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August 25, 2006



-Maggie nearly returns the vodka back to the liquor store but can't bring herself to do it. The guilt and pain she is feeling is just too much and no one can help with this. She knows deep down they all believe Mickey's death was her fault but they don't want to tell her to her face. She walks home with the bottle and puts it on the table. She looks at it and recalls her years as a alcoholic and her battle with alcoholism. She also remembers Mickey's words to her about how proud he was of her for being sober. Maggie misses him so much and says he was her rock. He has only been gone for a short time and already she has no strength to battle this temptation. She decides that it may not be worth it to fight off temptation anymore. She lost Mickey and doesn't care what happens to her since all her loves ones probably blame her for what happened. She looks at the bottle, picks it up, and opens it. She looks at a picture of Mickey and says she is sorry. There is no other way to deal with this. She lifts the bottle up and prepares to drink.

-Billie runs into Bo, who is still drinking at the Cheatin Heart. Billie thinks Bo should stop but he tells her to butt out. Billie sits down and tells Bo they need to talk. She apologizes for her role in Chelsea's scheme and asks if he can ever forgive her. Bo says he understands her motivation for getting involved and to forget about it. She did one thing while Chelsea did a hell of alot. Bo does think it is best that Billie try to stay away from him and his family for the time being. Billie agrees and asks what he is going to do about Chelsea. Bo says he doesn't know and really doesn't care right now since without Hope and Shawn he has nothing. Billie gets the bartender to cut Bo off and she offers to take him home. Bo says he will be fine and that he wants to find Hope and talk to her. Billie calls him a cab and tells him to let the cab take him where he needs to go. Bo gets in the cab and drives off. Billie wonders if it really is the end for Bo and Hope and if Chelsea meant what she said when she offered to sacrifice her freedom for Bo and Hope to reconcile and for Billie to be forgiven.

-Hope pays Chelsea a visit, She is stunned to see her and Hope tells her they need to talk. She asks Chelsea if she was serious about the offer she made earlier about her pleading guilty at her trial and essentially taking the maximum sentence all so Billie can be forgiven and her and Bo can reunite. Chelsea says she meant it and that she really is changing. Hope recalls their experience together on the island and how Zach visited her to help save Chelsea. She also recalls Chelsea admitting her rape to her and how concerned Chelsea was about her on the island during the escape. Chelsea says everything she has been through of late changed her. The rape, almost losing so many she cared about, the island, etc. It just made her realize the important things in life and how short it is and she doesn't want to waste it being miserable and a bitch. Hope believes her and thinks she is really changing. Hope says she had a feeling Chelsea had turned a corner on the island when she refused to leave the island when she could've boarded a rescue boat. She just didn't want to leave everyone and that was so unselfish and unlike her. Hope notes that she still doesn't understand why Chelsea was more concerned with her then anyone else. Chelsea says it was because she owed Hope for saving her life and just felt like they had a breakthrough while fighting for their lives together. Chelsea asks Hope if she is going to take her offer. She just wants to see everyone happy after what she put them all through. Hope is speechless and says she doesn't know what she is doing. Chelsea begs Hope not to give up on Bo and to forgive her mother for her role. Hope is stunned by this. Chelsea says she just wants everyone to be happy and remembers learning that Hope is her mother. She then quietly says to herself that it is the least she can do for her mother. Hope tells Chelsea she will mull everything over and get back to her but that she doesn't feel comfortable letting Chelsea sacrifice herself for the happiness of everyone else. Hope admits she still has a hard time even looking at her but with everything Chelsea has gone through, it doesn't seem right. Plus, Hope thinks that Zack would not like it. Chelsea says it is what's right. Hope doubts that Chelsea could handle prison in the aftermath of her rape so putting her in a position of having to spend upwards of 20 years in jail just doesn't seem right. Hope doesn't think the offer is fair. Before they can say anything else, Bo busts in and asks what Hope is talking about. Hope sees that Bo is drunk and says it is nothing for him to worry about. Bo says he heard Hope say in the aftermath of Chelsea's rape so he wants to know what is going on. He looks at Chelsea and asks if she was raped. He sees the look in her eye as she tries to deny it and a single tear drop out of her eyes and he realizes it is true. Bo is furious and asks Hope and Chelsea to tell him what happened now and why he wasn't told. He gets no answer so he decides to call Billie and ask her but Hope says that Billit doesn't know. She knows and that is it. Chelsea says Victor knows too. Bo is stunned and asks how Victor and Hope know and he and Billie don't. He wants to know what happened right now. Chelsea and Hope both look at each other as Bo waits for an answer from them.

-Celeste is with Abe at the Carver house. She has just put Theo down for bed. They are both concerned about Lexie now that she has moved into the Dimera mansion again. Celeste says she had a vision of Lexie succumbing to the Dimera influence yet again and being very comfortable in that house and accepting her heritage. Abe says he doesn't care what happens to Lexie anymore but worries about how she will use that power to steal Theo from him. If Lexie wins custody of Theo, abe is afraid he will be groomed as a Dimera. Celeste says they will never let that happen and Abe vows the same and says he will fight to the death to protect his son. Celeste then feels a cold shiver down her spine and says she must consult her tarot cards. She deals the deck and is shocked by what she sees. Abe asks her what is going on. Celeste that danger has arrived in Salem. Abe asks what she means. Celeste says that a evil presence is back and that a war is brewing and that many innocents will get caught in the crossfire. Abe wonders if Celeste is talking about Lexie and him battling for Theo but Celeste says that this way is bigger...much bigger. Abe looks on concerned as Celeste seems terrified of what she is seeing.

-Lexie is in the mansion thinking about how she will pursue fighting Abe for Theo. She wants her son and then she will see if she can somehow save her marriage but that is doubtful and she won't be devestated. She thinks maybe Abe held her back and she belongs in her family's home. By embracing her family yet again, she will assure Theo's future as an heir to the Dimera empire. He will have everything he ever dreamed but his father. Lexie's enthusiasm is lessened by thinking about Abe. She admits she still loves him and wants to work things out but she needs to get her son first and then try to regain Abe. If she does lose Abe, she will just hope to find new love or just remain alone with her son which is ok with her. The maid locks up and says good night to Lexie. Lexie says she is turning in too. The lights in the house begin to go off as Lexie makes her way to the stairs. She is walking up the stairs when she hears a noise. She returns the living room and asks if someone is there. She walks around the dark room and turns the desk lamp at the same time as someone is tapping her on the shoulder. She turns around and is shocked to see her father, Stefano Dimera, right in front of her.

Lexie: It's you!!! Father, your back!?

Stefano: Yes, my darling Alaxandra. I have returned to you and to Salem.

Lexie: Just when I needed you, father. It is so great to have you home.

Stefano: Well, when we last saw each other you hated me because of my involvement in the breakup of your marriage.

Lexie: I realized that was more Wendell and Andre then you. I need you now, father. More then ever.

Stefano: I am here, Alexandra. I am happy you realized it wasn't my scheme (privately recalls to himself having a hand in plot to use Tek to breakup Abe and Lexie) . Now that I am back I will be here for you and the Dimera's will once again rise to prominence in Salem.

Lexie: What do you plan to do?

Stefano: You shall see, my dear. All of Salem will soon see what my presence spells for them.

The screen then fades to black on a grinning Stefano as the credits roll.


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