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August 17, 2006



-Sami, Austin, and Lucas return to her apartment. They both try to calm Sami down from what happened at the Pub but Sami says she is not talking about it anymore. Anyone in her family that accepts John is dead to her and it seems most have so her family died with her mother. Austin and Lucas beg to reconsider but she refuses and says she won't discuss it anymore. She will act as if none of it exists and that all those on John's side don't exist, including John. Austin and Lucas talk privately and agree that what Sami is doing is not healthy but realize there is nothing they can say. It will have to work itself out. Sami tells Austin he is all she has now other then Will, who is away. She has no one but him now and she needs him in her life more then ever. They embrace as Lucas looks on bothered by what he is seeing. They all then talk about Carrie. Sami says she plans to help find Carrie and throw all her time into the search for her and into ARC. Austin and Lucas think it is good for Sami to keep busy. She agrees as it will help keep her mind off everything else. Sami does admit that she thinks the chances of finding Carrie are slim but Austin and Lucas think there is hope. Sami notices Austin's desperation to find Carrie and the baby and wonders if her relationship with Austin is as stabile as she thought or if something changed in the last few months with the island and so on.

-Alan makes Carrie supper. Carrie thanks Alan for everything. Alan says that he is happy Carrie has stopped fighting staying with him at the cabin. It is for her own good as she needs to think of herself and the baby and their lives are probably still in danger from those behind the island plot. Carrie agrees with Alan and says it is best if she lays low for awhile and waits to hear word about her family and friends. She asks Alan if he has a newspaper. He only has USA Today and says she is welcome to have it. She reads it and finds nothing of interest to her. She needs a local paper even though something as big as the island plot would make world news. Alan thinks that if something had happened they would've heard somehow or he would've noticed something. Carrie says that may be true but that Alan may be hiding something from her too. Alan is dismayed that she still doesn't trust him after everything but Carrie does say she is growing comfortable being around him as he has been a perfect gentleman waiting on her and has been very kind. She says it will take some time after everything he did in his past before she can totally trust him. Alan understands. Carrie asks for some juice. Alan gives it to her and Carrie notices some nasty marks that appear to be scars on his arm. She asks Alan about them but he shrugs it off as hurting himself while in prison and saying it was nothing. Carrie can see Alan was bothered by her mentioning it and recalls him talking about having it tough and going through alot in prison. She wonders what he is hiding and what happened while he was in jail.

-Chelsea has the attention of everyone in the Pub. Alice, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Victor, Caroline, Greta, Jack, Laura, Abby, Max, Frankie, Roman, Kayla, Bo, Hope, and Billie are all present and waiting to hear what Chelsea has to say. Billie has a feeling it has something to do with Bo and Hope. Chelsea says that what she did was immature and she has learned her lession after everything that has happened. She needs to tell them all now as she can't keep it all to herself any longer and if she can help ease their pain even a little it will be the first step in a better life for herself. Chelsea tells Bo and Hope that she wanted to keep them apart because she was afraid Bo would not side with her at her upcoming trial for killing Zach so she came up with ways to tear them apart. She admits to using her mother but Billie jumps in and admits that she went along with it and is so sorry. Bo asks what she went along with. Billie says that while he was passed out drunk she got in bed with him after Chelsea told her Hope was on her way. She did it on purpose to ensure their daughter's future. Chelsea tells Bo not to blame Billie as she encouraged it and laid a huge guilt trip on her mother. Billie says that may be true but she still went with it and she apologizes to Bo and Hope. She does tell Hope Bo and her never slept together although they did come close when they nearly died searching for Philip at Green Mountain but she was out of it. Hope is stunned by this and blames both Billie and Chelsea. Hope is stunned when Bo forgives Billie saying he understands why she did it. Chelsea interupts and apologizes herself but says there is more. She then tells all about the emails she changed while Hope was on Morgan Island and how she secretly gave Hope the idea to go to the island through Abby. Abby apologizes to Hope but Hope doesn't blame Abby. Chelsea then recalls how she always sent pictures of her, Billie, and Bo together to make her feel bad and drive her away. Bo is stunned and lays into his daughter for betraying his trust. He is her father and she stabbed him right in the back. Hope lays into her and Billie. She tells Chelsea that she really thoughy they were getting somewhere after the island. She was even considering not being hard on Chelsea and helping to make sure she was given a lenient sentence at her trial but after hearing this she is disgusted by the looks of her. Hope tells Billie that she will never beleive her again. She will never be over Bo and will always be in their loves as long as Chelsea is her daughter with Bo and that isn't changing. Hope says she don't know if she can live with that over her head. Bo is still furious but thinks him and Hope should talk. Hope says not now and runs out. Bo runs after her.

-Shawn tears into both Chelsea and Billie for doing this. He also blames his father too but will talk to him about that later. He tells them to stay away from his family and friends. He tells Chelsea she isn't a Brady and never will be. Chelsea feels horrible as Billie reminds Chelsea she told her this would happen. Chelsea apologizes but Billie says it is too late and now her life may be in a endless downward spiral. Abby and Max give her the same lecture about how they told her son. Chelsea says she can't talk to them, or anyone else, right now. She has enough going on to deal with and needs to make amends for what she has done. Abby and Max are stunned by hearing Chelsea wanting to make up for her past. They wonder if she is really changing.

-Kayla, Caroline, Doug, and Julie rip into Billie for her role in Chelsea's schemes. Alice preaches forgiveness but it doesn't help. Billie says she understands why they are so upset and doesn't blame them. Laura chimes in and says that this is why she wants Billie nowhere near her son in law no matter what Jennifer asked of her. Billie says that Jack is her friend and she made a promise to Jen-she is not going to abandon them. Laura says she has her eye on her and to be prepared to deal with the consequences if Jack or anyone else in her daugher's family gets hurt.

-Greta supports Billie and realizes why she did what she did. Chelsea comes over to Billie too and hugs her. She apologizes again. Billie says not to worry about it. While alone, Greta tells Chelsea that given everything that has happened, Chelsea needs to tell everyone that Hope is her mother. Chelsea says she can't yet as things are tense enough but Greta warns her if she is really trying to make amends then she better tell them or Bo and Hope may never find peace and happiness. Chelsea wonders if she is right.

-Jack asks Laura what she was talking to Billie about. Laura says it was nothing but Jack says that Billie is his friend and he supports her. Laura is bothered when Jack, Frankie, Max, and Abby all support Billie and assure her they know she was only helping her daughter. Jack sees Laura's unnerved reaction and asks Laura what is going on. Laura insists she doesn't like Billie's presence in his life and even thinks Abby should stay away from Chelsea. Abby tells Laura that Chelsea is her friend and that isn't happening. Jack asks Laura why she really stayed behind in Salem. Laura says she just wanted to help them all though the difficult time they are in. Her family does need her. Laura says there is nothing more to it then that. She walks away as Jack confides in Frankie that he wonders if there is more to Laura staying behind in Salem then that. Abby thanks Max again for being there for her. They hug. He says he will always be there for her no matter what she needs. Abby asks him about Chelsea and if he will have time to always be there for her with Chelsea being around. Max says Chelsea is not his concern right now and he isn't sure where things are going between them as they seem in limbo right now. She doesn't even want to talk to him and he doesn't know why. Abby comforts him, which Chelsea sees. They leave with Jack, Laura, and Frankie. Greta embraces Jack and Abby on the way out and tells them to call if there is anything they need. Billie tells them to do the same, much to Laura's chagrin. Greta looks back at Victor as she leaves and is confident she made the right decision in not telling him that he is her father.

-Victor is proud of Chelsea for admitting the truth. He asks if anyone but him knows about her rape. She says that Hope does but that is it and she would appreciate him keeping it a secret. Victor agrees but thinks she needs to tell someone else like a counselor or something but she doesn't agree. She is happy Victor is proud of her.

-Victor and Roman have a word with Billie. They both understand her role in Chelsea's schemes and urge her to stay as far away from Bo and Hope as possible for her own good-for everyone's good. Billie says she will continue to do that just like she always has. It is hard since Chelsea is Bo's daughter but she does stay out of their lives. Victor and Roman tell her to do what she can and wish her luck. Billie asks Chelsea if she is ready to go and she says she is proud of her for fessing up and is glad she is turning over a new leaf. She only wishes she knew why the change in her is occurring but she is happy about it. They hug and Chelsea wonders if she needs to admit her other secret.

-Bo catches up to Hope at their house and tells Hope they need to talk. Hope says that he is right but that he isn't going to be saying anything-she is.

-Kayla and Caroline are still worried about faux Roman. Roman overhears and Caroline fills him in on how Abe, Celeste, and Kate went out looking for him but they have heard nothing. Roman decides to go out looking for him too. Kayla goes with him. Caroline hopes they find him.

-Shawn, Alice, Doug, Julie, and Victor see Maggie has been sitting on a stool through everything that has happened with Chelsea and she has not said a word. Victor mentions she has not said anything since after Melissa and Sarah left. It appears she is in her own world again. Victor sees tears streaming down her eyes but her face is blank. They all worry about her mental health and wonder if Laura should take a look at her. Victor says he will take her home and maybe he can get through to her. The last time she talked was to him when it was only him. Maybe it is just being out and with people. Shawn asks if he needs help but Victor insists he is fine. They all say goodbye to Maggie but she says nothing as Victor helps her walk out of the pub. Doug thinks it is still a bad idea for Victor to be doing all this but Julie says that Maggie responds to him and he is a comfort to her. Alice thinks that Mickey brought Victor into Maggie's life right now to help her. Doug disagrees and Julie and Shawn agree. Caroline overhears and is unnerved. They all decide to go home as it is late. They tell Caroline to call if she needs anything and if she hears anything about faux Roman and Bo and Hope. She says she will. After they leave, Caroline looks at a picture of Shawn Sr and says she misses him already and is so sorry that he died with a broken heart. She will make it up to him by being the best mother she can be and by staying away from Victor like she should've. She then wonders about Victor and Maggie and if it could ever be something more given they are both vulnerable and becoming dependent on each other more and more. Meanwhile, Victor and Maggie arrive at her house. Victor helps her in and to the couch as she still isn't speaking. He asks her if she is ok. She looks at a picture of Mickey on the side of Mickey and she says she isn't ok. She will never be ok again. Her husband is dead and it is all her fault. Victor tries to convince her otherwise but Maggie won't listen. She breaks out in more tears as Victor holds her in his arms.

-Faux Roman is walking the pier with a duffel bag. He is all packed up and ready to leave Salem. He is leaving via a fishing trawlor so no one will look for him. He knows he isn't a Brady and is nothing to anyone. He has nothing and may as well die. Kate overhears and begs to differ. Abe and Celeste join them as well. Faux Roman asks how they found him and Abe explains Celeste had a vision. Abe insists that he is still his friends and that all the friends he made our still his. Kate reminds him the Brady's are still his family and they consider him one of them. Nothing has changed. Faux Roman doesn't want to listen and says he needs to leave. He has only Roman Brady's memories, no career, no identity-he doesn't belong in Salem. He doesn't belong anywhere as he is a nobody. He is just another Dimera pawn. Roman and Kayla then show up. Roman says that he may be able to change that attitude and may be able to help faux Roman, who doesn't think there is anything to be done. Roman says there is and he asks faux Roman to listen to what he has to say as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Victor to Caroline: What the hell are you talking about?

Caroline to Victor: You need to stay away from Maggie Horton.

Celeste to Kayla: I see a big change in your future.

Kayla to Celeste: Tell me-what in my life is going to change?

Abe to Kate: Just why are you so interested in the man we all thought was Roman?

Roman to faux Roman: I have an idea that may help both of us get our lives on track.

Bo to Hope: What are you saying?

Hope to Bo: Nothing has changed. I don't see us ever being together again (as Chelsea and Billie overhear) .


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