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Exclusive Interview-Inside "Salem Lives"-A Days Fan Fiction

Nearly three months ago, executive producer Ned Yadroc and head writer Tim Lowery began their reign at the top at Days of our Lives. Their goal was to repair damage that they feel was done to the show and it's characters and to bring it back to its former glory. Now, after several cast changes and major story shakeups (including a casting bloodbath that nearly killed off most of the show's characters), the show seems to be back on track and is now full speed ahead on what is said to be another "golden era" at Days of our Lives. To kick off this era, here is a status report on how far the show has come and why the show made the choices it did. Plus, Yadroc and Lowery were kind enough to give us a little preview of what is to come before the Fall previews are released later this week. Now on to the interview!!!

I =Interviewer

HW -Head Writer Tim Lowery

EP =Executive Producer Ned Yadroc

I: Ok, you have both been at the helm for more then 3 months. How do you think the show has changed and is it where you want it at the moment?

HW: Well, I will start. The show has changed alot obviously. Several characters are gone including some major ones in Mickey Horton (John Clarke), Shawn Brady Sr (Frank Parker), Jennifer Devereaux (Melissa Reeves), and Marlena Evans Brady (Deidre Hall). We also lost Judi Evans and some other actors we really adored. At the same time, fans saw the return of Joe Mascolo as Stefano and Charles Cioffi as Ernesto and witnessed big returns with Kayla Brady Johnson (Mary Beth Evans), Eric Brady (Jensen Ackles), Nicole Walker (Arianne Zuker), Greta von Amburg (Julianne Morris), etc. The canvas has changed and so has the history with the Roman story, Greta's father, Chelsea's parentage, Claire's paternity, etc. The whole show has changed in my opinion and I beleive it changed for the better. Alot of the damage done to the show was rectified in a short period of time as we planned so the show is definitely where we want it for the Fall.

EP: I agree with Tim. The show is in a much better place now and we are all set for September 1, the date we all targeted as the day our regime really begins. Since we came on in May, we basically took what was here and molded it to our liking. Yes, the island story was our idea and so was everything you have seen but we just took what previous regimes left us and wrote it, or rewrote it, as we envisioned it. September 1 is our first big bang and it signals the real beginning to our regime in our minds as all stories from there on in will be original and our stuff. We are really excited about it and where the show is at now. We have made the changes we wanted to make and thank everyone for sticking with us.

I: Now on to some burning questions that have developed since we last talked. Why the fake casting bloodbath and why go back done the Captive Island route?

HW: Simple. The SSK/Captive Island story was a huge missed opportunity for the previous regime. That story took so many risks and then it climaxed with a wimper. Ned and I both said as soon as we took over that we needed to shake up the canvas and this was the way to do it-to go back and re-tell one of the most failed stories in Days history. I have never seen a story with so much potential go downhill so fast. Ned and I took the story and made it the way we envisioned it. We always saw Ernesto being a part of it and we loved the way it all turned out. We were able to find ways to ensure we can bring back Wayne Northrup (Wendell), Thaoo Penghlis (Tony/Andre), and Charles Cioffi (Ernesto) in the future and we filled in alot of misging blanks. I, personally, just loved how during the reveal episodes everything fell into sequence. As for the bloodbath, we needed people to buy into the thought we were really killing people this time for good. The last time the press got a hold of everything but this time we made a conscious effort to plant rumors left and right so there would be whisperings of cast cuts and, when they happened on the show, people believed them more because they had not heard specifics. We never confirmed anything this time nor did we dish about story in detail. We were very close to the vest.

EP: Indeed we were. Going back and doing this story again was something we knew would be tough and that is why we were secretive. We knew the fans wouldn't buy it unless we were more discreet as opposed to the last time when everything was out ahead in spoilers in the like. We wanted this story to be epic and historical to the show and it was. We had so many revelations, changes, twists, turns, etc. It was so hard to do as we had so many to write for with the whole cast there but it was so worth the payoff.

I: Among the many changes you made was the decision to kill off pivotal characters, seemingly for real on the island, and to rewrite one of the biggest stories in Days history in making John Black the real Roman Brady? Explains your thought process on why you made these changes and what you feel this will do to the show.

HW: Well, we knew Missy was leaving and we wanted to give Jennifer a big sendoff. With Deidre, we had reached a point where we felt things were better with Marlena off for the time being and, of course, her sendoff had to be huge. Frank Parker has had health issues for years and John Clarke was only here temporarily and we had no plans to recast Mickey again so both those men we knew we were going to write off. Judi Evans (Bonnie) , Rhasaan Orange (Tek), Steve Blackwood (Bart), etc-those were decisions on our parts. We felt bad because cuts had to be made and, in Blackwood's case, we felt he was bringing down the Dimera's. We want them to have their gothic, dark side back and with him they just became too campy. Bonnie and Tek were played out so we were just trimming the fat. The deaths of these characters is really going to drive story, especially for Jack (Matthew Ashford) and Roman (Drake Hogestyn) and several others. These deaths were very emotional. I remember crying writing them. We just felt they were necessary. We want to take risks and if we feel someone is played out they are out regardless of who they are. As for the Roman story, John should've always been Roman even though making him John is what gave us the classic affair story and spawned evil Sami. We just felt that this was the way to go and it just unifies out canvas so beautifully. Oh, and before you ask, Rex (Eric Winter) and Cassie (Alexis Thorpe) should've never been Brady's. The show needs some new blood and them as Dimera's as great for the canvas so that is why we did that. As for Hope (Kristian Alfonso) being Chelsea's (Rachel Melvin) mother and Victor (John Aniston) being Greta's father, we just felt it was best for the show to go these ways. Georgia was seen dead in the bayou and her coming back as Chelsea did not sit well with fans even though Rachel Melvin has been a hit. Fans always wanted to know who Greta's father was and we did not want to go the predictable route with Stefano or John/Roman being the dad so we went with Victor. I always wanted Victor to have another daughter since Isabella died and to just have more kids in general so this expands his family and creates more story.

EP: Tim said it all. The canvas is made tighter with these changes. The deaths were very emotional and we all hated them but they were necessary for the show and for story reasons. The canvas needed to be shaken up. The show is just in a better place now.

I: What was the reasoning in firing Farah Fath (Mimi) and Jason Cook (Shawn)?

HW: With Bonnie gone and Patrick (Brody Hutzler) nearing his end, we knew Mimi was in trouble as soon as Claire's paternity came out. We were also losing Kyle Brandt (Philip) too so we just decided that Mimi was played out and, with Eric Winter (Rex) here, it was the perfect time to write Mimi out. With Cook, we just decided to rest Shawn for awhile and take him in a new direction when he returns. Jason has wanted out for a bit anyway. We have a nice exit for him and we will recast the role in the future.

EP: Yes and I should say that we are recasting Philip at some point too. We are hoping to bring Jay Johnson back as Philip is disfigured so it is possible but we will see. Once Shawn leaves, Belle (Martha Madison) will leave Salem to stay with Philip at a rehad facility so they will be off for a while. When they return, she will appear with a new Philip whether it is Jay or not. Both Belle and Philip are going in new directions. Rex will leave with Mimi and Cassie (Alexis Thorpe) will stay on recurring and we will see where we go with her. we love Alexis so with her a Dimera again we will see what develops. I would say that covers our young scene.

I: Any other casting news to share?

HW: Well, Laura (Jaime Lyn Bauer) will be staying for a bit and Kimberly (Patsy Pease) will be returning alot in the Fall. Billy Warlock (Frankie) has gone recurring as we won't be using him much this Fall and we have returned Tanya Boyd (Celeste) to recurring as we have put off her story. We won't be adding much. There may be some short term characters popping in and out but for the next few months nothing really being added.

EP: Well, Tim forgot that Charles Shaughnessy (Shane) will be staying on recurring. Techinically, Wayne Northrup is recurring and can come back at any point, which is why we created Wendell so we can bring him back at some point. We really love Wayne. Charles Cioffi (Ernesto) will be back and is recurring. Oh, and there is also that matter of the mystery character that is returning.

I: Yes-what can you tell us about him? We already know he is the person that was dragged out of the compound Philip was in that was on fire during the island escape so what else can you share?

HW: Nothing really (laughs).

EP: The identity of this returning favorite will become very obvious on the summer finale episode on September 1. I think many know who it is already but you didn't hear it from us. His return will be huge though.

I: You already explained how you were able to make it easier for Wayne Northrup to return by making him Wendell but what about Josh Taylor? Now that he isn't Roman what is next for him?

HW: We love Josh. He is going nowhere soon. He will go through a path of self discovery. He is still a Brady but not by blood. Roman (Drake Hogestyn) and him will be good friends getting through this together. The fans will learn who the man formerly known as Roman really is and it is a stunner. Roman will also go on a journey to recover his life. It is going to be great.

EP: Yes and another face from the past is returning to play a major role in Josh's story. We don't want to let that secret out yet either. We will be announcing that very soon.

IPB Image

Salem Lives' Sami (Alison Sweeney) has big DAYS ahead.

I: What other previews or info can you share about what is to come?

HW: Well, you will get more detail tomarrow as the Fall previews are released but all our stories will be powerful. Things will get dark at times in Salem and some stories may be controversial with the fans. The payoff will be there and we hope they sit back and enjoy the ride. It is going to be a great Fall.

EP: I echo Tim's sentiments. Fans are already getting a taste of what is to come. The Roman story will be big and as will faux Roman's. Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) and Victor will be used alot, as fans know already. Maggie will be involved in two of her own stories and will be involved with Lucas (Bryan Dattilo)as well. The Horton's will be back full force and involved with Maggie. Victor is prominent again and we have a story going there with Caroline (Peggy McKay) and Maggie. We will explore Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) and Victor's friendship as well. Belle and Shawn will see an end to their story. Bo (Peter Reckell) and Hope have lots of story coming but they won'r reunite...yet. We are taking Bo back to his roots and I am sure the fans will be shocked by where he is going. Billie (Julie Pinson) will have a great story coming up with Jack (Matthew Ashford) and Laura will play a role in that and the Roman story. We are finally evolving Sami (Alison Sweeney) and she will obviously be big in the Roman story, as well as the Carrie/Alan (Christie Clark/Paul Kersey) story. We will also see Sami interacting with the Eric story and Lexie's (Renee Jones)story. Sami and Lucas will see a good couple story for them in the Fall. We have so much going on and fans will really begin to see it starting September 1. You are seeing the buildup right now since we tied up everything and moved the show where we wanted it. September 1 is our HUGE beginning-our "big bang" that will kick off the new era our regime is striving for. You will get more details in the Fall Previews tomarrow.

I: I was told you had two BIG announcements (one that was hinted at two weeks ago). Go ahead and share them.

HW: Ok I will give you the first one. We now have a Co-HW. His name is James L. Ewing and he has been ghostwriting and helping us plan story for the next year. His title from now on will be Co-HW and Co-EP. He was instrumental in the Roman story and several other stories that have played out. He is a very talented writer and has written several story arcs that you will all begin to see in the coming weeks.

EP: We are so happy to have James. The other big announcement is that our show (fan fic) will now be known as "Salem Lives." That title will now be used from here on in. We are very excited as this is the official signal that our era has begun. I just hope fans sit back and enjoy. I assure you-you won't be disappointed.

I: Thanks so much.

HW: Sure.

EP: Anytime.

Now for part 2 of this interview you will not be meeting the new "Salem Lives" Co-HW/Co-EP James L. Ewing

***Just a note from-James L. Ewing is really a fellow poster here on SON known to all of you as "Roman." Yes, this is my (PhoenixRising05's) blog and fan fic but Roman and I have been speaking for weeks now and have become great friends. We share a good vision of the show we both love. We often butted heads on SON but, once I got to know him, I saw a fire in him and he was so into seeing what I was doing. I listened to his great ideas and he started sending me arcs and I was blown away. He is truly talented so him and I have collaborated alot on what you readers will be seeing over the next year. Roman was also kind enough to add to many of what I wrote this summer. His help with the Roman Brady story was very essential to me telling the story right and I just want to thank him for everything so far and I love having him as a partner. I know it is weird to have a two different people writing a fan fic but I think it is unique and refreshing. Two heads are better then one and I will come up with stories and he will come up with stories and they will blend together nicely. This makes us different them any other blog/fan fic here so I hope all of you readers stick with us. The fun is just beginning. I will do my best to make sure both Roman and I get credit for what you see by way of posting mini-credits at the end of episodes. In summary, just as you know that I use the aliases EP Ned Yadroc and HW Tim Lowery in this blog, Roman will use Co-HW/EP James L. Ewing is his. In closing, I would like to welcome an awesome writer and friend a board for the first time publicly and I would like to thank him for all his hard work thus far. It is truly a wonderful partnership and friendship and I am thrilled to have him by my side so I hope you all welcome him also and keep on reading our fan fic, which will now officially be titled "Salem Lives." Now on to the interview!!


Co-HW/EP=Co-Head Writer James L. Ewing (SON poster Roman)

I: Welcome-Are you excited?

Co-HW/EP: Thank you so much. Yes, I'm very excited! Who wouldn't be having been given this opportunity by a wonderful writer and visionary to write for one of the best fan fiction sites on the net. A dream come true.

I: What do you enjoy on Days and who are your

favorite characters? What are your greatest memories

of Days?

Co-HW/EP: I have always been a huge fan of the character interaction. The Captive Island story that just recently concluded is a prime example of what good writing can accomplish. And, it was wonderful to see how many chances were taken. Very bold, very daring, and it will keep fans coming back for more. My fondest memories of Days are before the internet age. You'd sit in front of your television and watch how Roman and Stefano did battle, would Jack and Jennifer find true love, how would Doug and Julie stay together, and so on. One of my all-time favorite memories was when a psychotic assassin Orpheus had planted a bomb in Roman and Marlena's house and blew it up. And that was a mid-week episode! LOL

I: What did you dislike about the show under JER and

how do you think the new, current regime (remember

this is me LOL) has done in the 3 months since taking

over in May?

Co-HW/EP: I realize and take into deep consideration that James has a HUGE fanbase. One that is very loyal to him. And, during his first tenure, even though I personally thought his stories were long winded at times, when his writing came together, it was two to three weeks of can't miss television. Now, even though I wouldn't have buried anyone alive or had the resident heroine possessed by the devil (laughing), I knew that since it was well written, people would enjoy that. You can never do wrong with a well written show, which is the very same reason why his second tenure failed so miserably. Now, it was not all his fault. The wonderful executives at NBC decided to give the man two shows to write. Who wouldn't get burnt out with that workload?! With that being said, the show became a shell of its former self. Characterization all over the place or non-existent, characters behaving in a fashion that they never would have in the past. Plot holes big enough to fit a football stadium in, with no explanations, and a basic lack of respect for the fans of the show. When you have die-hard fans of JER's saying that it is time for a change, that is saying alot. Maybe the threat of cancellation is what caused the changes to be made, and I must say, for the better.

I: What are your favorite current stories/things

happening under the current regime of EP Ned Yadroc and HW Tim Lowery?

Co-HW/EP: I really enjoyed the Captive Island story arc. So much drama and emotion. Killing off a beloved heroine took allot of guts, and I really can't say if anyone else would have done that. Plus, it was done in a way that fixes alot of what had happened the first time around. That is what good writing is all about. The triangles, Mickey, Jennifer, Carrie and Marlena dying, the return of the true Phoenix, everything. The current regime should be commended.

I: What is your vision of Days? What do you seek to

accomplish as co-HW?

Co-HW/EP: My vision is to continue for Days to be written as realistically as possible, even when we do the fantastic. Character-driven stories with alot of romance and drama, with a touch of humor thrown in. Basically, a show that one would come to the page and look forward to reading every day. There will not be triangles, quads, octagons, or how many ever sides that one can make with characters involved with one another. I really believe the fans have had enough of bad triangles to last them a lifetime.

I: Will you be writing full episodes?

Co-HW/EP: Once I get more into the groove, and work more with my writing partner, if he feels that I'm up to it, yes, I will write some episodes. The fact that he has put so much faith in my work and ideas since we have joined forces has really brought me great joy, and has allowed our vision to become one. I love writing dialogue, but what I really love is writing huge story arcs. Arcs with twists in them that will leave the fans speechless. And, that's what they are going to get! LOL

I: Can you give us some hints as to what is to come

and what new ideas and stories are yours?

Co-HW/EP: Well, as with my partner and my fellow fan fiction writers, I can't reveal much at all. I will say that very soon, a story is about to begin that will, as CI 2 has done, change Salem forever. A very dramatic story that will leave no character untouched. Lives will be saved - and destroyed. And after that - let's just say that the fans of this fan fiction are in for 6-8 months of some of the most incredible stories they will every read. This is the Days that should be, and it's coming up very soon. Stay tuned everyone! LOL

I: Anything else you want to share to give the

fans more insight on what is to come?

Co-HW/EP: For the fans - if you love adventure, romance, mayhem, tragedy, action, humor, and above all else, the triumph of love over everything else, then do yourself a favor.

Take your medication.

Strap yourself in. And.................

Get ready for the ride of your lives! The Days Of Our Lives that should have been is coming soon...........to a fan page near you!

Check your local blog. LOL

***Just a note: I just wanted to add that the person who has put together this fan fiction blog is one of the best people I have met. We are opposites in many ways when it comes to DOOL, which is why I feel we make such great partners. I look forward to continuing to work a outstanding writer and visionary such as PhoenixRising05 (known in this blog as EP Ned Yadroc and HW Tim Lowery), and hope we can give you what you want. Thank you so much for this opportunity to talk to the fans. Take care.


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