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August 10, 2006



-Billie, Max, Bo, and Hope wait for Chelsea to tell them what she wants to say. Chelsea is hesistant and knows that she should tell them but can't for some reason. All she can think about is how much Billie loves her and is so happy she found her long-lost daughter. She has no idea that Georgia is dead and she will be crushed, as will Bo. Bo, Billie, and their families have been so good to her even though they have given her tough love at times. She just can't imagine hurting them and she loves all the benefits of being Kate Robert's granddaughter. Bo asks her what is going on but Chelsea clams up and says that she wants to tell them all that she has decided to change her life and improve her behavior. Everything that has happened has changed her and she wants to be a person everyone can be proud of. Max, Hope, and Bo are happy about this but Billie thinks something else is going on and brings up how Chelsea didn't want to leave Hope on the island. Chelsea says that she saw a different side of Hope and things have changed-she owed Hope for everything and wanted to help out. Hope appreciates that and is happy Chelsea and her have had a breakthrough. It is a good first step in the forgiving process. Chelsea is happy too and says she is going to make them all proud of her. Billie takes Bo and Hope aside and says that she thinks something else is up. Bo and Hope tell her to calm down and they will all just keep an eye on her to see what happens. Meanwhile, Chelsea remembers everything Hope did for her on the island and how they are starting to move on from the past and she feels guilty for keeping secrets from her and Bo and Billie. Max asks Chelsea why she seems so upset and guilty. Chelsea tells Max to back off. He asks what is going on with her as she has been avoiding him since they got back. They really need to talk about their relationship. Chelsea pushes him away and says she can't right now as she has alot to deal with. She leaves. Max is upset and leaves to. While alone, Chelsea feels bad for doing what she is to Max but says she can't deal with him right now after everything she is going through. She just hopes he will wait for her but she is worried about the relationship between Abby and him. She is also wondering if she is making the right choice keeping the truth from Bo, Hope, and Billie.

-Caroline asks Kayla why she has been so distracted. Kayla is still thinking about what Patrick said. She tells her mother she has alot on her mind as she is thinking about whether to stay in Salem or not. Caroline hopes she does as the family needs her right now. Kayla says she is thinking about it but will see what happens when Stephanie arrives for the funeral. Caroline leaves to take care of some final funeral preparations. Kayla then looks on the police station reference board and finds a phone number. She calls it and ask for information on a prisoner...named Patrick Lockhart. She needs to know when he can receive visitors. She is told he isn't having any right now as the ISA is still interrogating him in hopes of uncovering Dimera secrets and is threatening him with no visitors and a more severe punishment in hopes of getting him to talk. Kayla says she will call back some other time to fsee if his status is still the same. She hangs up and wonders what he may know that no one else does that would interest her.

-Nicole is worried about Eric and Austin and Lucas take notice and ask if she is ok. She says she is just worried about Eric. Austin asks when or if she will be going back to LA to run Highstyle. Nicole says she is not sure-it all depends on Eric and he has been very secretive lately. Austin says the choice is hers but he hopes she returns to run it since she is so successful but it is her choice. Nicole thanks him for understanding. Austin and Lucas are still worried about Carrie since the search has come up with nothing so far. They are also worried about Sami and how she will deal with Marlena and Shawn Sr being dead and the whole John is Roman thing.

-Greta wants to know why Eric doesn't want her to call for help. Eric gets up slowly and says he is fine. Greta says he has been acting really strange lately and he always seems to have headaches. Eric says it is just the aftereffects of a concussion but Greta thinks its more and she says that Nicole does too. Eric tells Greta he hasn't really ate anything all day with everything going on so he just got lightheaded and passed out. There is nothing else to it. Nicole arrives and asks Eric where he has been. He says he just had to go the bathroom and he stopped to talk to Greta. He hints to Greta not to tell Nicole about what happened so Greta backs up Eric's story. Nicole gets a phone call and tells Eric she will meet him at the car. Eric thanks Greta for backing him up-he doesn't want Nicole to worry. Greta tells Eric if something is wrong he needs to be honest or it will only make things worse. Eric insists nothing is wrong and leaves. Greta wonders what is really going on.

-John and Belle find Sami in the parking lot upset. John tells Sami he knows why she is so upset-it's because she has no reason to hate him anymore. She can't blame John for the affair or destroying her family because he is her father and she is in denial over him being Roman. Sami says she should've never told anyone about the file and just got rid of it. John says she revealed it for a reason and that was because she always wanted it to be true. She never hated him and still doesn't-she only hates herself for loving him like her father even when she beleived he wasn't. He brought Eric, Carrie, and her up and that created a bond and when Sami beleived that John/Roman was her father, she still loved him as her father and still does. He says Eric felt the same when he first returned to Salem but he started to get along with him again after awhile. They still aren't close like when he was a child but they will get there. John says that she hates herself for feeling that way all these years and she is now in denial because she hates being wrong and her and him have said some bad things to each other and been through alot. It isn't easy for her to just accept him after all this time and she is upset that it feels right for him to be her father. Sami says John is full of it and she will never accept him. She is very upset that everyone else is and thinks they and John can go to hell. He will never be her father. Her mother is dead and, as far as she is concerned, so is her father now. Austin and Lucas interupt and think it is best they take Sami home so Sami leaves but not before saying she is staying as far away from John as possible. She wants nothing to do with him or anyone that accepts him as Roman. John says to Sami that she is just afraid to accept him but she will in time. Sami walks off with Austin and Lucas as Belle comforts her father and tells him she will come around. John tells Belle he is sorry for what this will do to Brady and her but Belle says it's fine. John says this may be a problem for Shawn and her but Belle says they have enough problems so this is the least of their concerns. John thanks her for understanding and they leave together arm in arm.

-Kate comforts "Roman," who is still reeling from finding out he isn't the real Roman. Kate says he is still the same man but he insists that he doesn't know who he is. He has another man's memories and hasn't even had a flash of anything to suggest who he really is. Kate suggests he get some help and reminds him he has the support of all his family and friends. "Roman" reminds Kate that those are Roman's family and friends and not his. No matter what they say he is nothing to them and he doesn't want pity. He tells Kate he just wants to be alone right now and thanks her for everything. He says it is to see this side of Kate so much lately. Kate embraces him and leaves. While alone on the pier, "Roman" lashes out and starts throwing crates around asking "who am I?" and "why me?" He breaks down in tears on the pier.

-Victor and Maggie arrive at the hospital to see Philip. Victor is hesistant but Maggie says he has to do it and she is there for him like he was for her. They enter and Victor walks over to Philip and holds his hand. He says hello to him and says he is so sorry for having Ernesto involve him in their rivalry and for betraying him by not telling him about Claire. he breaks down in tears and urges his son to fight to come back to them. Maggie puts her arms around him and comforts him. Kate walks in and interupts. Kate tells Victor about Claire really being Philip's and the details surrounding it and he is elated. He reminds Philip that he has something to fight for now and that this may be the thing to unite his family now that Belle and him share a child for sure. Maggie and Kate talk and Kate says she has never seen Victor that emotional and for him to cry like that is shocking. Maggie tells Kate that Victor feels guilty just like she does about Mickey. Kate tells Maggie that his death wan't her fault. Victor thinks it is time to get Maggie home she he says goodbye to Phillip and kisses him on the forehead. He tells Philip he will be back soon and apologizes for not coming sooner as he hated seeing him like that knowing it was his fault. Kate tells Victor she is happy he came since he should be there for his son. He needs to be there and none of this is his fault. Many people got hurt and were lost on the island so they have all been affected. It is difficult for everyone. Victor thanks her for her words and tells Kate to call him if there are any updates. Kate goes back to Philip's side as Victor walks Maggie out. He thanks her for helping him through seeing Philip. Maggie says she was only returning the favor for all he has done for her, especially earlier by helping her get through talking to Melissa and Sarah. She doesn't know where she would be without him and Victor says he feels the same. They embrace. Caroline arrives with flowers for Philip and catches Maggie and Victor in an embrace as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Rex to Cassie: I made a decision and I don't care if you like it or not.

Shawn to Belle: Mimi and I may be over but that doesn't mean we are going to be together.

Mimi (crying): I've lost everything. (Turns around) Oh my God...you!!!

Celeste (with Abe): Oh dear God...it's happening again!!!

Maggie (looking at a bottle of wine): There is only one way to deal with this

Victor to Caroline: What the hell do you want? You said you didn't want me near you so why can't you stop following me?

Sami to Austin and Lucas: Wherever Carrie is, there is a chance we may never find her.

Carrie to Alan: You are taking me home...NOW!!!


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