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August 7, 2006



-Eric tells Nicole she is overreacting and that he is hiding nothing. Nicole wants him to see a doctor at the least. Eric reluctantly agrees. He tells Nicole he needs her and thanks her for everything she is doing for him. She goes to take a shower and tells him to join her. He says ina minute. While along, Eric calls someone and tells them he got their message. He says things are getting worse and it is getting harder to hide it from everyone. No one can find out what is really going on and he tells the person to send him something or direct him to something to take care of the matter. Eric is frustrated and seems not to like what is being said. He hangs up and is determined to hide the truth. he gets a headache as he prepares to join Nicole in the shower but it passes and he joins her anyway. They kiss and then make love.

-Rex and Cassie are still getting over the fact that they are Tony and Marlena's children. Cassie is excited that she is a Dimera again but loved the Brady's. Rex says he doesn't plan to change his current lifestyle at all-he loves living the way he is.

-Roman comforts Kate about the news Rex and Cassie aren't theirs. Kate says Roman is a good man and that if he really isn't Roman, nothing will change. He will always be a good man no matter what. Roman thanks her and reminds Kate they will always have a special bond with Cassie and Rex. John arrives and tells Roman he needs to talk to him. Kate says hello to him but John tells Kate he is no longer speaking with her. She betrayed their friendship when she messed with Belle and he can never forgive her for that. Kate explains she was only doing it for Philip and realizes it was wrong now. She has finally seen what her actions do to her children. John is happy about that and tells Kate maybe someday he can forgive her. He tells her not to worry as she still has her job and he hopes they can still work together peacefully. Kate agrees and see Victor and goes to talk to him. John tells Roman that no matter what happens he hopes that they can get along and that their family can unite during this difficult time. Roman takes offense to John calling it "their" family. John says that he hopes if he turns out not to be Roman that Roman will still let him have a relationship with Carrie, Eric, and Sami. Roman says he has always encouraged that. John tells Roman he will do the same for him if he turns out not to be the real Roman. Roman says he doesn't know what he will do if he isn't Roman. John says he felt the same way when he was revealed as an imposter. John says he will help Roman if that is the case and so will everyone else.

-Victor is comforting Maggie. He tells her he isn't leaving her. Kate walks over and lets Victor have it for not seeing his son. Victor says he went there but could not bare to see Philip in that condition. He tells Kate he feels responsible for what happened. Kate says she feels responsible too but that doesn't stop her from seeing him. Victor says there is also the Ernesto connection as Ernesto is the one that kidnapped Philip and that is in addition to lying about Claire. Kate tells Victor that he needs to see Philip and she has never known Victor to be such coward. Maggie defends Victor and says he is a very strong man-he just needs to collect himself first before seeing Philip. Plus, he has been helping her. Maggie tells Victor to go see Philip but Victor says he will in his own time. Kate stares him down as John and Roman walk over. John says he is on his way to see Belle. Kate says she is going to the hospital too so they leave together. Roman wants to talk to Victor. He gives Victor another warning to stay away from his family and mother. He has done enough and his father's death is on his hands. Maggie defends Victor again and says he has enough to worry about. He is a good man and admitted he made a mistake. Maggie reminds Roman that Caroline is at fault too and it was Andre's plan that pushed the affair along. Roman is still angry and tells Maggie that she would be wise to stay away from Victor. He is poison. Maggie tells him to back off as Victor has been a kind, caring, good friend and a true comfort. She is a wreck right now and he has been there for her. Roman says it is her choice and reminds Victor of his warning as he leaves. Victor says that Roman is right but Maggie disagrees. Victor thanks Maggie for defending him. He walks her home.

-Abby is in Jack Jr's room checking on him when Frankie walks in. He asks her why she is still up. She says that her mother always got up to check on JJ in the middle of the night so she will have to do it from now on. Frankie says that Abby is just like her mother. Abby begins to cry and says she misses her so much. Frankie says he does too and they hug. Frankie thanks Abby for being so accepting of him given his relationship with her mother. Abby realizes why her mother loved him and says he is a great guy and he can be around as long as he wants. They talk about Max and her. Frankie asks where it is going. Abby says they are friends and there is still Chelsea. Frankie tells Abby it would be ironic if Max and her got together given her mom and him. They laugh. Abby says she is going to try to be just like her mom and take care of things they way she would've. Frankie says that Jennifer is already proud. They turn off the lights and go to their rooms for bed.

-Jack is downstairs looking through photo albums. Billie comes downstairs and says she isn't surprised to see him up. Jack is surprised Billie is there. Billie says she wanted to be there in case they needed her. She is sleeping in a chair in the kitchen. Jack says she didn't have to do that as she has done enough but Billie said she promised Jennifer she would watch over her family and Jack and her are friends. Jack thanks her again. Jack says he just sees her dying in front of him everytime he closes his eyes. Billie understands and they share memories of times with Jennifer. Billie has some flashbacks of spending time with Jennifer when they were closer friends. She regrets how their friendship soured but says she had loyalty to Hope as they are family and that played a big part in the decline of their friendship as Billie did some awful things to Bo and Hope. Jack says Jennifer always cared about her and always considered her a friend. Billie is happy about that and says that Jennifer always described Jack as the man that many women would shy away from but the man that when given a chance can be the best man and best husband in the world. Jack is touched. They look through some more photo albums and talk about Jennifer as Jack slowly drifts to sleep. Billie gets up and and picks the album up and tells Jack sweet dreams as she turns out the lights and leaves.

-Victor brings Maggie home. She enters the house and is hit with more memories of Mickey. She breaks down again and Victor tells her she will get through this and he will help her. Maggie says she can't do it and being alone in the house just makes it harder as she sees Mickey everywhere and it so consumed with guilt. Victor knows the feeling. Maggie tells him to just leave as his son needs him. She has been a nuisance to him long enough. Victor says he isn't leaving. He tells Maggie he won't leave until she is asleep and tells her some rest will do her good. Maggie doesn't think she can sleep as she will just see Mickey in her dreams. Victor tells her to try so he puts on some music and Maggie hears a song that reminds her of Mickey. Victor and her talk about her life with Mickey. Maggie says he was one of a kind and she shares memories of her years with him. Victor says that is what he wanted with Caroline and now will never have. They talk about Mickey some more and, eventually, they both fall sleep in each other's arms as Victor is talking about Caroline in his sleep and Maggie about Mickey in her sleep.

-Shawn and Belle are stunned that Claire is not his. Lexie confirms it and says that two nurses were researching Philip's medical history to treat him and saw that he shared a rare genetic marker with Claire. They ran a test to make sure and it checked out so Kate must have been wrong when she read that medical file. Philip is indeed Claire's father. Belle is upset and Shawn comforts her. Mimi thinks this means Shawn and her may still have a chance but she also thinks about Rex and how he was leaning towards wanting her back. Cassie and Rex overhear everything and Cassie sees that Rex looks a bit heartbroken since this could mean there is a chance for Mimi and Shawn. Cassie thinks it works well since they may keep Rex away from Mimi. She doesn't wish Mimi on anyone but at least she will be away from Rex. Kate and John arrive and learn the truth and are just as stunned. John comforts Belle. Belle says she feels bad to be leaning on him given everything going on but John says to just worry about what she is going through. John says everything works out for a reason and her mother is watching over her. Everything will work out. Belle says she wanted Shawn to be the father and now all her dreams are shattered. John says if Shawn really loves her and she loves him then they will be together no matter what. John just urges Belle to respect Philip and to be there for him through recovery and everything else. Belle says she will.

-Rex and Cassie tell Lexie that they are really Tony and Marlena's children and it is confirmed, meaning they are related again. Lexie welcomes them back to the family. With Tony MIA and Stefano gone, Rex tells Lexie that the mansion is hers and given what happened with Abe and her it is available to her if she needs it. Rex says he won't be moving in and Cassie is not so sure. Lexie thanks them and says she will wait and see what happens. Lexie thinks about how being nice has gotten her nowhere and how embracing her Dimera heritage may be needed to help her fight for Theo and maybe even her marriage. She may need the Dimera name and power on her side. She doesn't want to lose everything like she did the last time she acted like a Dimera but figures she has nothing to lose. Anything that may save her marriage and help her keep her son is a necessary risk so Lexie decides to move into the Dimera mansion and thinks about finding Stefano and Tony in case she needs there help.

-Kate goes in to see Philip and tells him he is Claire's father. She tells him he has something to fight for now and that he may be able to keep Belle now too. She tells him to fight and to not give up and that she is sorry for lying about Claire, and so is his father, not that it matters now. She begs him to fight to get better for his daughter and for his wife.

-Mimi asks Shawn what this means for them. He says nothing as she still lied and his trust in her is broken. They can't go back and it wouldn't be right. Shawn says that she was right and that he does love Belle and should've never married her. He tells Mimi it is over and that he could see earlier that she still feels something for Rex. He thinks she should explore that as he is still filing for divorce. Mimi understands and begins to break down. Rex overhears and seems happy but Cassie is disgusted and vows to never let Mimi get Rex. Rex tries to comfort Mimi but he loses her as she runs out of the waiting area. He wonders if now that Mimi and Shawn are over he should give her another chance.

-John leaves Belle to talk to Shawn, who wishes to speak with her. Belle asks Shawn what this all means for them. Shawn says he has alot of thinking to do and that he still plans to divorce Mimi as he still loves Belle. Belle thinks this is good news but then Shawn tells her that he isn't sure what he wants right now as so much has happened and so many have gotten hurt. He needs time to think and can't give an answer right now. Belle asks him if he is leaning in any which way in regards to them getting back together. Shawn says right now he isn't sure if him and Belle have a future at all. He leaves as Belle breaks down. John catches her and embraces her. He tells her everything will be ok as Belle cries that it won't be and that it never will be again as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Julie (walking into Maggie's house): Oh my God.

Jack (looking at Jack Jr as Billie, Frankie, Max and Abby look on): Hey, little Jack. Big Jack has something to tell you...about your mommy.

Chelsea: It's time to find out if Hope is my mother.

Greta: If Victor is my father, he is in for one hell of a shock.

Patrick to Kayla: There is something you need to know and you can only find out from me.

Shane (looking at John, Roman, and all the Brady's who have gathered): We know have the proof we need to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, who the real Roman Brady is.


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