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August 1, 2006



-The rest of the islanders arrive home in Salem as a new day begins.

-Shane has men take Patrick into custody at the Salem police station. They will interrogate him later.

-Billie tells Chelsea she is going with Jack, Abby, and Frankie. Chelsea says she will join them later-she has things to do (thinking about finding out if Hope is really her mother). Max wants to talk with Chelsea about their relationship since so much has happened but Chelsea tells him she can't. She has alot to do and to think about. She then has a flashback to her rape and to finding out about Hope being her mother. Max goes with Abby and vows to be their for her. Chelsea sees them getting closer and sees she is only pushing him away and into her best friend's arms. She decides to worry about that later as she has enough to deal with. She just hopes when she is ready to talk to him it isn't too late.

-Bo wants to discuss everything that has happened with Hope but she keeps putting it off. She says they need to be with their families right now after all the tragedy and upheaval. Bo wonders why Hope keeps putting their talk off as Hope wonders if she should ever talk too Bo. She wonders if they can ever get back what they had.

-Lexie looks all over for Abe. Roman tells her he went to pick up Theo nad is headed for home. Celeste and Lexie head for the Carver house. When they arrive, Lexie discovers suticases outside with all her belongings in them. She knocks on the door and asks Abe, who is holding Theo, what is going on. Abe says he told her changes would be made and that he was through with her betrayal and mainipulations. He is done with her and she will be lucky if she ever sees her son again. He closes the door in her face before she can even hold her son. Celeste comforts her and tells her she knew this would happen. Lexie thinks her life is over and doesn't want to live if she loses her son too.

-Victor tries to talk to and comfort Caroline but she pushes him away and tells him to stay away. Her family can't see him with her. They have all been through enough. Roman and Kayla get upset when they see Victor with Caroline. Bo and John defend Victor but Hope tells them both not to get involved as they will cause further problems due to their connections to Victor. Victor backs off and vows he will be there for Caroline no matter what. He urges her family not to blame her for what happened. They should blame him instead. Roman says they do blame him and he tells him to stay away from his mother. John reminds Roman that they don't know if he is her son. Roman and John decide it is time to take a look at that file. They are both still devestated over Marlena's death, as are all of them, but they need to get this settled and Marlena would want this. Greta overhears and realizes she needs to get confirmation that Victor is her father ASAP. Sami, who was treated for her wound from being shot, gives up the file and disk of all the Dimera secrets to Shane. Hope is on her way to Jennifer's and Bo wants to go with her but he also wants to be there to read the file and disk. Hope tells him to stay with them as she doesn't need him. Bo is saddened by her comment.

-Eric gets another headache and hides it. Nicole talks to Greta about Eric keeping things from her but Greta is too focused on Victor to worry about Eric. Nicole is determined to find out what is going on, especially after remembering Celeste's premonition on the island about Eric.

-Austin, Lucas, and Roman beleive that Carrie died on the island as they never found her and the volcano erupted, destroying what was left of the island. Sami comforts both Austin and Lucas and says that she will miss her sister no matter how tense things were between them. Austin doesn't want to give up as he feels there is more to this. He just has a feeling. Roman thinks there is nothimg more going on but Lucas agrees. They wonder if Carrie somehow got off the island or was taken by someone. Sami wants to help them but needs to be a part of the Roman situation. Austin and Lucas comfort her over Marlena. Sami says her mother would want her to be strong and to be with her family. She tells them both she will join them later.

-Sami, John, Roman, Caroline, Shane, Eric, Nicole, and Bo all head for the police station to analyze the file and disk and figure the Roman situation out.

-Victor feels like an outsider. Maggie realizes she needs to tell Alice and her family about Mickey and Jennifer. Hope offers to go with her and so does Victor. He says Maggie has been a great friend to him and if he can't be there for Caroline he will be there for her. Hope reminds him about Philip being at the hospital. Victor says he checked in already and Philip is critical. Hope asks Victor why he doesn't want to go she his son. Victor doesn't answer and says they need to get to Jennifer's. Hope calls Alice, Doug, and Julie and tells them to meet at Jennifer's.

-Belle and Shawn arrive at the hospital and fill Mimi, Kate, Rex, and Cassie in on what has happened. Kate is stunned that Marlena is dead and wants to call John and Roman but remembers how upset they were with her role in Claire's paternity and she knows Roman is going through alot. Rex and Cassie are heartbroken that their read dad, Tony, is missing and now their real mom, Marlena, is dead. Belle comforts them. Kate reaches out to them too and feels like she is still their mom. Kate tells Belle that Philip's condition is critcal. His whole body is bandaged and he may need reconstructive surgery to a good deal of his body to fix the damage. His chances of survival are not promising. Belle comforts Kate. Kate begs Belle not to leave her son right now. Belle says she felt bad for not coming with him to the hospital but she had family on the island. Kate understands. Belle warns Kate not to use this to her advantage and try to guilt her into staying with Philip. Kate says she won't but she does hope Belle stays with him. Belle promises to be there through the recovery and then after that can't make any promises. Kate is happy with that and says seeing Philip so hurt by all the lies and seeing him with very little will to live has made her realize she was wrong to do what she did concerning Claire. She apologizes to Belle. Kate says she is going to make changes as she has realized butting in to her kids lives always makes things worse, especially in this case with Philip. Belle hopes Kate will hold to that and will change. Belle holds Philip's hand and begs him to fight to survive as she will be there right by his side. Shawn hears and Mimi wonders if Belle may not leave Philip after all. Mimi says that her and Shawn need to talk. They go outside. Rex looks at Mimi leave and Cassie warns him again not to get involved with Mimi. Shawn tells Mimi it is a bad time and he has alot on his mind. She understands but says they need to talk about their future. Shawn lashes out and says they have no future as Rex is listening nearby.

-Billie, Jack, Frankie, Abby, and Max arrive at the Deveraux house. Jack remarks on how different it feels now-hollow and dark. He says it is almost like all the light and all the happiness was drained out of it. Abby tells her father they will get through this together. Abby tells Frankie to join her and Jack's hug. Frankie thanks them both for being there for him. Jack and Abby agree it is what Jennifer would want and he is a big part of all their lives. Billie makes some tea for them and brings Jack Jr in. Jack Frankie, and Abby share an emotional reunion with him. Jack tries to tell him about his mother but breaks down. Abby says they don't need to do it right now and tells him to wait. Frankie and Billie agree. Maggie, Victor, and Hope arrive followed by Alice, Doug, and Julie. Victor stands right by Maggie and tells her to be strong and he knows she can do this. Hope tells Maggie she will do this if she can't. Maggie says she has to do it for Mickey. Alice, Doug, and Julie are confused about seeing Jack and the others so upset. Hope fills them in about Marlena and all the other happened first. Doug, Julie, and Alice are saddened by the news of Marlena. Jack then stands up and, with tears in his eyes, tells them about Jennifer. Doug, Julie, and Hope comfort each other. Alice, Doug, and Julie comfort Jack, Frankie, and Abby and vow to be there for them. Maggie then steps in and says she has bad news too. After breaking down once more, Victor stands by her for moral support as she tells Alice that her son is dead. Alice is heartbroken and Hope and Maggie comfort her along with Doug and Julie. Alice is sure Mickey is with his father and knows he wil rest in peace. They all hug each other in tears. Maggie blames herself as he would have been on one of the rescue boats if she agreed to leave. Alice urges her not to blame herself but Maggie can't help it. They all vow to get through everything together as a family.

-At that station, Shane gets a computer expert on the case to analyze the disk and print out the info contained on it. John, Roman, and Shane look over the Roman file and it seems to fit with what Sami and Stefano told them. It suggests that the current Roman was a pawn and that he was made to look like the real Roman looked before he showed up looking like John Black. When Roman returned to Salem in the early 90's, the plan was to set it up to make it seem that Roman/John was a pawn and that the man who just returned was the real Roman as he looked just like Roman used to before John/Roman. Upon going MIA in a ISA mission in 1997, the man that is known as the current Roman was tortured and disfigured hence the reason why he looks as he does now. John and Roman decide that DNA testing needs to be done to confirm this so Shane goes to make the plans. John and Roman wonder what will happen if this is really true. Eric, Sami, Bo, Kayla, and Caroline wonder the same as their family is going through enough right now with Marlena gone, Shawn Sr gone, Caroline's affair, and Carrie's presumed death. Nicole asks Eric how he would feel if this is true. Eric says there was a period where he did not care for John since he ruined his parents marriage but if John is Roman he doesn't know he will feel. Nicole asks Sami how she will feel if the man she has hated practically her whole life is her father. Sami remembers saving John's life on the island in the cave and calling him daddy. She tells Nicole to back off. She turns around and tears and says she lost her mother and now it is looking like her father is John. She can't understand why she feels so calm and relaxed with the thought of him being her father. She wonders what the future holds as she looks at John and Roman, who pace the room waiting to undergo DNA testing. John looks at Sami, who stares back wondering how she and everyone else will deal with all this if true as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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