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August 28, 2006



-Maggie prepares to drink the vodka but then stops. She sees a picture of Mickey and is reminded yet again of how proud he was of her for being sober. She remembers how proud everyone was of her and how all those proud of her then must blame her now for Mickey's death. She nearly picks the bottle up again but can't stop thinking about Mickey would be disappointed in her and she has already failed Mickey terribly by causing his death. She puts the bottle away and returns to her photo albums and recalls fond memories of her life with Mickey. She looks at a picture of Mickey as a tear drop falls on the frame. She asks Mickey how she is going to move on and how she will ever live with herself. She lays down on the couch with the picture and plays some of his favorite music as she cries and remembers better times.

-Victor is drinking a brandy with Nico. He is stunned that Philip will be sent out of Salem tomarrow for rehab and that he may never wake up. It reminds him of when he was sent away to recover from his strokes. On top of that, he may have psychological trauma since he is going to look so much different due to the plastic surgery. Victor blames himself but Nico says there is nothing he could've done. Victor mentions how so many loved ones he cares about are in pain and Victor can't comfort them because they either are pushing him away or won't let him or unable to accept his comfort or help like in Philip's case. Caroline, Maggie, Philip... so many family and friends suffering and in pain. Victor blames his involvement with Ernesto for what happened to Philip and blames himself for not getting Mickey out of the way too and for Josh's death and Chelsea's rape. Nico again assures Victor nothing is his fault. The blame rests on the shoulders of Stefano, Ernesto, and all their accomplices. Victor vows to do something to return the favor to those who have wronged his family and friends.

-Bo wants answers now so Chelsea and Hope sit down. Chelsea tells him about the night of the rape and how it happened the nigh Josh was murdered. Bo remembers hearing that it was a drug operation executed by Victor for the mastermind that was beleived to have Philip at the time. Chelsea tearfully explains what the two men, that were employees involved with the operation, did to her. Hope is appalled and in tears and Bo is furious that Hope and Victor knew this and didn't tell him or Billie. Hope says Chelsea did not want it out and it was hard with everything going on. Bo explains that she is his daughter and that no matter what trouble she has stirred he will always protect her. She was violated and the men that did that to her need to be punished. Bo says he should've been told. Hope apologizes. Bo says he will deal with her later. He asks Chelsea for a description of the two men. She gives him one and he decides to visit someone else who can help him. Chelsea tells Bo she doesn't want this getting out to anyone. Bo says it will have to since justice needs to be served. Chelsea begs her father to keep this private as she is ashamed but Bo is so furious and is determined to catch the two men that did this. Bo tells them both not to tell Billie, or anyone else, anything until he has more info. He walks out and slams the door. Chelsea asks Hope what she thinks he will do. Hope says she isn't sure but that she is afraid of what he may do. Hope remembers how angry Bo was with her for keeping Chelsea's secret and she wonders if that may be the final straw for their marriage as the trust issues continue to pile up for them. Meanwhile, Chelsea prays no one learns she was raped and that it is all kept in the dark.

-Victor and Nico are sitting together when Henderson announces a guest. It's Bo, saying he needs Victor's help. He tells Victor he knows about Chelsea and needs his help tracking down the rapists. Victor says he will he happy too but was under the impression Chelsea wanted this private. Bo says that he wants justice served and that Chelsea will too once they are caught. Victor and Nico both give detailed descriptions and bios on the employees. Victor presents files he has on both of them as they were both associates for hire and he used them many times in shady deals. He would always avoid using them because they were loose cannons and would lose control, like they did with Josh and Chelsea. Victor apologizes to Bo for keeping the truth from him. Bo says to forget it as he can make it up to him by helping him apprehend the two men. Hope lying to him can't be made up and he doesn't know what will happen there. Victor says he can have his people on it as the SPD will have a tough time. They are hard to track down so he will use his underworld contacts and, once they are found, he will make sure they are brought to Bo. Bo likes the idea and lets Victor know that he is available to help in any way. Victor reminds Bo that it may be very hard to get a case to stick in court, especially if Chelsea is unsure about making this public. Bo says if they catch the two rapists and they are freed, he will lose total faith in the judicial and legal system. Only, this time, it will be for good. Victor says he will see what he can do and apologizes for hiding the truth again. Bo tells Victor to keep him up to date. Bo leaves and vows to make the two men who hurt his little girl pay for what they did-no matter what he has to do.

-Abe asks Celeste if she knows what the danger is. Celeste says she doesn't but that it is huge and that a war is about to hit Salem. There will be great division, separation, danger, mystery, lives destroyed. She adds there will be good moments but few and far between. Salem is in for it. Abe wonders if it has to do with Lexie and the Dimera's. Celeste says that it could be Stefano returning. Abe says they will need to be vigilant. Celeste wonders what Abe will do about Lexie. Abe says he will keep his son away from the Dimera's at all costs. Lexie has chosen her side and he has, as well. He goes upstairs to shower as Celeste looks at her cards. She says evil has Salem in it's grasp and it isn't going anywhere for awhile. She then has vision of Stefano and Lexie laughing together and then hearing a loud crash or bang. She wonders about doom and gloom that is about to hit and what it means for all of them in Salem.

-Lexie welcomes her father back and apologizes for how she treated him before he left. He recalls his playing a small role in the "using Tek to break up Abe and Lexie" plot. Lexie says she has forgiven him and fills him in on all he has missed. Stefano vows to help Lexie with Theo. Theo is an heir to the Dimera empire so he must be kept in the family. They will do whatever it takes to see that happen. Lexie asks if he can help her get Abe back but Stefano refuses saying it isn't worth it and that he will only dump her again for the next mistake she makes. He enourages her to think of new love interests. Lexie still can't do that and has Abe on his mind. Lexie asks what Stefano has planned for Salem. He says that it is for him to know and for everyone else to find out. His presence will be known in Salem as the Dimera's will undergo a resurgence that will stun Salem. His family is rising from the ashes and back to promincency in Salem. Lexie likes being kept in suspence and asks who he has plans for. Stefano says she will find out soon. He has alot of plans to iron out first and, once he does, Salem will be rocked to it's very core. Stefano laughs hysterically in an evil manner, as does Lexie. Stefano warns Salem to get ready as a new Dimera Golden Era is about to begin so let the Dimera Renaissance commence!! The screen fades out on Stefano raising his brandi glass to the air to toast with Lexie and the credits roll.

On the Next "Salem Lives":

Kate (with Victor holding her back) to Belle: You little bitch!!!

Mimi (with Rex): I guess it's time to say goodbye.

Cassie: You aren't going anywhere!!

Shawn to Bo (with Hope, Billie, and Chelsea watching): Get out of my face!!

Sami (with Austin) to Roman: I hope you burn in hell!!

Maggie to Lucas: The temptation is so strong. How am I ever going to resist?


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