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August 22, 2006



-Bo and Billie still don't beleive that Chelsea is changing just like that but then they recall how she did not want to leave the island because she "owed" Hope for saving her life. Hope says that something is different in her. Hope has a flashback to Chelsea admitting her rape to her and beleives that going through that is what is making Chelsea change. Bo asks to talk to Hope alone and he asks Hope what she thinks of Chelsea's offer to plead guilty on all counts and throw herself on the mercy of the court. Hope thinks it actually sounds selfless, which is why she beleives Chelsea is changing but Bo still doesn't buy it and thinks something else is up. He asks Hope if she is going to hold up her end of the bargain and work to save their marriage but Hope says she can't decide that right now. Bo is frustrated and begins to lose his patience. He reminds Hope of how Billie and Chelsea kept them apart. Hope says that it still doesn't matter as her faith in him is shaken. The fact that she beleived so easily that he would hop right into bed with Billie disturbs her and she still can't get the lies Bo told concerning Zach's death out of her head. She has alot to think about and honestly doesn't know if they have a future. Bo is furious and tells Hope he wants answers now and, if Chelsea's gesture really is legit like Hope thinks it is, Chelsea will need an answer to. Hope says she doesn't know about anything right now.

-Billie wants to know what is really going on. Chelsea tells her mother she is really serious about changing and that her gesture to Bo and Hope should prove that. Billie wants to know what she is up to but Max beleives Chelsea. He just can't beleive Chelsea is willing to go to jail for possibly 20 years just so Bo and Hope can be together and her mother can be forgiven in the role she played in Bo and Hope's breakup. Chelsea insists it is the least she can do for them all after what they have done for her and how she has treated them. Billie still doesn't beleive it and, even if she did, she tells Chelsea she will not let her give up her life and just go to jail. Chelsea says she has to do this for her family and for Bo, Hope, Billie, and for Zach. Billie can't beleive it and walks away. Max tells Chelsea he is real proud of her but he doesn't want her to spend most of her life in jail. Chelsea says she will do what she has to but Max asks her what would happen to their relationship. Chelsea reminds Max that they really haven't had much of a relationship since before the island hell began. Max says that is why they must discuss their future. Chelsea is not interested right now in doing that as she has enough on her mind. Max is a little frustrated with Chelsea for putting off having a discussion about their future. Max thinks maybe it is best that they see other people and take a break from each other while Chelsea gets her life straightened out. Chelsea doesn't want to do that as she will need Max by her side at the trial. She just asks for more time and space and, once everything settles itself, they will talk. Max asks her what happens if she goes to jail before they talk about their relationship. Chelsea promises that Max and her will discuss everything before she even goes to trial. Billie joins them again and they witness Bo and Hope fighting. Bo walks off in a rage, telling Hope he doesn't know what else to do anymore. Hope then begins to cry and says she doesn't know what to do either and runs off as well. Billie, Chelsea, and Max wonder if it really may be over for Bo and Hope.

-Doug, Julie, and Caroline wait outside to find out what is going on with Victor and Maggie. Julie is curious about what Caroline was so passionate about wanting Maggie and Victor to stay away from each other and wonders if it is because Caroline needs him right now and wants him back in her life. Caroline says that her recent affair was a mistake and she can't be around Victor for her family's sake. Her family is going through enough right now and them seeing her around Victor would only cause more problems. Victor and her will always share a bond and will always be friends but from a distance and nothing more. Julie seems reluctant to buy that but accepts Caroline's reasoning. Julie feels bad for saying that Maggie and Victor should avoid each other for the time being since Victor was and still is a good friend of hers. They went through Loretta sinking together, as well as the island debacle that followed. Doug knows that Julie has a special bond with Victor but insists this has nothing to do with Victor as a person but there is a concern that they will become far too dependent on each other during this difficult time and, eventually, things will get more complicated. Julie agrees, as does Caroline. They wonder what is going on inside.

-Inside Maggie's house, Victor is still stunned that Maggie wants to end their friendship. He tells her that she doesn't mean that. Maggie tells him she does and to go before she destroys his life too or worse. She tells him to get the hell out or she will call the police. Victor is shocked and assures Maggie that she won't destroy his life. Maggie says she already is. She is keeping him fron his family and all his responsibilities. They are growing way too dependent on each other. She is asking too much of him and she has barely done anything for him. Victor reminds Maggie that they are friends and they have bonded alot over thinking their loved ones were dead, the island mess, her losing Mickey, him seeing Philip upset over his loved ones betraying him and Philip being in a coma. Victor says he is the one that was staying away from Philip because he couldn't bare to see him like he was but Maggie helped him get through it. Victor says that Maggie has become a close friend and they have saved each other's lives. He is just not going to abandon her. It is bad enough Caroline needs him but won't let him be there for her. Maggie says to Victor to stop using her as a substitute for Caroline but Victor denies doing that. Maggie says she knows he would be with Caroline and nowhere near her if Caroline would let him. Victor says that he would be there for Maggie too. Maggie doesn't want to hear anymore and tells him to just get out. This is not good for either of them. Victor urges Maggie not to let what Doug, Julie, and Caroline say convince her that their friendship will only cause more harm to themselves. Maggie says that they are right about everything and that Victor needs to leave now. They can't see each other frow now on. She needs to get through this on her own. She pushes Victor out the door. Maggie then slams the door in his face and says don't come back. Caroline, Doug, and Julie are stunned she kicked him out. They never wanted her to cut Victor completely out of her life. They only wanted them both to give each other space. Victor slowly walks away and turns around and looks back at the house and at Caroline. Julie tells Victor they are sorry. Victor says he knows and then slowly walks away. Caroline watches him leave and realizes helping Maggie was keeping him from feeling the pain of not being able to comfort her and now he is feeling a worse pain knowing he can't help Caroline, Maggie, or Philip. Doug and Julie ask Maggie if she is ok so she lies and says she is. Maggie tells them both to just go. Doug, Julie, and Caroline all leave, worried about Maggie and Victor. Inside the house, Maggie crumples to the floor in tears near the door and cries hysterically as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Maggie: I can't do this anymore. How am I going to live like this?!!

Shawn to Bo: You hurt mom and now she is returning the favor. Sounds like poetic justice to me.

Bo to Shawn: I will get your mother back (as Hope walks in)

Kate to Belle: There is bad news...it's Philip.

Belle: Oh my God...no...

Rex to Mimi: Mimi Lockhart...I have something very important to ask you.

Cassie: Over my dead body!!!


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