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August 18, 2006



-Victor is comforting a hysterical Maggie, who is still blaming herself for what happened to Mickey. Victor tries to convince her that she is not to blame but Maggie just pounds on Victor's chest and is inconsolable. Meanwhile, outside, Caroline is walking by and can hear Maggie crying. She wonders if she should go inside to see if she is alright and sees that Victor is still there. Caroline remembers overhearing Doug and Julie at the Pub talking about Victor and Maggie. Caroline wonders if Maggie is becoming too dependent on Victor and maybe him being around is not good for her. Caroline rings the doorbell. Victor answers and is stunned to see her there. Caroline insists that they talk but Victor does not want to leave Maggie alone. Maggie says to go and that she needs to be alone for awhile. Victor and Caroline talk outside. Victor wants to know what Caroline is doing. She keeps reminding him to stay away from her and she keeps following him and showing up when he is trying to help a friend. Caroline expresses concern that Victor is getting too close to Maggie. Victor explains how Maggie and him were brought together by fate when they thought their loved ones were dead and they grew even closer during the rescue mission on the island as they saved each other's lives. Caroline understands that but thinks that it is wrong for Victor to be around Maggie so much with her so vulnerable. It may make things complicated later as she will always expect Victor to be there and she won't be able to function without him. It isn't healthy given her state. Victor says that Maggie needs him and if he thinks him being around is bad for her or if she thinks that, then he will stay away or they will cut down on the time they spend together. Victor doesn't see that happening as Maggie is a wreck. Victor asks Caroline the real reason why she is bring all this up-it is all a way of keeping him away from Maggie because she is jealous. Caroline denies it but Victor tells Caroline to just let him comfort and support her. He isn't asking for a relationship-they are friends and he knows she needs him. They need each other right now. Victor explains that Caroline is so worried about what her family will think and is so afraid to hurt them or anyone else, including him and her, that she is afraid to get close to him. Victor urges her to not be afraid and just go with her heart. Caroline denies everything Victor says and stands by her stance to stay away from Maggie.

-Maggie looks at her wedding picture and lovingly touches Mickey's side of the picture. Tears streaming down her face, she again wonders how she will ever live without Mickey and the guilt she feels concerning his death. The pain is excruciating. She walks around the room and sees pictures of Mickey on the mantle as she crumples to the floor in tears. She then gets up saying she needs to find a way to deal with this as she can't live like she is. She is about to go get Victor and overhears Caroline and him talking outside. Maggie feels real bad for depending so much on Victor as he is hurting too and she isn't helping him nearly enough. She wonders if their closeness is bad for the both of them as they both may be growing dependent on each other and that may lead to complications. She realizes she may be taking advantage of him as she is always needing him with her and putting her head on his shoulder while she has only helped him a few times. She wonders if Caroline is right and they should just stay away from each other for their own goods.

-Roman wishes to talk to faux Roman alone. Kayla and Celeste end up talking nearby. Celeste tells Kayla she feels that a big change is coming in Kayla's life. Kayla asks what the change is but Celeste has no answer other then she will be go on a journey that will deliver her what her heart desires most but that is also dangerous as well. Kayla wonders if what Celeste says has something to do with what Patrick wants to tell her.

-Abe and Kate talk. Abe is curious as to why Kate seems so interested in faux Roman as she seems to have talked to him alot of late. Abe sees in Kate's eyes that she still cares for him. Kate admits she always will as he saw a side to her that man people don't see. He is a good man and she explains that everything that has happened of late has brought them closer again...but only as friends. Kate says they can never go there again but she feels they share a bond from their time together that will never go away no matter who he is. Kate explains how faux Roman comforted her when they learned Cassie and Rex were not their children. Abe sees that something in Kate has changed. Kate explains that after seeing what happened to Philip and how he reacted to the Claire paternity lie she helped cover up, she finally understood how her meddling always makes things worse for her children. She is going to try to change for the sake of her children and herself. Abe says that she is off to a good start by helping faux Roman and being there as a friend. Kate hopes that maybe helping him as a friend will be the start of her turning her life around and making her children's lives better. If anything, it will help her stay in line and not revert back to her previous ways...at least, she hopes that is the case.

-Roman explains to faux Roman that he went through the same thing when "Roman" returned to Salem years ago and he found himself being "John Black" with no memories or identity. He had to build a life for himself essentially not even knowing who he was. He tells faux Roman he understands and thinks they can help each other. Faux Roman explains he wants no help and just wants to leave town as he feels very out of place and uncomfortable, especially talking to the real Roman Brady. Roman explains that they can go to therapy together so they can recover their memories. Roman wants to recover the missing peices to his life and faux Roman can hopefully find out who he is and remember his life. Faux Roman doesn't think it will help as he has never had any memory of anything that had something to do with Roman Brady. Everything he remembers, knows, etc is Roman Brady. He has nothing and really doesn't exist since he is a nobody. He just wants to leave. Kayla, Celeste, Abe, and Kate join in and try to convince him to stay. Roman reaches out his hand to faux Roman and says to just give it a try for awhile and, if he remembers nothing, he can leave without resistance. Roman says he knows how it feels and he didn't have anyone that understood when he was going through it so there was really no one who could help but, in his case, he has him there to help since he went through it himself. Faux Roman looks at Roman's hand and thinks about it and reaches out his. They shake as faux Roman says he will go along with Romna's idea and, if nothing happens after awhile, then that is it. He will leave Salem. He is only doing this because he wants to know who he really is and wants to have his own life and memories. This may give him a chance to obtain all that and he has to do anything he can to do so. Roman assures him he won't regret it as Kayla, Kate, Celeste, and Abe look on, happy that faux Roman is staying and is going to get help.

-Bo and Hope have it out on the pier. Bo asks Hope why she is running away from him, especially after avoiding talking to him for so long. Chelsea and Billie just admitted that they had roles in keeping them apart and that should change everything and they need to discuss their future. Hope says that all it does is make things worse. She doesn't trust him. He lied about Zach and lied for Chelsea but now another issue is there for them-she doesn't beleive in him. If she really knew him, she would've never beleived that easily he would just jump in bed with Billie or that he would want a divorce much less say that in an email. She should know that Bo would never give up on her after everything they have been through on their lives but she doubted him. She doubted their whole relationship and that is a problem. After all these years, she actually beleived easily that he would be unfaithful to her and that he would just give up and want a divorce. On top of all that, she still can't make peave with herself to forgive him for lying about Zach's death. She was on her way to forgiving Chelsea before learning how she schemed to keep them apart. Now she is even more disgusted with her then before. Meanwhile, Chelsea is overhearing all of this. Billie shows up and tells Chelsea not to eavesdrop and to come with her. They have done enough. Chelsea fills Billie in and what they are saying and tells her that Bo and Hope may still be over. They both listen as Hope tells Bo they have alot of problems. There is just too many trust issues and doubts in their relationship and with the trial coming up it will only get worse. She is just not sure that even if she was to forgive Bo, she could live with him connected to Chelsea and Billie. She isn't even sure if she can forgive him for everything. Bo asks what she is saying. Hope says she thinks they are finished...this time for good. Billie is stunned this is happening and Chelsea feels guilty because she knows telling them all that Hope is her mom would change everything. She knows she needs to change and doing the right thing here would put her on the right track. There is already so much pain and Bo and Hope don't need even more. Chelsea says she just can't stand by and watch this...this is her chance to prove that she is changing. She needs to do something. Billie is stunned when Chelsea interupts Bo and Hope's conversation. Bo and Hope are stunned that she was eavesdropping and are even more stunned when Billie comes out too. Chelsea insists that she was the only one listening and that Billie tried to get her to stop. Bo tells them both to leave as Hope and him need to talk but Chelsea says she is staying. There is something they all need to know that will change everything. Billie, Hope, and Bo look on as the screen fades out on Chelsea and the credits roll.


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