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August 29, 2006



-Maggie wakes up from a dream and realizes that Mickey is still not there. She apparently had a dream where he came back to her and she thought his death was all a nightmare. She gets up and begins to get upset again. She sees the vodka bottle out on the kitchen table and once again thinks about drinking it. She doesn't want to as she knows it is what Mickey would not want to see her do. She realizes she needs to call someone to help her before it's too late.

-Victor arrives at the hospital and meets with Kate. He asks if the arrangements are set for Philip. Kate says everything is a go in San Francisco. Victor and Kate both know he will be well taken care of. They just hope he can come back from all this and that he can forgiven them for their roles. Kate asks of Victor is ok as he seems very out of sorts. Victor says it is killing him seeing so many of his loved ones suffering. He vows once again to make those who caused all this pain and suffering pay. He will not just stand by and watch this go unavenged. Lucas, Austin, and Sami show up. Kate isn't too happy Sami is there but is happy Austin and Lucas showed up for their brother. She is happy to see Billie show up too, along with Chelsea. Cassie, Rex, and Mimi arrive and Kate hugs Rex and Cassie. Cassie and Rex both say they will always think of Philip as a brother. Kate says they will always be like children to her. Rex tells Kate of his plans to marry Mimi and leave town so they showed up to also say goodbye too. Kate is sad they are leaving but issues congratlations, as does everyone else. Kate warns Mimi not to hurt Rex again. Mimi promises she won't. Bo and Hope arrive with Shawn too. Victor is pleased Bo is there. Bo asks if there is an update on finding Chelsea's rapists. Victor says nothing yet but Nico is monitoring the situation. Chelsea asks Bo if he told anyone. Bo says he hasn't and that Victor is helping him track the rapists down. She begs Bo not to do this but Bo says he won't the men that raped his daughter go free. Chelsea just doesn't want her rape getting out. Bo promises to do whatever he can to help her through this and to keep it as quiet as possible. Hope walks over and Bo stares at her and walks away. Hope asks Bo to talk. Bo reminds her that when he wanted to talk she wouldn't and now that she did something wrong she wants to talk to him. He thinks it is ironic and says he wishes not to speak with her right now. It is his turn to make her frustrated and leave her in limbo. Shawn overhears and is angry for his father treating his mom that way. Billie and Chelsea watch with Hope as Shawn rips into Bo for treating Hope with such disrespect. Bo reminds Shawn of how his mother wouldn't even give him a chance to talk to her about their problems but when she screws up and lies to him she wants to talk. It is a double standard. Hope reminds Bo that he did much more then she did. Shawn asks his mom what she did and Hope, looking at Chelsea, says she can't talk about it right now. It is between his father and her. Billie asks Bo what Hope lied to him about and Bo also keeps quiet, remembering Chelsea wants this a secret and that he doesn't want to say anything to Billie until he has the men that did this or has more information. Shawn says no matter what Bo has no right to treat his mother that way. He tells Bo to get out of his face as he disgusts him. He walks off as Bo walks away frustrated as well while Hope, Billie, and Chelsea look on.

-Roman arrives with Belle. He tells her he is there for her. She thanks him. Roman is near Sami so he says hello to her. Sami ignores him and then tells Austin if he hears someone speaking because she doesn't. Roman tells Sami she will have to accept him as Roman eventually. Sami tells him to burn in hell and walks off. Austin and Lucas both tell Sami there is so much pain around them and her being so irrational about Roman/John is making things worse. It is not what her mother would want. She tells them both not to tell her what her mother would want. Her family died with her mother and John will never be her father. She tells them both to back off. Austin and Lucas agree to drop the subject.

-Lucas, Austin, Bo, Billie, Rex, Cassie, Mimi and Shawn all say their goodbyes to Philip. Mimi and Rex realize they need to leave to catch their flight so it's time to say goodbye. Everyone wishes them luck and says their goodbyes. Kate hugs Rex and tells him to be happy. Shawn and Belle hug both of them and Mimi again tells them she hopes they can forgive her someday. They both agree that maybe someday. They both wish her luck and embrace her anyway. They urge her not to make their same mistakes she has in the past. She promises not to. They need to go pick up Connor and head for the airport. Cassie tells them they can't leave yet. Remembering the advice Belle gave her, Cassie tells Rex good luck and that she only wants him to be happy. She asks him if this is what he really wants. He says it is. Cassie says she will let him go then because when you love someone you have to put them before yourself. She looks at Belle, acknowledging that she accepted her advice. Cassie warns Mimi not to hurt her brother. Mimi promises not to. Cassie hugs Rex and wishes him luck and to keep in touch. He promises to and they board the elevator and wave goodbye as the doors close. In the elevator, Rex promises Mimi he will make her dreams come true. A montage of Rex and Mimi memories begins as they make note of their lives in Salem and how they were brought together. Mimi says he already has made so many of her dreams come true and that they will have an amazing life together. She jumps into his arms and they kiss as Mimi yells out, "Goodbye Salem!!!"

-Lucas gets a call and leaves. Cassie leaves too. They both tell Philip they will be praying for him.

-Lucas arrives at Maggie's and asks why she called him. Maggie tells Lucas about what she has been going through dealing with Mickey's death and how she is tempted to turn to alcohol. He urges Maggie not to as Mickey would not want that. He reminds Maggie of all those that are here for her, including her family and friends. He asks her what happened to Victor and she fills him in. Lucas applauds her for recognizing having Victor around as much as he was would be a problem but urges her to let her family be there for her. She says she knows they all blame her and rightfully so. Mickey's death was her fault. Lucas assures her it wasn't and that she couldn't stop what was meant to be. Maggie thanks him for being there given all that is going on with Carrie. Lucas says there are no updates yet. Maggie says she will pray for him. Lucas says he needs to go but asks Maggie to call anytime she is tempted. He asks if she will be ok alone. He says he can call someone or he can stay with her. Maggie says she will be fine and urges him to go. She doesn't want to take advantage of him like she did with Victor. Lucas embraces her and leaves, reminding her to call if she needs him. She looks at a picture of Mickey and wonders how she will get through this. She then decides there is something she needs to do that may help her start moving on and she walks upstairs to get changed to leave the house.

-Kate and Victor say emotional goodbyes to Philip, both blaming themselves for how hurt he was over Claire even though she turned out to be his. Victor blames himself for Philip being in the hospital as well since Ernesto was a part of it. He vows to protect him and all their loved ones. He promises Philip that someone will pay for this. Kate and Victor both embrace and kiss him and tell him to fight to get back to them. They then tell Belle she can come in. She walks in with Claire and has her kiss her daddy and say goodbye to him. Roman is there with her and takes hold if Claire while Belle says goodbye to him. Kate and Victor overhear the goodbye as Belle promises to visit him with Claire and to make sure he is being taken care of. She kisses him on the cheek and says she knows he will make it through this now that he has Claire to fight for. She urges him to fight his way back to them. She then leaves the room as Philip is prepared for transfer. As Belle walks out with Roman and Claire, Kate asks Belle why she was saying goodbye to Philip when she and Claire are going with him to San Francisco. Belle says that neither Claire or her is going. Kate is furious and slaps Belle. Victor holds her back as Kate calls her a bitch and Roman (holding Claire), Sami, Austin, Billie, Bo, Hope, Chelsea, and Shawn look on as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next "Salem Lives":

Kate to Belle: You are staying here because of Shawn aren't you?

Belle to Kate: Yes, I am.

Shawn: It just can't go on like this. There is something I need to do.

Victor to Bo: We got them Bo. My men found Chelsea's rapists.

Bo to Victor: Good. Now it's time to stick it to those bastards.

Hope: Oh my God. Zack!!??

Billie to Chelsea: Do you know anything about what Hope lied about?

Maggie (hysterically crying): I can't do this!!! Nothing is going to help!! I will never get past this and move on!!!


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