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August 11, 2006



-Austin and Lucas return to Sami's apartment with her. They try to calm her down after the whole Roman thing and her confrontation with John but she is livid saying she is down with everyone in her family that accepts him as Roman. He will never be her father. Lucas asks Sami if she is only mad because John was right about everything. She tells Lucas to drop it or get out. Austin changes the subject to Carrie. Sami says that the chances of finding her are slim since the island was destroyed and if Stefano, or someone else, has her it will be very difficult as she can be anywhere in the world. Austin and Lucas both privately think about the baby and wonder if it could be there's. Sami sees the look on Austin's face and asks Austin ig he is really over Carrie. Austin says he can't talk about all that right now as it isn't right with everything going on. Lucas leaves as he wants to shower and get to bed early for the funerals tomarrow. He hopes there will some good news about Carrie. He leaves. Austin decides to turn in too and Sami says she will be right behind him. When Austin leaves, Sami looks at a picture of the man she thought was her father and then takes out a picture of John. She sets fire to John's picture and says that she will never accept him as Roman. She then takes the other picture of the faux Roman and puts it back where it was saying she would rather accept an imposter as her father then John.

-Carrie is still with Alan at the cabin. She is still afraid and worried about what may happen. Carrie asks Alan if they have a newspaper. Alan says he doesn't but can go get one. Carrie tells Alan to forget the paper-he is taking her home now. Alan reminds her that the doctor told her to wait a few days but Carrie wants to go home. Her family and friends may need her and she needs to know what happened to them on the island. She also needs to properly tend to her baby. Alan says he isn't letting her go until he knows it's safe. She may not be up to it yet and whoever was behind the island may be looking for both of them. Carrie had forgotten that and Alan reminds her that her family and friends would not want her putting herself and the baby at risk or in danger. Carrie says if she were staying with anyone else there would be no problem but after what he did in the past to Sami and her it is hard to trust him. Alan tells Carrie he will prove his trust to her and that he has changed but not tonight. It is late and she needs to sleep. He covers her up in blankets and even gives her some walk milk. He asks if she needs anything else. Carrie says no and thanks him. She is still afraid but stares at him as he walks away. He turns around and asks if something is wrong. Carrie says nothing is wrong as he turns back around and goes into the kitchen. While alone, Carrie wonders if Alan really has changed like he said he has.

-Victor walks Maggie home, unaware that Caroline followed them from the hospital. He is about to come in with Maggie when she stops him and tells him he has done enough and should go home and rest. Victor says she needs the rest to as the funerals are tomarrow. Maggie says she has no idea how she will deal with everything that is to come. Victor tells her one step at a time and says he will be there for anything she needs. He again thinks he should stay with Maggie but Maggie doesn't want another misunderstanding like they had in the morning with Doug, Julie, and Alice when they thought they were together. Caroline hears this and seems upset. Maggie thanks Victor for everything and he does the same. She kisses him on the cheek and calls him a true gentleman. She is glad she has gotten to know this side of him. He is glad they are friends too. She enters the house and asks if he is going to the funeral. He says he wasn't going to because of Caroline wanting him away from her. Maggie asks him to come for her. She hates to be some dependent but he has been her strength and he has been a great comfort to her. It is almost like he was brought into her life to help her get through this. Victor agrees to come for her but will just have to steer clear of Caroline. Maggie thanks him and closes the door. Victor is walking away but sees a shadow. He turns to find Caroline looking back at him. He asks what she is doing and she admits that she was following him. Victor is upset and asks what Caroline wants from him. She tells him to stay away from her and stay out of her life and here she is following him. He asks why she followed him. Caroline says that she doesn't think letting Maggie be so dependent on him is a good idea as it may complitcate things. Maggie needs her family right now and he would be wise to avoid her. Victor tells Caroline it seems she is jealous. Caroline denies it but Victor says that she told him to stay out of her life and he is so she should take her own advice and stay out of his. Maggie and him are friends and are helping each other through a dark time while all Caroline is doing is causing more misery for herself and him. He just wanted to be there for her and she shuts him out and now she wants him to not help a friend through a painful time. Victor says it is the first time he has seen Caroline be selfish since she lied about Bo's paternity. Caroline is upset Victor mentioned that and says the conversation is over. She tells Victor to just stay away from her and her family. Victor apologizes for bringing Bo into it but tells Caroline that they can't avoid each other forever. Caroline stays silent and says goodnight. Victor says goodnight and walks away, wondering how things could get any worse for everyone. Caroline is in tears wondering why everything she is doing only causes more pain. She wonders if Victor and Maggie having each other is a good thing as she could treat him better then she ever did. She decides to stop getting ahead of herself as Victor and Maggie aren't a couple-just friends. She leaves hoping they can all get through tomarrow smoothly.

-Maggie looks on the mantle at old photos and begins to get upset. She has flashbacks of Mickey and wonders if she is just going to keep remembering the past and seeing Mickey die everytime she is alone or everytime she closes my eyes. She can't keep running to Victor or her friends and family to help her. She isn't sure if she can get through this on her own. She gets upset and begins to throw the pictures and lashes out at God. She asks why she had to lose her husband and why so many had to die. She isn't sure if she can live like this as she feels all alone in the world and empty inside. She just can't deal with this as it is eating at her. She thinks about the wine bottle that was also in the locked cabinet. She doesn't want to give in but she needs to get through this without someone always running to her rescue and, even then, the pain from losing Mickey is still there. She opens up the broken cabinet and sees the bottle there. She remembers Mickey telling her to control her urges and that she had the strength to battle tempatation. She also remembers how proud Mickey was of her being sober. She cries and then closes the cabinet asking how she will ever get through this and how will will ever live with this pain and emptiness. She blames herself for what happened and doesn't know how she will face everyone tomarrow and move on. She goes up to the bedroom and breaks down seeing the bed Mickey and her shared. She throws herself on the bed with a shattered picture of Mickey and her in her arms and cries hysterically.

-Mimi is moving her stuff out of the apartment when Shawn arrives. He tells Mimi that he can move out if she doesn't have a place to go but Mimi says she will just stay at her mother's house since it is her's now anyway. Mimi hands him the signed divorce papers and Shawn says he will have them filed tomarrow so it becomes official and he thanks her for not fighting it. Shawn is sorry she lost her mother, brother, and for everything else that happened. Mimi accepts responsibility and says she brought alot on herself. Belle comes in and agrees. Mimi hopes that some day all will be forgiven but knows it will be hard. She kisses Shawn on the cheek and thanks him for the memories. She apologizes again for hurting Belle and him and leaves. After Mimi is gone, Belle asks Shawn if he has thought about their future given how her father being Roman and how Philip being Claire's father affects it. Shawn says he needs time and space to think so he tells Belle to go be with Philip at the hospital. She belongs there and no matter what he decides they can't be together until Philip comes out of this. Belle says that she loves him and will give him all the time and space he needs. She knows Philip will get better soon and they can be together when he does despite them being cousins and everything else-as long as they are in love they can overcome anything and nothing else matters. Shawn tells Belle there is alot they need to talk about and work through and that she needs to go. It will be a long day tomarrow and he tells Belle to give him a few days to think. She agrees and he tells her to be there for Philip and her father right now-they need her. She leaves and is still hopeful Shawn and her will work their way back to each other no matter what is in their way.

-Rex remembers his past with Mimi and remembers how he was lost in Chicago without her. No matter how much she hurt him and even seeing her lie again with the Claire situation, he still loves her. He wonders if Mimi and him are meant to be. Cassie overhears him thinking out loud and reminds Rex that Mimi has lied and destroyed two of her relationships, this time her marriage. She also reminds Rex of her antics in high school, especially when Jan and her put nude pictures of Chloe on the net. Rex says that Mimi has always given into peer pressure and had self-esteem issues. Nevertheless, he loves and he can't live or be without her. He realizes that in Chicago that no matter what he will always love her. She loved him when he knew nothing of the world and she stuck by him through everything during the serial killer nightmare. The minute he say her again he knew that it was right for them to be together. He has made his decision-he wants her back and wants to spend his life with her. He takes off to find her as Cassie vows to put an end to this.

-Mimi is in the park crying on a bench abut losing everything. She figures that even Rex won't come back to her as she just makes one mistake after the other. Someone touches her shoulder-it's Rex. She asks what he is going there. He tells her made a decision and asks if things are over with Shawn. Mimi says it is official and asks why. He tells her how miserable he was in Chicago and how no matter what she has done he still can't stop loving her. She loved him for his faults and through alot of bad times so it is only fair he does the same. He has never stopped loving her and being back here with her has only made the decision easier. He could never be just friends with her-he wants to be with her forever. Mimi is so happy and says she loved Shawn but she never stopped loving him. She thinks it was always meant to happen like this with them ending up together. Rex makes Mimi promise to stop with the lies. If they trust in each other and their love, they can survive anything that the world throws at them. She promises and says she has finally learned her lession-this time for real. They are both happy and pledge their love to each other and kiss. Cassie sees them and promises to to put an end to Rex and Mimi once and for all.

-Abe meets Celeste outside the Dimera mansion and asks why she made him meet her there. He is looking all over for Lexie because he needs to talk about the divorce and custody of Theo with her. Celeste says that is why she called him. She has a vision of Alexandra in the Dimera mansion acting as if she was living there again. Stefano was also in the vision and Alexandra and him were laughing and she was saying how she was going to everything she wants no matter who she has to hurt and was pledging allegiance to her father and to the Dimera name. Abe wonders if it is possible Lexie has turned back to her family for help in keeping Theo and saving their marriage. Celeste says she didn't want to face this alone so she called him. Abe says she did the right thing and they both ring the door bell together. A servant answers and asks them to wait a moment. She comes back and says that mistress of the house will see you now. Abe and Celeste are worried and are then shocked to see Lexie sitting in her father's chair next to a chessboard sipping brandi. Celeste and Abe lash out at her for turning back to the Dimera's but Lexie says she has no choice. She is not going to lose her son and her marriage and if she loses Abe at least she can manage to keep her son. She is also worried about losing her job as the hospital may not like the bad PR brought by her affair so she needs to cover her bases. Celeste begs Lexie to leave but Lexie tells them both to leave if all they are going to do is attack her for her decision. Abe says the Dimera name won't mean nothing in court but Lexie assures him that he will lose. Her father will help her and the world bows to the Dimera's and so will the court. She tells Abe that their marriage may be over but since he was going to take Theo away from her she will not take Theo away from him. He striked the first blow and now she will strike the last. Abe looks at her and says it is the same look she had when she was losing Zach to Bo and Hope. He said it before but means it now-she truly is her father's daughter. Lexie warns him to prepare for a war. Abe walks out in a rage as Celeste begs Lexie to reconsider what she is doing. Lexie tells Celeste to stay out of it as she is going to do whatever it takes to hold on to Theo and her life. She may lose Abe but that is all she is willing to lose. Celeste says that only bad things will come from this and says that she never thought she would see the day when her daughter went back to the horrors of evil she displayed when she was trying to hold on to Bo and Hope's baby. The evil she saw in her daughter's eyes is back and she is frightened. Lexie tells Celeste to leave and to call next time as she needs her sleep and has alot to do. Celeste leaves and can't help worrying about her daughter and what may be in store for Salem as the Dimera's are now becoming a presence again in Salem, with her daughter being at the center of the resurgence. Meanwhile, inside the mansion, Lexie drinks her brandi and fiddles with her father's chessboard. She says she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants and says that it never paid to be nice and let fate and the world walk right over you. She says her father taught her that and to fight for what she wants and that is what she is going to do-no matter who gets in her way. She then moves a pawn and says "checkmate" with a devilish grin on her face as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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