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August 23, 2006



-Maggie is looking at some old photos, wondering how she is ever going to live the way she feels now. She can't help but blame herself for Mickey's death and wouldn't blame her family for doing the same. She can't even face her family or friends and that is why having Victor around was a comfort. He understood what she was going through as he felt the same guilt over what happened to Philip and he was there for her through the whole ordeal. She had to throw him out though as Julie and Caroline were right about them being too dependent on each other at a time when they are both vulnerable. She knows she did the right thing but now she doesn't know what to do or how she is going to get through this. She gets frustrated and throws the album across the room. She decides to go out for a walk to try to keep her mind off everything. As she is walking, she overhears some people in the park who are reading the paper. There is an article in the paper about the funerals that took place. One of men talks about how all of the deceased were good well known people on the Salem cummunity. He remembers meeting Mickey Horton at a charity event and explains how wonderful he was. The man says the world won't be the same without people like that in it. The woman asks the man how exactly Mickey died. The man says he was trying to save his wife from underground explosives but they went off and he was gone. The woman asks why all those people were still on the island. The man says he assumes most of them were there because they had rescue experience. Many of the Brady's that were there are police officers but as for people like Mickey he has no clue but he should not have been still on that island in his opinion. It is far too dangerous for him in his condition. The woman wonders if his wife played a part in why he stayed behind but the man wishes not the speculate and they walks off. Maggie feels terribly guilty and reminds herself that Mickey was only still there because she wanted to stay. She begins to cry again and she just doesn't know how she will ever deal with the pain and guilt she is feeling right now. She sits on a bench and looks at the sky as she cries while calling out for Mickey to come back to her.

-Kate gets a call from Victor while at the hospital. He is calling to check on Philip and Kate tells him he is fine. Meanwhile, in the room, Belle is with Philip when Shawn shows up and mentions how Belle is finally where she should be. Belle asks what he means. Shawn says she needs to be by her husband's side right now rather then worrying about their future. Belle thinks it is important that they talk about their future but Shawn says it is best that she worry about what is happening to Philip at the moment. Kate then walks in and Shawn decides it is best for him to leave. Once Shawn leaves, Kate reminds Belle of her committment to her husband and vow to be there for him through his recovery. Belle mentions how she thought Kate was going to try to stay out of her kid's lives. Kate says she is but it is only comment decency that Belle stay by Philip's side through this. Kate then reminds Belle of how Shawn is a cousin to her now with John being Roman. Belle says that Shawn and her will work that out. Kate rolls her eyes and sarcastically says that she is sure Belle will. Belle asks Kate who she was on the phone with outside. Kate tells her it was Victor and that he was checking on Philip. She notes how Victor didn't sound so well himself and sounded depressed. Philip's doctor then walks in and says he has news. He would like to speak to Kate first in private as he feels she would know more about the subject then Belle. After a short while, Kate returns and is visibly upset. Belle says she is so worried and asks what is going on. Kate says she has bad news about Philip. Belle panics and worries that Philip is dying or never waking up. Kate says that the doctors aren't sure if he ever will wake up and, when he does, he will need alot of rehab and may need counseling as his apperance will be different due to the plastic surgery. Kate says the doctor wanted to speak with her first about any rehab centers she knew of that she prefered since Kate went through alot of that with Victor and Lucas. Belle is heartbroken and looks at Philip. Kate stands by her side and they both wonder if he will ever make it through this.

-Shawn bumps into Bo at the Cheatin Heart. Bo is drinking heavily and Shawn asks what he is so upset about. Bo asks him what he is doing there and Shawn answers that he needed a drink after the long day with the funerals and all. Bo asks how Philip is and Shawn says no change. Shawn again asks what Bo is so upset about. Bo says that it is his damn mother and she is keeping him in limbo. She knows that Chelsea and Billie tore them apart yet she still doesn't want to talk or try to rebuild their marriage. Shawn says that he hurt his mother and now she is hurting him and that it is like poetic justice. Bo admits he made mistakes but that Hope needs to give their relationship a chance. They can work through everything. Bo says he is not going to give up until he gets her back. Hope overhears and says that drinking as much as he is right now is not exactly the right thing to do to get her back. Hope explains she has been looking all over for Bo since he left the pier and she figured he would so something stupid like go get hammered. Bo just asks Hope to talk. She needs to at least talk to him about everything. They will never know if they can work things out unless they try. Hope explains that she isn't even sure she wants to work things out. They have trust issues as she beleived a little too easily that he slept with Billie and he lied to her so much. Her faith in him is shaken and she isn't sure what to do. There is also his connection to Billie and Chelsea and, despite his disdain for them right now, she isn't sure if she wants them in her face everytime she turns around. Hope tells Bo to just back off and let her think. Bo, who continues to drink, says that he has given her a long time to drink and wants answers now. Shawn tells him to back off. Bo tells him to stay out of this but Shawn says that this is his family too and he has a right to interfere. Shawn explains to Bo how much he hurt Hope with all his lies. He may not have slept with Billie but he chose Chelsea constantly over their family and he did everything for her while their family suffered. Bo reminds Shawn of all his mistakes and says that he is only human just like him. People make mistakes and Bo beleives he deserves the right to make up for them. He reminds Shawn he was given a chance to make up his mistakes. Shawn tells Hope that they should just leave. Bo tells them both not to give up and walk out on him. Their family still has a chance. Shawn says that he blew any chance of that with his lies. Zach died and all he did was cover it up. He may not have killed him but he betrayed him and betrayed the trust and love of his family. Hope tells Shawn to stop and tells him they should just go. Bo begs them both to just sit down and talk to him. Shawn tells him to just sit down and drink. They aren't his responsibility anymore, they haven't been in awhile. Even though he is on the outs with Chelsea and Billie right now, he made his choice along time ago to abandon their family and it is going to take alot to make up for that, if he even can. Bo sees that Hope is looking on, tears welling up in her eyes. Bo knows that she doesn't feel the same way as Shawn and that she is close to wanting to work through everything. He tells Hope to just give him a chance. Shawn tells him he had enough chances and tells Hope that they should go. They walk out as Hope looks back at Bo, almost as if she wants to stay and reach out to him but just keeps resisting. Once they leave. Bo gets upset and tosses a beer bottle. He apologizes to the bartender and is frustrated as he doesn't know what else to do to get his family back together. He asks for another beer and continues to drown his sorrows.

-Mimi arrives at Alice's to clear out her mother's things as the Horton's will not control the property. She is shocked to see a light on and opens the door to see a romantic dinner set up in the middle of the restaurant. Rex appears and says he wanted to surprise her. She is extremely happy and embraces him. They share a lovely dinner and discuss their future. Rex then says he isn't sure if they have a future. Mimi is shocked but Rex adds that they don't have a future if she doesn't answer the question he has for her. He gets down on one knee and pledges his love for her. He then asks her to marry him. Mimi immediately says yes and is so happy. After all she has been through, she thinks it is fate that they are now engaged yet again. Cassie walks in and says they will get married over her dead body. Rex urges Cassie to either butt out or give Mimi a chance. She will not repeat the same mistakes again after all she has been through. Cassie reminds Rex that Mimi says that all the time yet she always screws up again. She doesn't want to see him hurt. Rex says he is marrying Mimi and she will need to accept that. Nothing Cassie can do will change that. She walks out and says we'll see about that. Mimi is worried about what Cassie might do. Rex says he isn't and he has an idea to ensure neither his sister or anyone else will stand in their way. Mimi is intrigued. Rex asks Mimi to leave Salem with him. He has been offered a research job that will require him to travel the world and he wants Mimi to go with him. They can start a fresh new life and they can both have clean slates after everything they have been through. Mimi agrees wholeheartedly as nothing is keeping her in Salem. She will have to take Connor with them as she is his guardian now. Rex says it will be no problem and they will all have a happy life together. Mimi is so excited. They kiss as Cassie watches outside, determined to put an end to what is going on as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Nicole to Sami and Greta: I never thought I would say this but I need you both to help me.

Roman to Eric: I think it is about time you and I talked, son. Don't you?

Alan to Carrie: Stay out of my business and there is no problem, got it?

Lucas to Austin: Why are you so concerned for Carrie's baby?

Maggie: I know exactly what will get me through this...consequences be damned.

Cassie to Belle and Shawn: There is no way I am letting Rex and Mimi leave Salem.

Mimi (with Rex): I don't think you have a choice.


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