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"If there is one word to describe the Fall it's POWERFUL," says head writer Tim Lowery. "Things in Salem are going to be dark at times and fans will notice a slower pace as opposed to the rapid pace we have been on since May. The stories will be fantastic and the history of the show will be utilized to it's fullest potential. it is truly going to be fantastic. There may be some controversial stories and we may go to some places no one ever thought we would go. We are not afraid...we will take risks. One character, in particular, will turn to the dark side and, no, I am not talking about in a supernatural sense but in a more realistic one. I hope fans just strap in and enjoy this amazing season that lies ahead," says Lowery. "We have tied up everything we wanted to and now our regime is ready to blow you away. September 1 can't come fast enough for us," enthuses Lowery.

Stefano/Victor/Ernesto: Victor declares war on his enemies in the aftermath of the island story. Naturally, that means he is out for Stefano and Ernesto's blood. "The old Victor returns and thinks one of the reasons why so many of his loved ones have been in pain or suffering in the past is because he has softened," says Lowery. "That all changes in the coming weeks as Victor will go back to his roots and he will strike the first blow in his war with his enemies on the summer finale on September 1. An innocent Salemite will be near-death as a result of this," reveals Lowery. Look for many other innocent Salem citizens to be drawn into this war and to even find themselves in grave danger. "Most of our canvas will be dragged into this in one way or another," says Lowery.

Bo/Hope: Bo reaches the breaking point in his relationship with Hope. "Hope is keeping him in limbo and Bo just gets frustrated," notes Lowery. "Shawn and him are at odds and he has some major issues going on with Chelsea. The man is just becoming a mess and we will also see him become upset with the judicial system again, which will lead him down a shocking path," reveals Lowery. "There will be a return to a edgier, more rebellious Bo but this time he will be a more dangerous type as he goes to depths the fans never thought they would see him at," says Lowery. Meanwhile, Hope will try to work through everything that has happened and will try to rebuild her life as she keeps getting drawn into Bo's orbit.

Roman: Roman will try to adjust again to his life after John Black. "He will return to the police force and we will see him working to get his life in order," says Lowery. "He will have a difficult time with Sami and the dynamic there will be interesting to watch." Look for Roman to play a part in the big war story as well.

The man formerly known as Roman Brady: "This story is a favorite of mine," enthuses Lowery. "We are bringing a familiar face from the past back to play a female psychiatrist and a romance will develop there. We will learn the truth about faux Roman's past slowly and I can tell you he is connected to someone on the canvas. This is a fun little story...the irony is amazing," laughs Lowery.

Caroline/Victor/Maggie: "Yes, we are going there. A triangle for three of our most beloved vets will be pivotal this fall," previews Lowery. "Caroline and Maggie both push Victor away but then keep getting drawn back to him in one way or another. Maggie's alcoholism will take center stage and we will see it parallel Victor's return to crime as Maggie and Victor will both accept the worst in each other. Caroline, meanwhile, watches as the bond between Victor and Maggie grows. She will be forced to choose between her family and making yet another play for the true love of her life before it's too late," previews Lowery. "Also, we will make the Horton's pivotal in this plot as they are prominent again. Expect Julie and Victor's friendship to be delved into yet again and Lucas will be there for Maggie during her alcoholism," promises Lowery.

Laura/Jack/Billie: "Ok...this is not a triangle," laughs Lowery. "Jack and Billie will grow closer as we see Laura provide major resistance to their relationship. Laura will draw Greta and Frankie into her schemes as she tries to set them up with Jack and Billie, respectively. Abby and Max will also get drawn into this too, of course. The Laura/Kate feud is re-ignited as well. Look for Laura to cross over into other stories too like the war story and the stories we have going on with Roman and Maggie. She will be with us for awhile and we may get appearances from Bill to from time to time," notes Lowery.

Austin/Sami/Lucas/Carrie/Alan: "The Carrie/Alan story is a slow build," notes Lowery. "Carrie will learn what Alan went through in prison and it will become apparent to her that he is a changed man from his experience. Sami will become a part of this story eventually but she will have enough on her plate with Austin, Lucas, Roman, and Kate. Something big will happen with Lucas, who will also be involved in Maggie's story. There is also the matter of Carrie's baby and it's paternity, as well as the return of a recasted Will. Both will play a part in the Alan story," says Lowery. "Has Alan really changed? That will be one of the big questions of the Fall."

Greta/Eric/Nicole: "Eric is sticking around for awhile," reveals Lowery. "We are very happy about that as can tell the story we want to now. Greta will play a huge role in keeping Eric's secret as she will learn what it is on the summer finale. Things will really get messy when Nicole enlists Sami and Greta's help in helping her learn what is going on with Eric," says Lowery. "Greta will have a dilemma as to whether she should keep Nicole and all of Eric's loved ones in the dark about what is going on. Meanwhile, Greta will also be tossed into the Jack/Billie story and there is also that little secret that Victor is her father. That will come into play big time as we move through the Fall," promises Lowery. "Nicole will face a choice of her own as well when she finds herself having to choose between her dream job at Highstyle in LA or a life with the man she loves who seems to be decieving her about something big. This decision will be a huge turning point for Nicole," adds Lowery.

Shawn/Belle/Philip: Shawn makes a life-altering decision. "He hates seeing what their relationship has done to Belle as a person," says Lowery. "She is constantly choosing him over being there for Philip and Shawn knows that Belle is not one to do something like that so he blames himself for making her into the person she has become. You can also look for Belle to be at odds with Victor and Kate over her actions concerning Philip," reveals Lowery. "Jason Cook will last air next month so you can expect a pretty emotional sendoff as Shawn is not being recasted at the moment. After Shawn leaves, Belle will leave to be with Philip at a rehab center outside of Salem," reveals Lowery. "We are taking this opportunity to give the fans a break from them and we already have so much to play with this Fall so it works out. Belle will back just in time for the holidays with a recasted Philip and then we will throw them into story," says Lowery. "Even with Shawn gone, he will not be forgotten so look for his presence to still be felt in Salem," promises Lowery.

Kayla: "Kayla will learn something HUGE from Patrick on the summer finale and this will send her on a huge adventure story that will later merge with the big war story," reveals Lowery. "Shane will be a part of this story as well since his expertise as ISA will needed here."

Lexie/Abe/Celeste: "Lexie will return to her roots and will play a huge role in the war story," says Lowery. "Lexie moving back into the Dimera mansion is only the tip of the iceberg. Lexie and Abe will get very close to reuniting early in the Fall during a crisis but will soon be torn apart again," reveals Lowery. "Celeste will try to enlist the help of all of Lexie's loved ones, including a reluctant Abe, to help steer Lexie away from the Dimera influence but it may too late. Evil Lexie will be back in full force and will become almost like Stefano's right hand woman," says Lowery. Look for the custody battle for Theo to get ugly when it reaches the courtroom. "Lexie will show her true Dimera colors in court when she plays real dirty to hold on to her son," adds Lowery.

Chelsea/Max/Abby: "The bond between Abby and Max grows," says Lowery. "With so many people pushing them together and with Chelsea pushing him further away, it is only a matter of time before the attraction becomes apparent to Max and Abby themselves. Chelsea will have trouble dealing with her rape and Hope being her mother. She will spend the early part of Fall trying to rebuild her life and change her ways but then something tragic happens to her yet again and it will be a case of one step forward to steps back," reveals Lowery. Look for something powerful to happen with Abby and Chelsea in late Fall. "Something will happen that will throw both girls for a loop and will force them to admit things they would rather not admit," says Lowery. "There may a few new teens thrown into this mix but they will be short-term and will play a role in the big thing that will happen to Chelsea and Abby. As for the big reveal of Chelsea being Hope's daughter, we will pull that rabbit out of the hat when the fans least expect it," laughs Lowery.

Cassie: Cassie will move into the Dimera mansion after Rex and Mimi leave Salem. "She will be all over the canvas and we will see what develops as Alexis Thorpe will be on recurring with us for a bit," notes Lowery.

Kate: Kate will try to turn over a new leaf and stay out of her children's lives. "Kate will be all over the canvas as well and will be thrown in to the Philip, faux Roman, Victor, and Billie stories we have coming up," previews Lowery. "Look for her to play a major role in something big we have coming up with Lucas and Sami as the Fall progresses," adds Lowery.

Returns: "There will be a few visits from faces from the past," reveals Lowery. "Kimberly will be back and will play a huge role in Bo's story and Kayla's. Bill will return from time to time and we may bring Melissa, Sarah, and Don back to play roles in the Maggie story. As previously mentioned, a female face from the past will play a new role as faux Roman's psychiatrist and there is also that little matter of the mystery man we saw being dragged from the fiery island compound," notes Lowery. "That mystery man will come into play next week. As for any other returns, the fans should just know anyone can pop up at anytime. The history of the show will be huge from now on so family visits will become the norm," assures Lowery.


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