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August 16, 2006



-Everyone is now at the Brady Pub for the reception. They all toast to the lives of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena.

-Pete says goodbye to Melissa and everyone else as he leaves.

-Greta, Max and Billie comfort Jack, Frankie, and Abby and ask if they are ok. They insist they are doing the best they can. Laura notices the closeness between Jack and Billie and ibs bothered by it. She tells Bill about it but tells Laura they are just friends and that Jennifer asked Billie to look out for Jack and the family. Laura says she knows that but Jennifer asked many of her friends and family to look out for her family and Billie seems to be taking it a little too seriously as she has not really left his side. Laura remembers what Billie put Bo and Hope through and she is Kate's daughter so she is concerned and doesn't want Jack getting hurt. Bill says Jack is a big boy and can take care of himself but Laura says she cares about Jack too and she makes the decision to stay behind in Salem for awhile. Bill thinks Laura should butt out and thinks she is letting her past with him cloud her judgement but she disagrees and thinks it would be better if she stays behind to help. Laura tells Jack and Abby and they are very happy. Frankie is happy too. Laura asks Billie if she can talk to her for a moment. Laura wanrs Billie not to take things too far with Jack. Billie says that Jack is her friend and always has been. Laura understands but says that it is looking like Billie is a little too into being there for Jack. Laura says she will be keeping an eye on her as she will be living in the house with Jack, Abby, JJ, and Frankie. Laura walks off as Billie stands offended. Meanwhile, Abby thanks Max for being there for her. They embrace as Chelsea looks on jealous.

-Mike, Jeremy, and Bill all head for the airport after saying goodbye to Lucas, Abby, Alice and the rest of the Horton’s. They promise to visit more. Same goes for Marie, Sandy, and Tommy, who all leave as well. Bill warns Laura to not get too involved but Laura ignores his advice and says she will do whatever is necessary to protect her daughter's family. Mike wishes Austin and Lucas luck in finding Carrie and says he will say a prayer for her.

-Don prepares to leave but is very concerned about Maggie. The same goes for Melissa and Sarah who both need to leave to catch planes home. A storm is threatening to delay tons of flights and they all want to get out before they get stuck as they have jobs and lives to get back too. Maggie stays quiet but does somehow muster up enough control to say goodbye to those leaving. She says goodbye to Don too, who says he will be back soon to visit. Same goes for Melissa and Sarah, both of whom consider staying but Maggie talks them out of it. They are happy to see Maggie reacting to them and talking finally after barely saying anything since they have been there. She tells Melissa and Sarah she will be fine. They say goodbyes to everyone and leave. Melissa and Sarah thank Victor for being there for their mother as they know from Julie he has been there for her. They ask him to let them know if something happens or if she needs them. Victor says that Maggie has become a good friend so he will be sure to help her in any way he can. Melissa and Sarah then wave goodbye to their family and friends and leave. Don also asks Victor to keep an eye on Maggie as he has to leave. He still cares for her and has never seen such pain and agony in her eyes. Victor says she has been a mess but since arriving at the church and seeing Mickey's coffin, she has been distraught and almost in her own little world. She goes into blank stares and just is un-responsive and, when she does come out of that state, she just cries and is hysterical. Victor says he will do whatever it takes to help her as she has been a good friend to him. Victor goes over to Maggie and asks if she is ok. Maggie says she is happy her daughters and those that flew in for the funeral are leaving. She can't face them knowing Mickey's death is on her hands. Victor tries to convince her otherwise, as does Doug and Julie. Alice gets involved too but Maggie won't listen to reason. She becomes un-responsive again and she stares blankly in front of her. Alice, Doug, Julie, and Victor are very concerned and begin to wonder if Maggie's mental health is now deterioating.

-Jessica and Joshua Fallon give their condolences about Mickey to the Horton's again and leave.

-Spencer and Steven Olsen prepare to leave too. Julie reminds Steven of what she asked him earlier. She wants to know who Spencer’s mother is. Steven says its not her concern. They say their goodbyes to everyone and leave. Julie is intrigued.

-Caroline sees Victor's concern for Maggie while he talks to Don and seems bothered by it. Kayla asks Caroline where faux Roman went as he has been MIA since they left the cemetary. He said he was coming to the Pub. Caroline wonders if he still beleives he doesn't belong and thinks someone should go out and look for him. Kate overhears and says she will go as she has been talking with him alot lately. Caroline isn't happy to send Kate but whatever will get through to him they need to do so Kate goes to find him. Abe and Celeste agree to go with her to help search.

-Doug and Julie disagree over Victor being there for Maggie. Julie thinks he is a good man despite his past sins but Doug reminds Julie of some of Victor's past crimes. Greta overhears and is stunned by Victor's history. Julie says she got to know Victor alot during their short time together and she saw a whole other side to him, a side they are seeing now with Maggie and him. It is the same side that is exposed by his love for Caroline. Greta then sees Victor and Caroline glancing at each other, clearly hurt and wanting to comfort each other. There is so much hurt there and they are keeping it inside because of Caroline's family and all that has happened. Greta sees Victor is going through alot and, after hearing his history, doesn't think it will be good to tell him he is her father or for the public to know. She is still a princess and it would be bad PR for her and her late mother. Plus, Victor has enough to deal with and this will only complicate things for her and for him. It could put them both in danger given his past and her being a princess. They both have their enemies. She insists that Victor can't learn the truth now as things are better off staying the way they are.

-Kayla asks Kim if she saw anything else in regards to Steve and his death while spending time and living with Shane in London. Kim says she told Kayla everything she knows and asks what is going on. Kayla says it is just something she is thinking about. Kim warns Kayla not to get herself in any trouble. While alone, Kayla vows to get in to see Patrick to find out what he knows as it could be about Steve.

-Bo tries to talk to Hope about their future but she again tries to put it off. Bo is frustrated and says they need to talk. Hope says it is not a good time as they are all in mourning and their family and friends need them. Bo says that she keeps making excuses and he just wants to know when they can talk. He wants to arrange a time to talk about their future. Hope says they may not have one and walks off. Bo's is losing patience. Kim says she overheard and tells Bo there is still hope for his marriage. He just needs to hang in there. She can see that Hope still loves Bo but is just confused as to what she wants to do. There is still some hurt feelings and she just needs more time and it is the wrong time to go into this. Bo agrees and says he was wrong but he just wants to know when they will talk. Kim says she just needs time and she will let Bo know when she is ready.

-Chelsea sees Bo and Hope talking and overhears Bo talking to Kim and realizes all the hurt Bo and Hope are going through. She finally realizes how her schemes have caused so much pain. Hope is her mother and she has lost so much and Billie and Bo did so much for her. She still cares for them and Bo is technically her stepfather. She can't tell them that hope is her mother and that she doesn't know who her father is as that would hurt Bo and Billie and complicate things for them and Hope. They have all been through alot, mostly because of her, and she does care about them. Everything on the island made Hope and her closer and she doesn't want to hurt her anymore either. She finally wants to do the right thing and change her life. If she can't tell them the truth about their parentage, she should tell them about her schemes to keep Bo and Hope apart. Maybe then they can get back together and some of the pain will be gone. She knows Billie still loves Bo but that she also wants to move on so this will be better for everyone. It is the least she can do given she is keeping the secret of her parentage from them and has hurt them all so much. She decides to round her family up and tell them about her schemes to destroy Bo and Hope's marriage.

-Don says goodbye to John/Roman and expresses his condolences again about Marlena. He only wishes he could've seen her one last time. They shake hands as Don leaves. Brady and Chloe are ready to leave too. Brady says goodbye to Victor as they embrace. They also say goodbye to Belle, Shawn, Mimi, Rex, and Cassie. John/Roman informs them that it is official-they are no longer the Black's but the Brady's. Belle asks Shawn what does means for them but he tells Belle now is not the time to talk. Kim, Kayla, Bo, and Caroline welcome them all into the family. Brady is now officially "Jonathan Brady" and John is "Roman Brady." Chloe says she will still call him "Brady" as a nickname and apologizes jokingly to Bo and Hope for stealing her nickname for him. Frank and Martha Evans come over to say goodbye to everyone too. They will pray that they all get through this difficult time ok as they know Marlena loved them so much and they loved her. They embrace Roman, Jonathan, and Belle. They wonder where Sami and Eric are.

-Eric and Nicole find Sami outside the pub. She says she won't go in because it makes her sick seeing everyone welcome John into the family. Her family is now dead to her after seeing and hearing what she has. Nicole rolls her eyes but Sami tells her to shutuo. Austin and Lucas come outside and try to get Sami to be sensible but she won't listen. Austin thinks Sami should at least come inside and say goodbye to her relatives. Sami reluctantly agrees and Eric and her say goodbye to their grandma and grandpa Evans and to their Aunt Kim and cousins Andrew, Jeannie, and Stephanie. Stephanie tells her mom she will be back very soon but she needs to finish up some classes she is taking in LA. Kim and the kids say goodbye to Shane and ask him if he is staying in Salem. Shane says for the time being as Kim says that her and the kids will visit more. Shane says they can stay in his home in London as long as they wish. Sami is appalled about the name changes of John, Brady, and Belle. She is disgusted and is heartbroken that everyone is accepting this. Frank, Martha, and Kim all wish that Sami would get past this anger she feels as it is what Marlena would want. Sami won't hear anymore of this and wishes her grandparents and Kim a safe flight and says she is leaving. She is disgusted by what she is witnessing. Her family is dead to her now with her mother gone. She leaves. Austin and Lucas follow hoping to calm her down. Kim says goodbye to her family, as do Andrew and Jeannie, and they leave with Frank and Martha. Stephanie leaves as well. Eric and Nicole decide to leave and go back to their hotel room. Jonathan and Chloe also head for the airport after saying goodbye once more.

-Rex, Mimi, and Cassie all leave the pub as Belle goes to see Philip. Shawn, Kayla, Shane, Roman, Caroline, Victor, Maggie, Doug, Julie, Alice, Jack, Abby, Max, Frankie, Billie, Greta, Laura, Hope, Bo and Chelsea are all left over. Chelsea decides it is the best time to tell her family the truth about her schemes and she just hopes it makes up for all the hurt she has caused and for the even bigger secret about her parentage she is keeping. Chelsea announces to everyone she has an announcement to make that will affect many lives. Bo, Hope, and Billie wonder what is going on. Chelsea tells them she has done some things they need to know about and it is well past time that she told them and dealt with the consequences. Everyone at the pub stands in wait to see what is going on as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Chelsea (in tears): I am so sorry!!!

Bo to Chelsea: How could you do this to me...your own father?!!!

Laura to Jack: Now that I am here, there is no reason for Billie to be around.

Jack: Just why did you stay here, Laura?

Sami: I am on my own now...no family or friends. I only have you Austin (as Lucas looks on)

Carrie to Alan: What is this?

Faux Roman: I may as well just die since I am just a nobody anyway.

Roman to faux Roman: Maybe I can change that attitude.


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