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July 27, 2006



-Bo comforts Hope over the loss of her uncle Mickey. Hope wants to comfort Bo too after losing Shawn Sr. Bo thinks they are getting closer but Hope tells him not to read too much into it-they have alot to work through. Bo tells Hope he is worried about how his Victor's affair with his mother and what happened to his father will affect his family. He fears it may tear them apart.

-Kayla talks to Roman about keeping Victor away from their mother. Roman says he plans too but he says that he may not even be a Brady. Kayla reminds him to wait until they get more confirmation.

-Caroline sees how Victor is comforting Maggie and seems bothered but tries not to let it show. Victor tells Maggie he will be there for her. They were there for each other when they thought Mickey and Caroline died back in Salem and they have saved each other's life. They have bonded a great deal and he feels indebted to her. She tells Victor she just wants to stay on the island and die. Victor says he won't allow that and knows Mickey wouldn't either. She has family to live for. Maggie tells Victor to just leave her alone but Victor says Caroline is already pushing him away and he won't have her do the same. Hope and Jennifer remind Maggie that she has plenty of friends and family. Alice, Melissa, Sarah, and the whole family needs her. Maggie agrees after hesitation but wonders how she will tell them all that Mickey is dead.

-Shane tells them all they need to get a move on to the boats. Sami and Belle want to find John, who is after their mother. They sneak off together. Lucas, Shawn and Austin wonder where they went to and go off to look for them. Shane wonders where they all went and is dismayed by the fact that so many are missing.

-Kayla tells Jennifer that she may want to tell Jack and Frankie of her decision now just in case something should happen. Jennifer says they are closing in on the boats and that they have had enough bad luck in their lives with Jack dying and leaving so many times and all of them being brought to the island. It would be too cruel for something else to happen at this point. Jack and Frankie both privately wonder who Jennifer chose and each have fantasies about Jennifer choosing them. They are having a hard time waiting out what Jennifer decided, as is Abby. Abby tries to convince her mother to tell everyone now. Max reminds her that it is her mother's life but Jennifer agrees and changes her mind. She will tell them now what her choice is.

-Billie asks Chelsea if something is going on with her. Chelsea says no. Billie knows that Hope saved Chelsea's life and that Chelsea saved hers but thinks there is something else going on as she has been acting weird and was so concerned with leaving Hope. Chelsea says it is like she said, she feels she owes Hope and just wants to help. She has been through alot lately with all the crazy stuff going on and it has made her want to turn over a new leaf. Billie remembers Chelsea being missing before all the island business started and asks where she was after the night Josh died. Chelsea says she went to stay with some friends because she was scared and does not tell her mother about the rape (REMINDER: When Victor told everyone about the pier drug operation he never mentioned the rape since he promised Chelsea he wouldn't so he merely said that Chelsea ran off and went into hiding) . Hope overhears and thinks Chelsea should say something to her mother about the rape. Chelsea says she can't and won't. Besides, it is really none of her business. Hope says that Billie is her mother. Chelsea, remembering what she learned from Stefano, keeps mum and says she will tell who she wants when she is ready but begs Hope to remain silent. Hope agrees.

-Eric gets another headache and Nicole is worried. Eric again tells Nicole to back off as it is nothing but a lasting affect from his concussion sustained in Africa prior to returning to Salem. He is fine. Nicole shares her fears with Greta and tells her that Celeste predicted tragedy ahead for Eric and his family. Greta reminds Nicole of all the tragedy that has happened and tells her that Celeste was probably talking about that. Nicole hopes so but wonders if it may be something else. Eric is worried about Sami, Carrie and his mother who are all missing. He tells Nicole he is sneaking off to find them. Nicole goes with him. Greta tells Shane they are missing and this worries Shane even more as this puts more people in danger of not making it off the self-destructing island.

-Lexie tries to reach out to Abe by confessing her feelings for him just in case they don't make it off the island. Abe rebuffs her and says if they make it off she is in for some big changes when they return to Salem. He has been betrayed for the last time. Lexie worries and asks her mother if she knows anything about what is in store for everyone. Celeste says more pain, suffering, tragedy, and major upheavals in people's lives. Lexie worries about what that premonition may mean for her.

-John is on Marlena's tail. She climbs to the top of a cliff that is near the preparing to erupt volcano. She finds herself trapped as one side of the cliff is waterfall leading into a river and the other side leads into the volcano. John makes his way up and realizes he has cornered her. Marlena pulls out her gun and tells him not to move another step. Belle and Sami see John and Marlena vaguely from the ground below and decide to make their way up. John tells Marlena he knows the woman he loves is still there somewhere. Marlena clutches her head and says she is no longer anything to him. John tells her not to listen to the voices and tells her that they belong to the mind control and are a result of the brainwashing. Marlena denies that and says the voices belong to her-they are a result of herself finally being in control of her own life so she can finally be happy and not have her life destroyed countless times on end. John says he knows she has been through alot of trauma and that she doesn't remember the good times but that is because of all the brainwashing and mind control in recent years from Andre, Wendell, Ernesto, and Tek. That and everything she has been through in her life has made her the way she is now. Marlena denies it all and seems to fighting within herself as she clutches her head and is constantly reminding herself that she is control. John says she is not in control and that this is not her but a manifestation of everything he told her about. Marlena aims the gun and tells John to shutup. She fires it and John jumps to the ground. Belle and Sami hear it and increase their speed to get up to the top of the cliff.

-Jennifer is about to announce her choice when Shane starts yelling they need to get a move on now. The island isn't going to last much longer. Rain begins to pour down as a storm begins to move in on top of everything else. There is then a loud rumbling. Shane sees rocks and boulders tumbling down from a large rock formation nearby (NOTE: not the same as where John, Marlena, Belle, and Sami are) . Shane tells everyone to run. Victor, Maggie, Caroline, Roman, Kayla, Bo, Hope, Billie, Chelsea, and a captive Patrick take cover. Max grabs Abby as she screams to her parents to come on. The rock slide is coming fast and Jennifer, Jack, and Frankie begin to make a break for it. The rain makes the ground muddy. Jack falls. Frankie goes back for him and gets him up as a boulder makes its way right for them. Jennifer sees it and screams out "NO!!!" Jack and Frankie prepare to get hit but are then pushes aside at the last second. The both fall to the ground nearby as the rockslide continues. When the rockslide ends, everyone gets up. Victor, Maggie, Caroline, Roman, Kayla, Bo, Hope, Billie, Chelsea, and Patrick are alright. Max and Abby get off and run to Jack and Frankie's side. They are both fine but wonder who pushes them out of the way. Hope and Billie then find something and seem horrified. Abby, Max, Jack, Frankie, and everyone else makes theyr way over there and become horrified as well by the sight of a bruised and bloody Jennifer laying crushed underneath a boulder and some other rock fragments as the rain pours down and the screen fades to black and the credits roll.


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