking over to Sami. She tells Austin they should go. She will call Belle later to make sure she is ok. Sami and Austin get in the elevator before Roman can reach them. Roman wonders what he can do to get through to her.

-Shawn is on the roof thinking when Belle shows up holding Claire. Belle tells Shawn they need to talk. Shawn tells Belle she can wait. He is so disgusted with her actions right now just like everyone else. He needs time to think. Belle tells Shawn she did this for him and Shawn cites that as why he is disgusted. He tells Belle to leave and give him some space. She leaves wondering where they go from here. While alone, Shawn tells himself that he can't let things keep going on like this. He knows what he has to do.

-Victor assures Kate that Philip will be fine. Kate admits she was shocked by what Belle did and says that, despite her efforts to change her ways, she is going to make sure she pays for this. Victor tells Kate to let it go and let things settle themselves. He tells Kate to call if she hears anything or needs anything. He leaves as Kate vows to make Belle pay.

-Billie asks Chelsea if she knows what Hope lied to Bo about. Chelsea says she doesn't. She only knows they had a huge fight about something. Billie wonders what it is and if it has anything to do with Chelsea or herself. Chelsea says she doesn't think it is her. Billie wonders if Chelsea did something. Chelsea says she hasn't done anything. She tells Billie she wants to leave. Chelsea walks over to say goodbye to Kate as Billie wonders what her daughter isn't telling her as she is sure she knows what lie Hope told.

-Hope tries to talk to Bo again but he is busy on the phone and tells her to just stay out of his way. Hope tells him to give her a chance. Bo sarcastically says that all this sounds familiar and that he was saying the same thing to her a mere 24 hours ago. He tells her to wait and sweat it out like she made him. Hope is upset and goes to the hospital chapel to think and pray that things get better. She remembers being there praying for Claire to survive, not knowing her prayer for a miracle would actually bring a miracle that would cause herself so much pain. She won't ever get over losing Zack even though good came out of it. Hope tells God that she doesn't know if she can ever forgive Bo for all the lies he told surrounding Zack's death or for defending Chelsea. She doesn't even know if she can deal with him being connected to Billie and Chelsea. She can't trust him after all these years and she too easily beleived he slept with Billie. Now she lied to him about his daughter and he can't trust her and they are both in so much pain. There is just too much to work out and overcome. She talks about Chelsea's offer and tells God to give her a sign to help her get through all this and decide what to do. She just can't have Chelsea give up most of her life to make everyone happy even though she did cause so much pain and deserves punishment. It is just but Chelsea is showing signs of changing and Hope mentions how she saw it on the island. Jail may regress her behavior or make her worse when she gets out. She doesn't know what to do anymore and needs guidance. She prays for help and then hears a little boy's voice call her "mommy" behind. She turns around and sees Zack standing in a white light . She yells out Zack and runs to him but he goes right through her. He tells Hope he is an angel and that he has come to help just like he helped her save Chelsea on the island. Hope asks what he is going to help with. Zack says he is going to help her make a choice about Chelsea. He tells Hope she needs to stop being angry and just forgive. He tells Hope that Chelsea is trying to change and she is hurting too. He says so many are sad already and there doesn't need to be more crying. He tells Hope to let Chelsea be free. Hope is silent as Zack begins to disappear. Hope tells him not to leave so soon. She wants to see him some more. Zack says she knows what to do and she can do it. Hope reaches out for him and cries out for him to stay. He says goodbye and that he loves her as he fades away. Hope then wakes up and we learn she fell asleep in the chapel. She thinks Zack did come to her in her dream to help her and now she knows what she has to do. She runs out of the chapel.

-Victor is walking out of the hospital when he recieves a phone call from Nico. Bo is walking out as well and walks past Victor. Victor calls out to Bo to stop. Victor tells Bo he has good news-his men found Chelsea's rapists. They are on their way to his mansion right now. Bo tells Victor to have them sent to the station. Victor doesn't think that is a good idea as this will go public that way and Chelsea wanted all this private. Bo says justice needs to be served and he will do his best to keep the rape quiet but he we wants these perverts to have the book thrown at them. He tells Victor to have them brought in and that he will be at the stations waiting. Victor follows Bo's instructions and hopes they aren't making a mistake. Bo tells Victor he doesn't need to be there and that he will let him know how everything goes. Victor agrees and doesn't want to get in the way. Bo thanks him and says he will let him know and he races to the station. Victor then gets another call from Nico. Nico tells Victor he has news-Stefano Dimera is back in Salem and has been spotted with his daughter, Lexie, in his mansion. Victor says that is good news. Nico asks why. Victor says it is good because he can finally begin to get his revenge on those that have hurt the people he cares about and loves. He will avenge them and what happened to them. Victor tells Nico to meet him back at the house-they have plans to make. Victor hangs up the phone and says, "I went soft and that made my loved ones vulnerable to attack but not anymore. This would never happen with the old Victor Kiriakis so maybe it's time he made a welcome return. I know I promised you my darling Isabella but I have stood by and watched too many I love get hurt. I am taking action and will not be a doormat any longer. My enemies will know better then to hurt one of mine from now on. I will strike the fear of God into all of them. Once they face the wrath of Victor Kiriakis, they will finally begin to understand what tragedies will befall them because of their acts against my loved ones. They will all wish they were dead and burning in hell when I get through with them." The limo then pulls up to pick Victor up and he gets in as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next "Salem Lives:"

Hope to Bo: Don't do this.

Bo to Hope: This is for my daughter and I am going to make these bastards pay.

Sami to Austin and Lucas: I think it is time for all of us to accept Carrie is not coming back.

Alan to Carrie: Why do you want me to leave so bad? What are you up to?

Maggie to Alice, Doug, and Julie: NO ONE CAN HELP!!! NO ONE!!! MY LIFE IS OVER!!! DONE!! YOU HEAR ME!!!

Stefano to Lexie: I need to leave you again.

Lexie: What is going on, father?

Victor to Nico: Our first target...Stefano Dimera.


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