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August 2, 2006



-Shawn tells Mimi they have no future after lies. He trusted her and she kept him away from his daughter. She played God with people's lives. Mimi apologizes and knows she did wrong. Shawn tells her she must have learned nothing from lying to Rex. He always thought of her as one of his best friends but now he is disgusted by the sight of her. He is filing for divorce. Mimi tells Shawn she understands but then lashes out at him for settling for her. She knows she was his second choice and that he would rather have Belle. Shawn admits it is true and he probably should have never married Mimi. It was wrong but he did love Mimi. He just never could get Belle out of his head or heart. They all made mistakes but Mimi made the biggest one. Belle overhears and steps in agreeing with Shawn. Belle says she wants nothing more to do with Mimi. Mimi is heartbroken that her friendship with Belle and marriage are over. Cassie walks in and takes pleasure in Mimi's pain. Mimi walks off. Belle wants to talk to Shawn about their future but Shawn wants to wait until everything with Philip plays out and until his divorce is final. Rex, who overheard everything, steps out and goes after Mimi. Cassie sees it and is disgusted that her brother is going after Mimi again. Rex goes on the hospital balcony to see Mimi. She is a emotional mess and says she only did it because she loved Shawn and was afraid of losing him. She already lost Rex and she should've learned from her mistakes but between her mother, Kate, and Belle pursuing Shawn she just couldn't resist. Rex understands and embraces her. Mimi asks why he is being so nice to her after what she did to him. Rex says he loves her and doesn't think he will ever stop. Mimi asks what this all means for them. Rex says he doesn't want to talk about it right now since he has so much to deal with. Cassie and him are undergoing tests to make sure they are really Tony and Marlena's children first and foremost. Mimi understands and agrees to be patient.

-Belle and Shawn join Kate at Philip's bedside. Belle again vows to stick by Philip through his recovery at the very least. Philip then begins to go into convulsions. Mimi, Rex, and Cassie all rush in as Kate is told Philip has taken a turn for the worse. Shawn comforts Belle as Mimi comforts Rex, making Cassie angry.

-Carrie wakes up in a cabin. A man is standing above her checking her out. He introduces himself as Dr. Hemmings. He says that her friend called him to the cabin to tend to her. He didn't want her to go to the hospital or clinic because he felt she was in danger. Carrie sees Alan come out and can't help but jump back. Dr. Hemmings asks what is going on but Alan says that Carrie and him only recently reconnected and they have alot of history. He tells Dr. Hemmings thanks and shows him out. Carrie is afraid to be alone with Alan but he explains that he doesn't plan to hurt her. He explains to Carrie that he managed to get her to shore after leaving the island. He knew whoever was behind the island plot was after her so he wanted to keep her safe. He managed to find this cabin and found a doctor to care for her. The baby and her are now fine as the bleeding has stopped. She just needs to stay in bed for a few days. Carrie cautiously thanks Alan but wonders why he is doing all this for her. He has saved her twice. Alan says he just wants to prove that he has changed. He is not a threat to her and he will prove that. He asks Carrie if he can get her anything. Carrie asks for some water. As she is drinking it, she asks Alan if he is going to take her back to Salem or to her friends and family. Alan says that as far as he knows her friends and family are still on that island. Carrie figured as much. Alan says it is best that they both lay low as they may be in danger from those behind the island mess. Carrie agrees but wishes to go back to Salem. Alan says he will take her back in a few days-once she is fully recovered. For the time being, he will take care of her and also prove that he has changed to her. Carrie, still afraid, wonders if Alan is really putting on an act.

-Austin and Lucas arrive at the police station. Sami fills them in on the Roman situation. Austin and Lucas tell Roman, John, Abe, Bo, Shane, Eric, Nicole, Caroline, and Kayla that they feel Carrie may be still alive. Someone could've taken her off the island or may have her in their care. Shane and Abe agree to launch a massive search both nationally and internationally. Austin has a flashback to sleeping with Carrie when Lucas expresses his desire to find Carrie and his unborn baby. Sami asks what Austin is hiding but he covers it up. Everyone else can't wait for the Roman situation to be resolved. Roman and John are told that the results of the test won't be in for at least a day. They all decide to go home. Sami leaves with Austin and Lucas, who reluctantly agree to go home and let the police handle the search for Carrie. Sami has a fantasy about John being her father and still can't understand why she feels so right about it. John overhears and says that it may be because she always knew. Sami agrees. John asks Sami to come to the penthouse with him. He feels they need to talk. Sami reluctantly agrees.

-Roman confides in Caroline his fears that he may not be the real Roman. Caroline assures him to wait until they get confirmation. No matter what she will always love him like a son. Kayla agrees. Caroline asks Bo, Kayla, Eric, and Roman if they forgive her for her affair. They all, but Bo, agree that as long as she stays away from Victor then everything will be fine. They understand she was manipulated by both Andre and Victor, who never got over her. Bo tries to defend Victor but stays out of it. Caroline is about to speak up and take some blame off Victor to but she backs off as well deciding maybe it is best for her family if Victor gets all the blame, even if it is unfair to him. Caroline goes back to the pub as Roman goes home and Bo goes to Jennifer's to see Hope.

-Kayla is about to leave. She sees Patrick being fingerprinted and booked. She walks by him and says she feels bad for him. She heard many things about how he saved the lives of everyone on the island they first time and how he delivered Jennifer's baby and saved Hope. Kayla asks him how his life went so wrong. Patrick says it was the Dimera's plain and simple. He knew it was a mistake to get involved with them but he needed the money and they knew about something he did that destroyed many lives. Kayla says that he may still be able to make up for what he did as she sees that he feels bad about whatever it was. Patrick doesn't understand why Kayla is being so nice to him. Kayla says she knows he isn't all bad since he saved the lives of many of her family and friends. He made mistakes and will now pay for them but she thinks there is time for redemption. Patrick thanks her and says maybe he will start now by telling all he knows about the Dimera's and their secrets. Kayla thinks that is a start. Patrick says maybe he will also admit the truth about the thing he did that got him into this whole mess. Kayla thinks that is a good idea to. Patrick is being dragged away and says that he needs to talk to her again. Kayla asks why. Patrick tells her to come and see him tomarrow. They have something to discuss. Kayla is puzzled by this and wonders what is going on.

-Eric gets another headache. Nicole tells him to take some aspirin or to at least go get checked out. Eric jumps down her throat and tells her to back off. Nicole wonders what is going on.

-Greta goes to the hospital asking to speak with the DNA lab. She asks them if they can do a DNA test for her and keep it private. Chelsea arrives there too but doesn't want anyone to know what she is doing. She recalls how Sami broke into the hospital records room several times so she decides to do that. Chelsea also recalls what she did to Bo and Hope through email and says she should be able to access what she needs from the hospital computer too due to her skills. She manages to steal the master key set from the nurses' station and gets into the room.

-Hope helps Doug, Julie, and Alice grieve the deaths of Mickey and Jennifer, as well as all the other island casualities. Billie comforts Jack and Frankie. Billie vows to be there for them as Jack and Frankie vow to be there for each other as it is what Jennifer would want. Abby takes jack Jr upstairs. Jack wants to try to tell Jack Jr about his mother but Abby and Billie both think he should wait since it may be too soon for him. Hope and Billi talk in a corner about how they need to be there for everyone. Hope sees that Billie cares a great deal about Jack and she tells Billie to do whatever she can. Billie says she will. Bo arrives and is stunned when Hope completely ignores him. Billie tells Bo to let Hope have her space. Hope asks Victor again why he is staying away from Philip. He should be at the hospital. Victor tells Hope he has his reasons and walks off. Bo tells Hope to lay off of Victor, which causes more tension when Bo says Hope told him to stay out of his parents' business when everyone got on Victor for the affair. Hope tells everyone she is going home. Alice, Doug, and Julie leave too and tell Jack, Frankie, and Abby to call if they need anything. Hope, Alice, Doug, and Julie tell Maggie the same. Alice tells Maggie to come home with her as she should not be alone but Maggie says she needs to be at home and close to Mickey. They all leave as Bo follows. he asks Hope when they are going to talk. Hope tells him she will call him when she is ready. Bo is getting impatient and wonders if he has lost Hope already. Abby tells Max he can leave. He doesn't want to but Abby insists that she needs to be with her dad right now. She thanks him for everything. She kisses him on the cheek and he leaves.

-Billie tells Jack, Frankie, and Abby they need to get some sleep. They all can't sleep and recall how whenever someone couldn't sleep Jennifer would find a movie and make a snack for them and herself. Jack said it happened alot as they Jen and him would be so wired after drinking so much coffee to stay up and finish a story. Billie sneaks off and comes back with popcorn, some drinks, and tells them to pick out a movie. Jack thanks Billie for everything and for being there. Frankie and Abby thank her too. They all curl up on the couch and prepare to watch. Billie and Frankie are about to leave but Jack urges them both to stay. Jack and Abby both agree that Jennifer would not want to kick Frankie out so this is his home and Billie should stay too since she has been a wonderful friend. They both stay and all four sit on the couch and watch the movie.

-Victor escorts Maggie home. Maggie tells him she needs to be alone and that he should go be with Philip. She wonders why he has not wanted to be with him anyway. Victor says he feels responsible because of Ernesto being involved and keeping the truth about Claire. He doesn't know if he can handle seeing Philip in bad shape and, if he wakes up, he may hate him for the rest of his life because of his lies concerning Claire. Maggie urges Victor to see his son just in case he doesn't make it. Otherwise, he may never forgive himself. Victor agrees to go see Philip. He tells Maggie to call if she needs anything. Maggie goes in her house and feels alone and empty inside. The house feels strange. Maggie looks at her mantle and of all the family pictures. She breaks down and crumples to the floor saying she doesn't think she can live anymore without Mickey. She just feels dead inside. He was her strength and he kept her from falling apart. Now she isn't sure how she will live or stay in control of her life. She feels responsible for his death as she wanted to stay on the island and, as a result, he stayed too. Plus, he saved her life and she should've never left him there when Victor dragged her away. She should've died with him so he wouldn't be alone. Maggie is angry with herself and throws a paper weight across the room. It hits a cabinet and manages to bust the cabinet door open. It is the cabinet that Mickey kept locked up because it had wine and some liquor in it for the guests they entertained. Only Mickey knew how to open it and Maggie was never tempted to find out how...until now. Maggie looks at the open cabinet and eyes the wine and liquor. Maggie says that her family is right-she can't die or leave them because they need her, especially Sarah and Melissa. She just can't deal with the pain and guilt and can't deal with it without Mickey unless something helps her. She picks up the liquor bottle and stares at it with great interest. She then looks at a picture of Mickey and recalls his words to always be strong and never give in to temptation. Maggie then looks at the bottle and contemplates a drink as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Victor (watching Kate and Belle urging Philip to survive): This is all my fault.

Caroline to Victor: I don't want to see you. We are through.

Maggie (as she throws a bottle across the room): I can't do this!!! I need you Mickey!!! I need you!!

John to Sami (who has tears in her eyes): No matter what happens you are and always will be my daughter.

Chelsea (in the records room as someone appears to be coming in): Oh my God...what am I going to do?


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