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August 9, 2006



-Victor continues to comfort Maggie. Alice, Doug, and Julie worry about Maggie given what she is going through. Julie almost stumbles across the broken liquor bottle Maggie threw. Victor sees it and sees how scared Maggie is of anyone seeing it so he picks it up when no one is looking and disposes of it. Maggie whispers a silent "thank you" to him. Alice tells Maggie she does not blame her for Mickey's death and assures her that this was God's plan. Maggie thanks Alice, Doug, and Julie for their support. Alice, Doug, and Julie need to leave to take Alice to the hospital to prepare a statement for the Horton foundation concering Mickey but they are afraid to leave Maggie alone. Maggie says she will be fine and Victor says he will stay for awhile to make sure she is fine. After leaving the house, Julie tells Doug and Alice that she fears Maggie may turn back to the bottle again. Meanwhile, inside, Maggie thanks Victor for hiding the broken bottle. She explains to Victor how she broke it and Victor urges her to call Lucas since they are in AA together but Maggie says she is fine now. She had the tempation for a brief moment. Victor asks her what she will do if the temptation returns. Maggie doesn't think it will-she just needs to find strength to deal with everything. She tells Victor without him she may not have made it as far as she has. She tells Victor that he can go now since he probably wants to see Philip. Victor tells Maggie he can't see him like he is-not after what he did to his son. Maggie assures Victor it wasn't his fault. She reminds Victor to take the advice he gave her concerning Mickey and not blame himself. Victor says he just can't handle it right now and Maggie offers to come with him to return the favor for his being there for her through everything. Maggie says he hasn't left her side so when he needs her she isn't leaving his. Victor says no at first but Maggie pushes for it so Victor agrees and they leave to go see Philip at the hospital.

-Greta is looking all over for Victor but can't seem to find him. She ends up at the police station and sees everyone gathered to hear who is the real Roman Brady. Greta decides to join everyone and be there to support some of her loved ones. She vows to find Victor and tell him he is her father as soon as possible.

-Chelsea arrives too and sees that Bo, Billie, and Hope are at the station. She decides to wait to them all that Hope is her mother until the Roman mess is over.

-Max, Frankie (who jusy showed up), Kayla, Caroline, Rex, Cassie. Eric, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Mimi, Shawn, Belle, Nicole, Hope, Bo, a just arrived Billie and Greta, and a lurking nearby Chelsea are all at the station awaiting Shane's announcement as to who the real Roman is. Abe is standing next Shane and both Roman and John are impatient and want to know the results of the test. Shane announces that...JOHN BLACK IS THE REAL ROMAN BRADY!!! Everyone is stunned. Roman is crushed and John is in shock. Sami runs out of the room. Shane explains that the file info appears to be true. Roman had plastic surgery after his supposed death after falling off the cliff. Stefano made Roman look like a soldier of his named John Black, who was a war vet so that explans the name on the wall at Maison Blanche. This was the same John Black that interacted with the real Princess Gina in the early 80's and with Greta. In a plot to screw with the Brady's lives, he made Roman look like John and that is why he turned up in Salem like he did. Stefano had screwed around with his mind and programmed him with John Black's memories too along with Roman's to cause further confusion. The Roman that showed up later on looking like Roman looked when he fell over the cliff actually was John Black, who had plastic surgery done to look like the real Roman Brady. It was Stefano's way of getting revenge on him for his affair with the real Princess Gina. He had Roman's memories and Stefano had his mind wiped of his own memories as John Black. That was around the same time he had the real Princess Gina locked up in that castle in Europe. After "Roman' divorced Marlena after her affair with "John" that produced Belle, everyone knows he left town and started doing ISA missions and was presumed dead at one point. Turns out John/Roman remembered who he was and turned on Stefano. Stefano sent a henchman to take care of him but both the henchman and John/Roman ended up dead. When Kristen asked for Stefano's help to stop John (really the real Roman's) wedding to Marlena, he found someone else to be another pawn and sent him to Salem and made it appear that Roman had plastic surgery due to injuries sustained from behing held captage and tortured. The truth was that Stefano had to act fast and didn't have time to make the man look like Roman used to prior to him looking like John so he sent him to Salem as is and used the plastic surgery excuse. Stefano has the whole story of Roman being presumed dead, captured, and tortured made up to cover up the Roman/John death. He even had the man injected with a disease to cause further trouble and to further convince everyone that he was indeed held captive and infected by a biological weapon. This also set in motion the jungle trip and search for Roman's cure, which led to Stefano getting his freedom when he exchanged the serum cure that was in his bloodstream for his freedom. Stefano faked tests to show the man was the real Roman so know one would still know that the man known as John Black was really Roman. It was Stefano's most evil and complext plot ever against the Brady's.

-John is welcomed back into the Brady family by hugs from Kayla, Caroline, Max, Frankie, and Bo. Hope and Shawn embrace him too. "Roman" is comforted by the Brady's as well and told he will always be a part of the family. Roman says he doesn't feel that way and never will. He knows they are doing that becayse they feel bad for him. Abe and Shane try to talk to him but a depressed Roman turns to leave when John stops him. He doesn't want any hard feelings but "Roman" says he can't talk let alone look at him right now. Eric tells "Roman" he will always feel like a father to him and he will always care about him. Sami re-enters the room and says she feels the same way. Rex and Cassie do as well. "Roman" thanks them but says he can't face them all right now. He leaves. John asks Eric if he can accept him as his father. He says it will take some getting used to but he will try. John has always been in his life so it shouldn't be too hard. Belle asks John what is going to happen now. John says that changes will have to be made. Belle realizes this means Shawn and her are related. Shawn tells Belle it is not the time to be discussing their relationship. Mimi wonders if this may drive Belle and Shawn further apart but Shawn tells her that their marriage is over and there is no hope. Mimi decides she has no place staying there and leaves. Rex wants to go after her but Cassie stops him. Rex tells Cassie to back off and stay out of his life. He leaves as Cassie follows in pursuit.

-"Roman" is walking outside the station. He takes a picture of him with the Brady family out and throws it into the water. He begins to throw crates around and then breaks down in tears on the pier and yells out, "Who am I? I have Roman Brady's memories. I have his feelings. I care for and love his family and now I am nothing to them and have no identity. Why?!!! Why is this happening?!!" Someone then touches him on the shoulder. It's Kate. They look into each other's eyes and she holds him in his arms as he just cries on her shoulder.

-Nicole asks Eric how he is handling all this. He says he is fine. He clutches his head and is clearly getting another headache. He doesn't want anyone else to see so he tells Nicole he is going to the bathroom. He is on his way down a hallway when the pain worsens. Eric holds his head in pain but it turns agonizing and he collapses on the ground.

-Caroline asks Kayla, Frankie, and Max how they are going to handle Shawn Sr's death and now this. Kayla says they will get through it together like they always do. They will welcome John back and will keep the man they thought was Roman in the family. He deserves it and was a victim of Stefano too. Kayls is still thinking about Patrick and is clearly distracted. She wonders what he knows.

-Abe is looking for Lexie since his attorney can't find her to serve her with divorce and custody papers. He calls Celeste and she hasn't seen her either and is worried. Abe hangs up and Shane asks Abe what they can do to help both John and "Roman" deal with this. Abe says it is going to be hard to get used to but Abe says no matter who both men are he cares for them both and will do whatever he can to help. Shane feels the same.

-Hope and Billie ask Bo how he is holding up. Bo says it will take some getting used to but both men are family to him regardless of the results. He knows how the poor guy is feeling-he isn't a blood Brady but has always been treated like one so he will extend the same generousity to this man they thought was Roman. Chelsea comes in and tells the three of them she has something she needs to tell them and it is important. Max comes over and asks what Chelsea is up to. Hope is anxious and asks Chelsea what is going on. Chelsea says that what she has to say will change all their lives forever.

-Austin and Lucas worry about how Sami is reacting to the news. They also continue to worry about Carrie. She has been pretty much silent other then telling "Roman" he will always be like a father to her. They ask her if she is ok. Sami says she is fine. They ask her what she thinks about everything. Sami yells out she wishes she hadn't found that file and her father is dead as far as she is concerned. It may feel right that John is Roman and he may have raised her but she is not accepting him no matter what. She hates him and that will never change. John tells Sami that she needs to give it a chance but Sami says nothing he says can change it. Both her parents are dead and she will never call him her father so he may as well give it up. Belle tells Sami to give things a chance but Sami won't have it and tells Belle that her life is a mess and she doesn't have to listen to this. She runs out in tears. Austin and Lucas go after her as John and Belle look on wondering if they can ever unite together as a family. Belle says that mom is looking down on them and she will make sure of it but John isn't so sure it will happen.

-Greta sees that everyone else is busy talking to others so she decides to leave and check up on everyone later. Meanwhile, Nicole is worried about Eric and wonder where he is. Greta decides to use the women's room first. She is walking when she comes across Eric's lifeless body on the ground. She tries to get him to wake up and is about to call for help when Eric grabs her hand and tells her not to say a word or tell anyone. Greta is confused and wants to know what is going on as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Victor to Philip (with Maggie by his side): I am so sorry son...so sorry.

Billie to Chelsea: What is going on Chelsea? Whatever you are up to you better tell us right now!!

Kayla: Yes, I need to make an arrangement to visit a prisoner of yours...his name is Patrick Lockhart.

Nicole: I wonder where Eric is.

Greta to Eric: What are you hiding?

Roman to Kate: You need to stay away from me...I may be dangerous.

John to Sami: Are you really angry with me or yourself? Come on Samantha, let's lay all the cards on the table right now.


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