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August 21, 2006



-Roman and faux Roman are outside the Devereux home. Faux Roman asks what they are doing there. Roman explains that they need to seek out Laura Horton's help iwith Marlena gone n order to get the answers they both need concerning their pasts. Meanwhile, inside, Jack and Laura are discussing what Jack plans to do with his life. Jack explains he is thinking of returning to "The Spectator" but it may be too soon after Jennifer's death and they shared so many memories there. Laura urges him to wait and just spend time with his family. Things will work themselves out. Jack asks her again why she chose to stay in Salem other then to help them out. Laura tries to convince Jack she has no hidden agenda but Jack refuses to beleive that. He thinks she is worried about his relationship with Billie and she has no reason to be. She is just a friend and he has alot of women friends like Greta and Sami. Laura explains she just doesn't want Jack, Abby, or JJ to get hurt but Jack says that being with Billie won't hurt anyone. She is a close friend and, if anything, she is just being a good friend to Jen and him by being there so much for them. Jack accuses Laura of letting her long-time feud of Kate blind her to how different from Kate Billie is. Laura denies that and thinks they should just drop the subject as things are getting tense. Jack tells Laura he will drop it when she lays off Billie and just relaxes and enjoys her visit in Salem. Before Laura can answer. the doorbell rings. Jack lets Roman and faux Roman in and they explain they are there to see Laura and ask for her help in helping them learn and remember their pasts. Roman explains he just needs to fill in the missing peices he does not remember as he remembers most of his life as Roman Brady and as John Black but that faux Roman only knows of his time as Roman Brady. Laura says she should be able to help Roman even though she is not officially on staff at University Hospital but that faux Roman's case may be a little too extreme for her. She may have to call someone who is a specialist and severe memory loss and cases of his nature in. Laura says she will borrow an office at the hospital and see them both ASAP and then she will be able to determine how to help them both and whether she will need to call someone in to help with faux Roman. Both men thank her and give their condolences regarding Jennifer again before they leave. Faux Roman doubts he can be helped but Roman assures him that Laura will help them both and, if she can't, she will find someone who can.

-Abby is in her room when Frankie knocks and asks how she is doing. They discuss the funeral and how beautiful it was. Frankie wants to thank Abby again for being so understanding of his role in Jennifer's life. Abby apologizes for being so hard on Frankie and says she hopes they can be friends as he is a good friend to her parents. Abby then gets a call from Max asking her how she is holding up. She thanks him for his concern and for being there for her through the past few horrible months. Max thanks her as well and says if she needs anything to call. She tells him the same and hangs up. Frankie asks how things are going between Abby and Max. Abby explains they are only friends but that they have helped each other through everything of late. He is more focused on Chelsea right now, though. Frankie mentions how Chelsea has been ignoring Max and pushing him away. He also explains how Jennifer, Jack, and himself talked about how perfect they looked together. It reminded Jennifer and himself of their young relationship. Frankie asks Abby what she would do if things were over between Chelsea and Max. Abby says she can't think about that as Chelsea is a friend and she is not going to break up her relationship with Max. Frankie understands but, seeing what he sees, he beleives Chelsea and Max are in some trouble. Abby says she will just wait and see what happens and, even if they do breakup, she doesn't know if she would pursue him. Frankie explains he is only giving his two cents. He tells her good night and thanks. He mentions how her mother would be proud of her and how much like her she is. Abby thanks him and begins to tear up. When he leaves, she begins to think about what he said and wonders if she really should pursue Max if Chelsea and Max breakup.

-Chelsea is about to spill her secret when is thinks about Billie and how this will affect her. She remembers how happy Billie was that she finally found her daughter. Bo was happy too, even though he hates her right now. Billie may not be able to take it knowing her daughter was really stillborn and did die in the bayou. She can't have any more children so this would cause her severe pain and suffering. Bo, Billie, and Hope tell Chelsea to tell them what she wants to say but she backs off and goes into a long speech about her finally learning her lesson and wanting to grow up. Max joins them and is happy to hear it but he is the only one but Billie who beleives Chelsea means what she says. Chelsea says she does mean it. Hope tells Chelsea to just stay out of sight because she can barely look at her right now. Chelsea asks to speak to Hope in private. Bo reluctantly agrees. Bo asks Billie what Chelsea is up to but Billie insists she has no clue. Max wonders what game she is playing now. Chelsea reminds Hope of their time on the island and how they seemed to be getting closer. Chelsea also reminds her of al they discussed, including her rape, and of how Zack came to Hope in an effort to help save Chelsea's life. She tells Hope that her rape and the island has made her realize how terrible she was and now she wants to change, which is why she confessed how she helped keep Bo and her apart. She really wants to change and tells Hope that remember what happened on the island. Chelsea, with tears streaming down her cheeks, tells Hope she expects her to never forgive her or to be lenient on her in court. However, she just wants to make it known she is sorry and is going to change. She will accept whatever punishment is given to her by the judge in regards to Zack and will serve it even though she has been punished so much by losing her virginity unwillingly and is going to have to live with the guilt of killing her little brother. Hope stays silent as Chelsea asks her again if she still plans to keep her rape a secret. Hope explains she would never share that type of information with anyone, no matter who the person she was keeping the secret for was. Chelsea then asks Bo, Billie, and Max to come near and explains how she told Hope her desire to change and how she will accept the consequences of her actions and her punishment. They are all stunned. Chelsea then stuns everyone when she tells Hope she will make things easier for her so they may not even have to go through a long trial. She will please guilty on all counts, meaning she will take the maximum sentence for killing Zack, if she will give Bo another chance and if both Bo and her will forgive her mother for the role she played in keeping them apart. If they can do all that, she will give up and take the jailtime. It is the least she can do and, this way, she can make up for some of the damage she caused even though it will never bring Zack back. Hope, Bo, Billie, and Max look on stunned as Chelsea tells herself if she can't tell them all that Hope is her mother she can at least ease their pain and suffering and make up for her actions this way. Max asks Chelsea what is going on as Chelsea says she is only trying to do the right thing for once. Bo, Hope, and Billie discuss what Chelsea just told them and wonder what game she is playing. Hope stuns them both by saying it isn't a game and that she is serious. Hope says that Chelsea may be telling the truth this time-she may be really changing.

-Doug and Julie are driving home from an evening out and are discussing the funeral and their worry for Maggie. Doug is worried about Maggie depending so much on Victor but Julie thinks it is good for both of them and doesn't see it presenting a problem. They decide to stop at Maggie's to see how she is doing.

-Victor and Caroline continue to go at it over Maggie as she overhears. Victor explains that he is going nowhere unless Maggie wants him too. Maggie thinks that Caroline is right and that she is depending on him way too much. She will need to get through this on her own and just be strong. Victor thinks Caroline is just jealous but Caroline insists that there is nothing to be jealous of as Victor and her are finished. They are not reuniting anytime soon and they need to stay away from each other for the sake of their families. Victor understands and says he will reluctantly obilge since he would rather be there for her. Caroline is making it so tough though considering she keeps following him and involving herself with Maggie and himself. Doug and Julie join them and Caroline catches them up on the discussion. Doug agrees with Caroline that Victor and Maggie will only make things worse by spending so much time together. The dependency will only get worse and things may get complicated and messy later. After seeing Victor still at the house and hearing Caroline and Doug, Julie tells Victor she will have to agree with them. It is one thing to be there for a friend and he has been a tremendous comfort to Maggie but it is just too much. He can't be there every moment of every day and night. It is bad for the both of them. She knows Victor is a good man from their time together but Victor and Maggie must make changes to their current relationship or it will hurt them more then help them in the end. Victor is stunned so many see a problem with this. Maggie, who has been overhearing everything, says she knows what she has to do. She is taking Victor away from his life and from his own family. She is almost taken advantage of him. She interupts the conversation outside and explains she needs to talk to Victor alone. Victor comes in the house as Doug, Julie, and Caroline wait outside wondering how much she overheard and what they are talking about. Victor sits down with Maggie and she tells him they have to talk. Victor asks what is on her mind. Maggie tells Victor that this needs to stop-this dependency and her ruining his life. Their friendship needs to end...now. Victor looks on stunned as the screen fades out on a tearful Maggie's face and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Bo to Hope: I can't take this anymore Hope. I need an answer now. What is going to happen to us?

Billie to Chelsea: What is going on with you?

Chelsea to Max: I can't talk about us right now.

Max to Chelsea: Well, then, maybe it's time we took a break from each other.

Julie to Caroline: Are you sure your reason for keeping Maggie away from Victor has nothing to do with you wanting him back in your life?

Victor to Maggie: You don't mean this.

Maggie to Victor: Yes, I do. GO!!! Hurry before I destroy your life too. I mean it!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE VICTOR!!!


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