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Episode #173 - Wednesday, August 9:



Episode #173 - Wednesday, August 9:

- Steve and Kayla continue their lovemaking.

- Shawn and Belle are confused. They ask Phillip what he is talking about.

- Celeste has a shocking premonition!

- Max and Erika arrive at Maggie's, and each have their own feelings about confronting Lance.

- Steve begins to have flashes of his being intimate with Kayla. Kayla is overcome with joy when it seems like Steve's memory is going to come back, in time.

- Phillip begins to tell Shawn and Belle that Jan is nothing but a big liar! Jan begins to tell Phillip that he doesn't know what he is talking about and must be confused from his accident. She tries to get Phillip to hush up. She grabs Phillip's arm and tries to lure him out of the loft so she can talk to him.

- Kristen as Nurse Paris has a heart to heart with John, but she vows not to fall for John again!

- After making love, Steve asks Kayla about how her life has gone and about Stephanie. She explains that Stephanie has followed in Steve's footsteps and has a very daring, edgey side to her. She explains that despite their constant debate over the matter, Stephanie has decided to pursue police work. Steve is appalled and tells Kayla that he won't allow it.

- Lance continues to cause a rift between Mickey and Maggie. But Erika and Max interupt them. An overjoyed Erika screams out for her daddy and runs to hug him

- Phillip throws Jan from his arm. Shawn and Belle are shocked at the outburst. Shawn grabs Phillip and tells him not to manhandle his wife like that ever again or he will pay. Phillip tells Shawn to back off! Phillip assures Shawn that he does NOT love Jan - or at least shouldn't!

- Celeste gets a premonition that Marlena will die!

- Once Lance and Erika are done hugging, Max and Lance come face to face....they are both shocked beyond belief. Maggie cries out that she thought Chelsea was dead. And she is confused why Chelsea is calling Lance her father...when Bo is her father! Max and Erika explain everything....that Erika looks very similiar to Chelsea.

- Kayla assures Steve that Stephanie is too stubborn to be swayed in any other direction than the one she wants.

- While John takes Marlena to the park for some fresh air for the baby, Celeste arrives at the penthouse. Kristen/Nurse Paris answers the door. Celeste enters without being asked in. And Kristen points it out. Celeste says that she wants to see Marlena. When Paris says that she isn't here, Celeste tells Paris that she knows she is there to hurt Marlena. Celeste says that she is here to warn Marlena and make sure Paris cannot hurt her.

- Steve and Kayla wonder if they should head back to Salem and begin investigating what happened to him after he "died."

- When alone, Lance warns Max that he is going to make him pay for what he did to him all of those years ago.

- Phillip goes on to tell Shawn and Belle that JAN is the person responsible for him falling off the roof at University Hospital! Shawn asks what Phillip is talking about. Jan interjects. Phillip tells Jan to shut up. Phillip tells Shawn and Belle that Jan tried to kill him! Shawn and Belle are shocked. Belle gets up and approaches Jan. She grabs her. Belle demands to know why the hell she would try to kill her husband. Phillip says that it is because he learned her secrets!

- Celeste tells Paris that she does not know who she is dealing with here. Celeste tells Paris that she has special powers that will help her expose Paris to John and Marlena. Celeste says that John and Marlena have faith in her psychic abilities and will believe her when she tells them that Paris up to no good. Paris tells Celeste that it is actually the other way around. She tells Celeste that Celeste is actually the one who has no idea who she is dealing with here. Celeste is confused. Paris grabs Celeste. They get into a shoving match. They grab each other's hair and fall to the ground. Paris calls Celeste a bitch as they struggle on the ground. When they get up, Paris remarks that they have done this before. Celeste is once again very confused, but she gets a flash of fighting with someone. As the vision gets clearer and clearer, she realizes it is Kristen! Celeste flashes back to the time when she and Kristen got into a fight when she was infected with Jungle Madness. "NO! IT CAN'T BE!"...Celeste exclaims. "I'm baaaaaaaack!"....Kristen confirms as she lunges at Celeste. Celeste's face is sheer panic. Freeze.


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